Page Four hdklkllitlb Elli blithl‘g hhllihllh Willi hlSlliil‘EEhd Techmen Meet First Defeat of Season North Central Wins 32-26 A fighting Tcehawk five, under the balcful eye of the renowned “North Central jinx” dropped a hard fought game to the Naperville quintet by a score of 3226 last Wednesday night on their opponent’s floor. Yuknis, big North Central forward was the high point man of the game scoring 10 points with “Springs” Christoph, Tech forward, a close second with 9 markers. Except for the first few minutes of the game in which Ar- mour jumped to a 6-2 lead, the home team led throughout the contest. The Napcrvillc sharpshootcrs would not be denied and early in the second half built up a 29—15 lead which lat- rer proved to be just enough to win. The Kraftmen put on a determined rally near the close of the game that brought the Tech total to 26 points and caused the North Central squad no little anxiety. Techawks Start Fast Al Lauchiskis started the fire- works by tapping the opening tipol‘f to “Pop” Warner, who quickly ad— vanced the ball into opponent’s ter- ritory. After a few preliminary man— euvers Capt. Pflum started a fast breaking: offensive that finally en- abled Gene lHeike, pivot man on the play to sink the ball through the rim on a pretty over-shoulder shot. On the next play the Naperville five gained possession of the ball and tied up the score on a short shot by Spiegler. A bucket by Christoph and free throws by Hoikc and “Christy” ran the total up to 6-2 in favor of Ar- mour before the North Central squad got going. Unleashing a flashy at- tack that brought a flurry of bask- ets through the execution of some of the finest block-plays seen in the Mid— dle West, the North Central has— ‘koteers quickly tied the score and gained an 18-1/1 advantage at the end of the first half. North Central Increase» Load Starting the second half the “big red jinx” continued to find the hoop from all parts of the floor with every man on the team sharing in the attack. Many a potential Tec— hawk score was stopped when a Na- perville guard would intercept a pass midst a fast breaking offensive. Midway through the final period the home quintet were the proud pos- sessors of a one-sided 29:15 score. At this stage of the game the En- gineers, unable to stop the vaunted North Central attack, showed their fighting spirit and pluck by starting an offensive drive that outscored the North Central sharpshooters to such an extent that a margin of two has- kets and two gratis tosses separated the teams at the final gun. Unable to sink the penalty shots the Tec- hawks headed by Christoph and Heike started to push in the ball from all angles during the many wild melees under the basket. Just be— l ARMOUR TECH NEWS Phi Pi Phi’s Nearing Another Basketball Title: The two semi—final games in the Inter-fraternity Basketball tourna- ment were played last week. Results show that the Delta Tau Delta team is the squad picked to play the Phi Pi Phi team in the final game. The Delts gave Triangle a dose of By Ray Fleiasner I the latter’s own medicine by provid— The beating at the hands of Neith ] ing a winning margin of one basket Central last. week was more than just third straight victory for the Naperville team over the Techawks, thus leav- ing another day for some Tech team another defeat. It was the to defeat the North Central jinx. Having won the last five games on ‘1 in the overtime period. Triangle had previously beaten Theta Xi by one point on a last minute basket. The Phi Pi’s had no trouble in " ' of the Phi Kaps, maintaining a fair lead tn lead by a twenty-point mar- g-in. The final game between the Phi the 193233 schedule and the fiist two on the present run, a victory over North Central would have been the eighth straight win, with a clear chance for several more before an- other tough team was encountered. Now we’ll have to start all over again. Reports have it that the North Central game was a loose. sluggish contest on the part of both teams. A greater number of fouls was called on the Naperville players, but the Hawks refused to piofit, and did not sink their usual percentage of free Pi’s and Delts was played on the armory floor yesterday. Track Schedule Practically Complete Hawk trackmen have begun train— ing for the coming season and the schedule to date shows tough going ahead for the runners. A large num. ber of colleges have abandoned track, and as a result relatively few dual meets comprise the Tech schedule. The annual Tech Relays head the list of intercollegiate meets, including thro ws. Play Alumni and the C. A. A. U. meet, the Butler re» lays, the Central Intercollegiate meet at Notre Dame, and possibly the Elm- Chicago Normal This Week The onionents this week are the Alumni, who are being gathered to- gether by Otto Kuchn. and the Chi— three straight but is due for a set-l back any minute now. The Alumni lineup will look something like this: men will scheduled for January 13. The meet cage Normal team, which has wonlis hurst Invitational. The first show-clown for all track< be the Interclass meet, a toss-up between the sophs, juniors and seniors, and the fresh— men, as usual are the threatening dark—horses. Mam, f. Carlson, f. Beemsterboer, c. Rossing, g. Setterberg, g. Boxers and Wrestlers Show Off Before Professors At the annual Christmas