‘ tober 11,Un,ive)'(s'1ty,r01" Wisconsin" 1113111, s'e'nt' a prominent official in the ~"B'ig"'1‘e'11"y football cenfei'en'ce. 'c'lub Lof'C,111',c'21'go' 1110111 on' October 4,' UniVer'sity of. Chicago alumni 0110(1- ' alumni (111 thtohoi‘, 11,’ to the We but to. subject 11101111111211 to a, ’,'and, the',c,n13to1n did 111124 “01" the inétitut'ion', “and 10,1151:un tly, loyalty. 't'o {the tradition by '0' ,the' 00111ng yem'. ' stru ggle 011d the information he gave wait; in-,' estin'g' and 21110112111111.9111: 1121,2510"- ’ceive'd 'sev'eialf very, nice lettei's, of 't'h'ankg' and appreciation {1010 his list ' Sophomore 110016011011 11,0 E Runflff Fmflay ,, uclasLsL in 'st'lll 111111221110, Who will' 1.611 the offices of vice. president and Seei'otary for ih‘e'd men have been placed thi'o'ugh the office. Of, this, number, seventy- . placement office has been , ,men, with the necessary ex11'eiie'11ce’,,"' 'Lunig 1115' election, Was '/ ’ last s'u'mme'r has continued the fall lnonths.'0c'tobe,1,, to L has been the" busiest- 'month; i11"n1'11"n her of' men 'pl'oc'e, ce 11120111.; "Th'A1moii'1,'Mis , 111' 1885' with, a bequest fron'i Joseph _ , p D" ,, engineering 'and, , insofar as it is reflected the demand for trained men. ',ExperiE-nce 15L Lacking, Altogether, more than three! rhun? ' five, are in jobs which Lqimli'fy, 11nd h ending at ‘pei'r'nanont 'pi'ofes siona' employment? 1' h , or" many years; 51.11 ,11; employed either in tempo ’, 01' in non-technical capaoit 'The principal difficult 'th'ir 1111011111011 21ml 't'o' hea'i' to (11111132101- the positions whiEh' L L are opened. “The employei, in' most: , 'enses,’,’ said Placement Officer H. K ‘ . 1 " 'Sonterhber 1 1.0,August .11,,instea"(l ‘,' ,presenm’,’ “yea; ," 'be Wiibm' Frag 13.15., 0. ,Zwissaler,' C. [.'12 while 1‘01 Those who were. elected ' ,ohservzincé, res alts, in loyait'y to t'l'u ",s'cho’ol.’ ' IMPO'SiNG , 'serva'riee. off tr'ad1tion is common! mac: 'tic'e. A' nppemlessinzin 0011,11; "01.11134 y 21 in'iple plurality are, to here'— 'leetion' cOmmittee, 111 "time 213, the 1215' atives: Charles,F01~1,'F. Pr ,, , 6111113111,, ,E' 1%.; John Kahlcs, L 143.: Geo'rg'e Ormshy, Seq, Ted' 11,2111: ', ‘ ‘otOwski; ." and 'Bob Schinidt; M A C 'S 1151011111012; hips , ., mo'notbnoixs activities that {time takenr (place here in the past. THE UNIVERSITY ,of,'Mi'ehii,L',1inL {liven T0 Chemicals , 'goes a step, farther-',' and possibly a < < - ~ , < ' ,, step', too, far, by ruling 'all Violator, 0t , the"‘eaprt1'adition” ineligible to ,try' out, for 'uLniveESity Lpuhlioationé,'nn(,l ’ student union activities. CAN WEWELLAME' the freshmen , of Armour 'foi',non-'ohse'1'vanee?' ,'C'an aiwe name the high Spirited, sophoe' ,',,1nor,es' ,fo'r' ',e'Xaggei'ated enforcement? , We can, not, heeau'se to date thefe he's , 116011,;10'c'0111'mittee 'or' 'coun'cil 'oi'g'a , i'zeti' for" the express purpose of 1301111 ,ing' the custom on a. rigid, hasi's'.,Tl,1e “idea" exists, but (its, intei'pi‘eta', on, , ,v'a 'es cons1de'r'ably. ' ' ' ’ T'LI'L'E'A'ST' 1253130111 time some ', grout; established the customary ' ',dea'dlin‘e, f"o'r the wearing of green, ’ cops, with 1"oper ceremonies. 'hnry,,' Ch. E R; Fen ,. , .L. E.;' C.'P.'G1'ak"aVae,’ .Pat't'erson, M. E; J'lab'o'rs. rewarded at lea'st partially '.'t’o'r their They will' each receive in' return for these l'a'ho'rs' a, year’s 5111' 'dent' membership in 1119' American secretary 11161111111 B‘Eeig, E. E.' and' 'Joh Scott, , Tho’rcoinnait'tee , onsis'ts' of, the depafitment te'prcsen- ' -,, , plica'tione ',will ,l),'e 211511111111 before Tennessee Valley 1111112151131, ','emd construction 1110212111113, outlined? 