I “’1 king an active, part for _ , departmeixt, service HWOulydy; ber axi asset to any; may in , , ., fire“ inSm-a ce speakers," This is (this, ' , ’ made], by, Frank C.’ McAyul, _‘e’,, chie’f ' the , Fi {, Ihsuranceflpatr’o] ' etihg held laSt‘yFriday he FireiPromct'ou I: ' tY ' “Some people [today thmk ,that wage Work should be [done , . _ his most of thegfir * 1 Chicagopthou Ivag'e Vcor' 1, Dr. {Sch’erge Greet , ‘théi’buildihgfl ié mimic: e; w 11(10qu " ' r I allyry'merk'éhandiséj , , “her ' Dime, butwthc mariny'ything is’ ' her'things "away- from Thése; were "the statéfie‘h’cs I ade b Chzef McAuliffg , In the Ypllbwingk'quqtatioh, Frinkelmgi’ves- his (ml ’ion’, , [0/ havé avei‘siofi',to_acé ,_ , taking," and persistent rhard’ audit/o have [aversion 'to ,hyafd’ may ' is to fail to secure a”1ibera1kducyzi 6n ' to make» further , ,LaSt’ Thursday; Chem; ‘0 [that a ' [the A1 ,, as she’ld Vla's’t ,Tihu‘r ’ "(Ia-Y to ,elect'fifi cers The 'V'otficeyrsy' Gosswflle airy trea‘sureryTyh _p , , _ , Beta Pi, Norman E]. Colburngsauy’toa atidélly preVSidént/of’th'er Ih’térhon- 'h , ‘ atemen‘t‘ g , benefitedz y’a’ryj banquet weré fdi decided, tha: ' ' A. committée bf fidebhn'L Breny/nyér andflJgjhh‘E.,Schr:¢i’ner, was apps: ted , he , best / , _ térhonotaryyyv (lame held sonm‘nimeyrduri r the‘secf: j-,Commander TE leéner; 1 _ was 0 bred rby'a Visit qf'tl1é' on __ he’f'omc vh i’éetéd 1 him 'Séher- I " ,gerrih'ad ithéDonfitunit’y [to :6bser’ir’e at, clOsg ianyge‘r'th , 'ualitie’s of flu; air- man which make him reallyy'great— not only, as‘an e ' _ ype ,o’ffma'n' , Whoynir‘chiykh'en ,pic’tufeyras ‘a,3he1‘o,"r: Said/'IVDrLScherger. “He, isblufi‘, , minted, and " hugely 1wcon§ciou9 'of ’ ‘ b’ t " 'Whilc . audithus, fail to competeiin that fie’rcfe ' and Vigomus, struggle, for the highes , and ther'ti‘ues/tiand the’r'béstjn'lire securel , at Sohthwes’ce'rnyyUh’ive’ sity went [row a/hiékelkrfor‘? ,ph'ohei ,aékedr' the, sécretary' t9: aydd'yit’ 136 the union; hm, ; , Lth/e,’ dean’s} Q’f’fiéé to f by , Which/only the’kzstrdhgr’wn hope/1:6 , , , , , , /, 33, Llcczrn MXE’fiéyTDISACCO er but as 'a per; , L dominating! “Mme? government? for / L ' gavei~nfn'ent : Italy, 'gr’cat, (1e 1 , and ‘thé péopie libe af,,22eppe1'gn f 1" " r; 0 lone/of , _ 311913 in thawqfl’d h)- dayyif not ‘ ' 5céedyihg‘ly loyal ab], _ , , tho 1‘» ime . whpm ,héfl , ' With 'the 1, Nazis; [Hitler inoqt to“ be, a vould be thé turf: I Shofild' IIitIei‘, xe 1 _, on, Io al,,»as'beyo'n_d_ «doubt 1 140;, {in has quit. sufficyi éayuuysc sh anal VI mafia} _