Page Two Student Publication of the ARMOUR lNSTlTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHECAGO, lLLlNOlS Puhliahml Weclily During the College Year Armour; Thalia. Flown l l '6 .f‘lEEIPE Willi E’N \‘var Single Copies. 10 Centb Each‘ ARMOUR TECH NEWS 4r . .m l The Honoroiim TAU BETA PE Honorary Engineering Fraternity Tau Beta Pi is an honorary at. o. elation which was founded at Lehigh Mil-”ho fiipotihlezw ; Cleave to ”The Slipstick": let the Slapstick fly where it may. University, Bethlehem, Pit, in Juno, 1885 under tho leadership of Pro— i'onmr Edward ll. Williams. Jr., who only recently dieil77Novmnber 2. m rm . pr! . E MANASlNG BOARD Editorvinwhief ........................ Edwin N. Searll Managing Editor. ..liichard D. Armsbui‘y‘; Sports Editor ...... . . . .William B. Alien) l Business Manager ..... i lllll Robert J. Vt'hito ,‘ Walter Hendricks Faculty AdVisors .............. William W. Culvert l Eldon C. Grafton EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Nun's; Editor ............................ L. J. Bocknmn Assistants.. .. . ..F. D. Cotterman, R. R. Johnson, K. . Kercher Copy Editor. .. ...... . ......... O. P. i’reilinger Asmxtnrit .. Proof Editor. . Featui‘ ‘ . S. Nachman . l“. liumigton tol, ll. Levin . n. . . . . K. Morrison Editorial ...Brockway McMillan, (i. W. Orznshy News Reporters... ....................... J. )3. Davin, .l. J. Doudera, A. .l. Dreis, C. L. DuSell, S. L. lCii— drr, l). W. Engstrom, F. L. Fraizer, J. Galaiidzili, ii. A. Georaortn, G. F. Graham, C. E. Hillmnn, M. Holland, B. W. Johnson, L. F. Kacel, R. Knahe, W. l“. Kraemer, V. J. Kropf, J, Land, J. Laskic-l WlCZ, F. Leason, N. McGuone, D. .1. Neal, A. J.l Hagan. M. B. Stevens, E). C. Timberlnke, L. P.l l Werlein, and G. Zwisslm'. i Assistant Sports Editor .................. E. F. Mezera, Sports Reporters ..... M. Holland, J. O. Larson, 0. Tomei ‘ BUSENESS DEPARTMENT l Circulation Manager .................. F. W. Schmidtl Advertising Manager ........... R. H. lledin Business Ass tants ...... F. Dudley, E. Simek, F. A. Wertzler. ‘ Vol. Xlll MARCH 6, l934 No. iii Surprioal From a row-ht issue (ii a Chicago daily paper we learn that there is active in our midst Eli bl‘étllt‘ll of the National Student League. which, as; WU are, further informed through the some SOLH'CP, is a collegiate offshoot of the Young Communists' League. Viewing with alarm, the paper “exposes” simila" activity in nearly every college oi" ui'iiversity oi" reputation throughout the country—win some casesi giving: Il'lt‘ lltlmlJM” oi mmnhoru in each institution. ‘ 'Fhi- articlo which contains thin information also lists iweli'o poinly, (:oimtitutii ihi' {lint form of the national organ .zition. Among thaw are vigorous opposition to militm'stic war; aim—j lition of the Reserve ()fiit-vm’ Twining Corps; and opposition to the use of pnbléq‘ film; or insii» tutioiizil resources q for mé’zterizilisrtié‘ l)ill"li(}8i’.'$.l Still another purpose of the organization is tol bring: oil “disruptive demon iiumn‘oly for the purpose of lending: lmi)0ri&11‘li‘(*.i if not authority to its political telietfi. i it is evident that this report at leant furnishes. an oi’mortunity for 2m opinion along each of twol definite channels of thought. if it is untrue, Wei can find comfort in the thought that the Armour"; Tech, New: is not the only news; “sheet" in thei world which once in a while gai‘l’ilea the {extol If it is true, and more than likely it 1 indications are not alarming. For certainly if nca mistake has been made in this report, our breth- ren of the “Left” have been modest in thy vigo: ration? ..,._ *H‘i’» of their opposition and are deserving of i‘ehuktal from national headquarters for downriyi‘zl failure for heroic verse.” in the business; of being (lilsruptii‘ely (ionioiistmd live. lmleml, this seems to he likely. in ‘ it} would lirr strange if a body of close to z: thou. and: Sillill’lliS broadly representative of a varieuaiedl urhzm population (lid not include some memhersl (at the communistie party. The very fact that a (chapter of such an or— g’anization may have existed here for months‘ and may be, in existence yet without any general knowledge of its presence is indication enough 1. at its members. whatever may be their orders; from the home office, are conducting themselves as; far as we are concerned in a quiet, uecent‘ way, mii‘idiniz their own business and creating no disturbances. Thus, the man who occupies. the: next seat to yours in a mathematics class may be a communist. lit-an, a dog—fanciw. or a Seventh Day Adventist. AS long: as he (loos his; work and lets you Flo yours, hi5 political affiliations are no more your concern than are his views on theonophy or Swiss hell ringers. ii” thin or any other topic of national and inter- national scone interests any students, the News will be glad to print any comments concerning them in the Letter 80):. Merely address your communications to the Armour" Tech New; and