11' ,any, opportunity to gain Hperien'ce, are handicap}; , Alhe'1t'M'. ”,ccmno'mic's ' 'Se'v'ei'oi Eom'pa'nies sentieipntmgnn upturn in busin, 1., however; 1111'. ’Lnni'gai- 'w'ent (m' 'to 32131,,1121'1'! hired and busincasp turei'f in management; 'Cléiii 'C. ,01- ' ont'hs' 'o'i',‘ 111210110111: training. liiéheSt hopes 1'0'1' 'eivilengin'eeré; g, and atohitectn seem to " ' ment WQI'k'.’, According iii" corresponden 1'10(1,'O"Yl by the T’laoement 091" '9, ;', and departmental 1 'Aug'u'at '1, 19,34 ' P 0 ogmphei's' 1:0 ' ,m'eetmpr 0,1, the: Chm anche'S' to attend" L,1'11t,1,"on wLu'E changed" 'to extend from: consisted in the adoption '01., ther' 21 " yeei' 0111111115,. , lBaCcn 13.11 01,111 11035111111121, (1 onpe‘LWhmh Will; ' L'M'etho'd For the Rain ' ' ' Compounds , Armour 'Institute’ s, 'Boui'o'l of T1115: ,1" , act in the some capdcity, for: ' LiTher Institute, . q , 111'le ,Vintent 11' “11ontf1‘run hkiss‘ 10110117011 'othei, ,, , t' , 'eontinuntion 01: This; is U,l,11'1'21'do<511,(,1 1501,1211! [211111 1 1110111211; D'utton'} lee-, " ,eo'mrnittee, has been (:orni'ileiv'e'd by 1.00 ' ' 1721111 11.011121111111111 ,The 11100, embodied waitch 'ehn'i H0111 1311231 Meeting ' 1, Thursday in' the ",'" l :00" ’ inine', year '21,;(1 ~ g interefit ,in, the " 111 'Chemieai'" Society and a 'cho'ice of 21,.' {yet-.135 Subscription to any one of' the - , . . 1 21"l of ' ,the' Americanr Chemical Society, 111—] dustijial 'and Engineei'ing' Chewistry, 7Ri'char'd,Be1'ge1',,'W2.l'terL L Gondecson', Fhillip' Henoch, A'rthu" gEu,1'rop'e',' which" is making" 21nd 5112.114 11 ' 19101101111911.1111: of. the , world history, thén'Nei'vs has 01111511110111, 'Jo'hn ',HuLmis'to'n, Fred," Noer'e’nber'g, Jack. Wei1a11d', and” Howard Young'krant, re the, ,s't'u- ,'de'nts to' benefit. 01411112111131, 2, ”st (lent membership costs, six' 'doilars or the year and 11021211011211: 'extrzir is; ,chargeiir for, the, ,'magazine sixbsLe, 111011., , 'The' eonvention 01,.Lt'h'e'A'me11c'an Chemical Society was/11911121911111], has 'been', Lill sineer 'tured his skull " when 'an infection 'de' , _ , , remarkably, Lsh’ort' time a condition 15 “Winteii'ts, the, American, p're'ss, is doing" ' Germany, and wk '1: , 'ex'ne'c'ted.'M122R1'0.B'u'tt' ,_éngin'e’er for the 'Vz'i'cuu'rn Oil Corn—g ',’ pony; Inc.' Will be the guest poa'keij. , '211d D , , , 'ger, "‘rcally u'ndei's'tand 'Hitlei', '61; 2 . ‘ , h' " 'h' - ' ._, 11 1t 11 e ter the significance of what, game :5 231111118 "'ale' which, has" “been in the domLps” its h'Est to 1111,1(1dle, up the, isSues 'eVe'n ed' person, “must admit that (Germany ' has not ,r'ec'e'iv'e'd 21,5 were. deal since Answe'rs' Definite Q'iuesiio'ns , '1’ 'q In order ”to niake the ,discns'sion' ,intern'ationzil 'li‘n'eup', has 'don'e. th' LG e'rman inorale.’ Howevei'f the position, at “Ger- e','“the last, war", Every faiir' mind-' , The s'p'eake1 is ie'p'mt'ed ,to' , position to give. '21 talk of 'inte St ’ “all' technical men, and especially r'to' h' inechoniea'l engineers, who haVes 21nd inainte'nance'L '.'M 'E ale, 11,;‘g'ed to' attend." ,uneq'LuiVocal, stand, ' ' ' 1121's '1'1'ass'ed'WO11' ahead 'of 1213 'Vdiiertsx'n, (:1 <1 ()1; 1 'AboutLthi1ty'1ne111b'e1'shipn'ppli ' ” L 11c e111 ,Ai'mo'm' ' Packing, "egaijd t0 the 1151011110; , government; Land it can 'a'l'most' ,, d that she has, heen, alienated, win 11', the Germans, haV always '1 ,Iii's'ide' of 2,1,1110'nth the A. I' , l ‘ ‘ ection, t1 eOnsi(l,e"1',ed 21111111 , , , 'h'ounc'ed' in ',the 11011117111311“: , I Conihnny ,,