drop them in the News hox near the elevator. l l 1 80 may he he also 2t i’epub- ' a g r Delia!» w Nut and 30“ "pin is a llii'eo—i-ighthu i Here’s what she wrote: “A bolt in a thing like a stick “it“ “ware «livnlod ' diagonally and one of 1 end. A nut is similar to the bolt only just the opposite, wrinkles around the inuide of the hole." , mum-1;! iawthe i money.” ' and regarded her thin legs anxit i l l l 1933. In: purpose is to confer dis-l 0" With ”W WNW" tinzrtion upon those Stndunts who 0% with the fun, C (,1- On with the Slipxtick The sludvnts do hum. l l have maintained a high grail scholarship and to foster ii spirit of liberul culture dents. There are, now sixty-six thapteru iin engii’ieerinp: throughout the country. and there are numerous in engineering stu» Our laughter prolong They shout very strong Enjoyment wt crave colleges Making laugh!” in mmmo’n. F0" we're Slimllfl‘ slaves. nctive alumni associations in the larger cities. The chapter at Ar— !" wxponsc they do find inour Institute, Illinois: Beta, was One With humor '5'” mil“! founded May 2‘2, 190% umlor tho “"5 "LAW” the column leadership of several members of thel‘ senior class. {i a w ‘ l Beta chapter of llllIiOlR was the fourteenth Chapter to bel i.»>.liil’ili.~ilieZ/ers, too. ii‘our oysters mot a V t of mill: Ami they were my} or stow. n r: r: l , l ’l‘hr- fraternity each yi-ar in thv fall hay. a national convention to which} delegates from all the chapters aw mint. limit fall lllinois Beta was, hour l to the umvontion, whilv next year's Financialiut: “What this; country media is: more h‘llah’ifili‘ convention will he held in New York. are h»ivl regularly and the program ioi activxtiea includes .L'Hveml smokers, and WW5 l two pledgings, and two initiations lrlui'irip: the your. The local chapter is a memlwi- oi" the lnterhonm‘ary lifi'eilfiriiity (lounril and participates; ’ri the functions sponsored by that organization. Each fall the chapter awards a sulim-ription to an engineering mafia» to the highest ranking: fresh— ‘man, scholasticully, in order to create linterost in the ideals for which the Too long m, wed from 2,} junk heap i fraternity stands. The choice of the [We wash, bowla. all whoxe edges; slope ,magazine is left 130 the TOCiPlfl‘m 0f At angles; graceful, but 30 sleep lthc award. l Meetings of this Armour chapter Mnylio our Fulll’lel‘ checks villi he stood of. Just. l a . 2; I» 'l‘hv actress stood before her mirror, in doublet “l’m not exactly a poem.” 53m .- 9. "but l may pass 95‘ >3 3 Buyr‘r: “How much was (lost, (~v-ll2ii's‘?” l Salesman: “Two for a qua " Buyer: “How much for Vim?” Sales :an :“Fiftoen cents." Buyer: “Giff me do ()(ldei' Vim." >i »r- 4,: zine, They simply will not hold, the soap. _ Membership 2 r: It ' The list of honorary members of the association ineiudes President~ Don: “Have, you forgotten you 0W9 me five dollars?” ‘ Ed: ”No, not yet. Give me time, and I will.” emeritus H' M‘ Raymond, and Pm” ,é ,, .‘ ,fesmrs G. F. Cebhardt, ii. McCoy. lmacli, J. B. Finnegan, and C F. Paul. lln addition, the Cycle list:: the names ioi‘ twenty il‘ltf'mllei‘fl of our faculty as l members. Civiliwfiion France says it is art. England says it is conquest. Ital says it is son”. . . . . J y > . . . b . l The active members of the leanlfi apan says it is imitation. l B t 1 t _ N' F (‘ lb 1 chkhawk’g say it is H71! : E ii amp ei an, . . ..l .o urn, .i.. .. l president: L. llimtten, VII‘A‘—])T(‘>il t; H _ _ _ > . _ E. W. ilosxwillor, recording secre— Dnd: You are always behind in your studies." tai'V‘ l l“ i‘ir'lii'einer r-m‘rw finding Son: “W’oll, you see it gives me 2: chance to punuc «eclet'ivv' I {,3‘ Kulvh (. l gm?!” them.” ‘. , (-. , ., . . . .. i. . i: v; R. .l. liflum. ‘ Edimm mm: This ii; in find of l in series of m'i‘iolm omn‘ar‘rtiug 1312a frafor'niiie'a Armour. l v) w (: ,, mt R. W. Simian. .l. .l. AllL‘l'll, R. l). _ I V l. i . A. i‘lleisrxiivi‘. ll. i\ll’0l>§~ “Heaven Will protect the working girl.” but who will 1 man. »_ , Kuohn. s (;. lmhnunln, WW?“ the guy “”95 WWW"??? iii 4;. Lundin. i.. .3, Mollonulil, and . , . i And so. fond readers, all comments and contribs are] welcome until the next iiisue. E. ii. i: (mo ram; a . 'l'uemlay, March 6. ”if”: §W~Sfimwy>432 W. From 27 gin/ii . .. . . illNl’E‘. STRQNG SYSTEM \Veliled together by common policies and ideals, i l :fi :1 l the 27 Bell System companies work as one. Operation is in the hands. of 24 associated tele~ phone Companiesm each attuned to the area it serves. Scientific research and manufacture of appara~ l’us are dolcgatcd to Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Elcctric. Cenordination of all System no tivlties is a function oil the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. 'l‘hzinks to the Skililll teamwork of these many liell System units you can tail»: to almost anyone, anywhere, unytim ,l i7 lililull. 'l7l3l.l€l9lil®Nlfi SYSTEM (Gill Q. l V. 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