party held by the Faculty last Friday, part of TECH ALUMNUS AlDS ATHLETMZ PUBLECHTY An arrangement whereby the rc- sults of Tech athletic games will be taken to the daily newspaper offices earlier and more often, has been made through the aid of an Armour alumnus, George L. Opper, a civil grad of 191.3. His office in the Wrigley. building will be used to make connections between the scene of the Tech games and the newspa- per offices in the downtown district. ing and a wrestling match. The box ing‘ match was a preliminary bout of the tournament, in the 127 pound class, between Graham and Way, with the bout ending in a draw. Frank Talaber and Hex-m Sumner tussled in the other match of the evening, with Talaber the winner. The gladiators put cheer into the hearts of the professors despite the fact that other entertainment was forthcoming. Ventriloquist in the Crowd? At the play presented by the Dra- matic Club last week, the audience persisted in assisting the performers in the production of sound effects. If the lads would save their noise for the games, we’d have a real cheering section. TRIGONOGRAPH A”) in 1! quick Calculator and complete , rluonomctric Function ' ble. ‘ Shows. all functions in one on- Proportions. Stress and other problems in Me- chunlcu. Trigonometry t tlmu Size Non-warning: made clear for the nuver i'nr Instructors Inch. Durable Cardboard 50¢. Pyralin $1.50 Postpaid. 5. RONAY Box 254 the entertainment consisted of a box- Clsvolantl. Ohlo Tech Boxers in Annual? Tourney The Armour manly—urters will get a chance to demonstrate their prow- ess officially on various days this week. when the long- awaited intra- school boxing: tourney is run off. This is the chance for those having a se- czet desire to throw lists, but who are held down by tendencies to mod- esty or intensive education. Gmham and Way opened the suc-- oession of events in a battle before the turkey diners—professors, trus— tees et Sonny Weissman. Rosa and Goldman are also paired in the 127 lb. division. The following fighters are listed at 135 lbs: Schultz V. Bothwell, A. Anderson vs. Roscnthul, and W. An~ derson vs. R. Fleissner. Snashall (how the bye in the 142 lb. pairings. Other bouts: Fricde vs. Kirkpatrick, and Schneebalg vs. Geer» arts. The middleweight boxers should provide plenty of resin-rais- ing. The lost weight represented will see F. Smith fighting Vounittag, and Ncice mixing with McAuliii'e. FreiA lag is certain of passing the iiist round—he too drew a bye. MEAT. VEGETABLES. 3” 7 Woolworth DESSERT. COFFEE. TEA OR MILK. . . . Tuesday, December l9, “333 HOLHDAY SPORTS CALENDAR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19 Basketball ~—— Armour Tech v5. Alumni at Armour. Boxing—Boxing Tournament, pre- liminary rounds, in Armour Tech Gymnasium. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20 Basketball —— Armour Tech vs. Chicago Normal at Armour. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 Boxing —— Boxing Toumament, Finals, in Armour Tech Gym FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 Basketball ~— Armour Tech Vs. North Central at. Armour. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 Basketball ~« Armour Tech vs. De Paul at De Paul. 5A'1‘URDAY, JANUARY 13 Basketball M Armour Aunustana at Angus-tuna. 'l‘rack—~Inteicluss Track Meet in U. of C. Fieldhouse, Tech vs.’ - Mir. REWMEM are m firearms»: nrmucmcmime. ‘ WWWME-mflmwtfl no WW Till: amen nesrnnnanr A DAlL‘Y ARMOUR SPEClAL including BREAD AND BUTTER. .25c Phone Victory 0660 Free Transportation for Students-«Auk About Details fore the close of the game the score stood 30-26, North Central. The final! basket by Spiegler enabled the home , spectators to breath at little more} freely just as the gun sounded. l l . l BOX SCORE NORTH £ENTRAL~32 B. F. P Young, g. ............. 1 0 4 l Yuknis. r. ............. 4 2 25 Dillon, c. . . 4 1 1! Berry, 1'. . 1 0 2‘ Spiegler. g. 3 1 0 l Shoop, c. 1 0 lj Bleck, g. . . 0 0 1‘ Shifl‘ler, f. . . 0 0 0i Smith, 2. .............. 0 0 0 l Blchofi’, f. ............ O 0 01 ’Totals .............. 14 4 l l, ARMOUR—.26 B. r. P. 'j Christoph, f. .......... 4 1 0 , Hsike, f. .............. 3 l 2 , Warner, g. ............ 2 0 3 l Dollenmaier, g. . 2 0 l l Lauchiskis, c. . . 1 0 3 l Pflum. g. . 0 0 1 l . 0 0 1'1 ......... . 0 o 0‘; Totals .............. 12 2 11 l Umpire — Os“ Referee m Glick. borne. l A MATCHLESS BLEND IRWINfi «WWW-Wk (A; Right)——Again Jafiec makes a thrilling finish as he speeds to victory! Winner , of 1,000 medals and trophies, including ’fi . three Olympic Slmtlng Championships, (glib, Jaffee has brought the highest skating fig” honors to the U.S.A. Asked recently if he was a steady smoker; Jaiiec said,“Yes --—but that goes for Camels only. I have to keep my wind, you know, and healthy nerves." You’ve often seen his name and picture in the papers—Jailed the city-bred boy from the U. S. A. who beat the best that Europe had to offer, and became the skating champion of the world 1 Speak- ing of speed skating and cigarettes, Jaffee says: “It takes healthy nerves and plenty of wind to be an Olympic skating champion. I find that Camels, l "”ii‘li“l{‘{l¢‘."'l" .‘ {igllllll ,4? z ziwtre, M» iii" lie). Rinse. as. a. “Estes: eon MAWW no ltd ”ll-M wanton @blhhllllllfibl fildll‘l’filk “lie in? .1; because of their costlier tobaccos, are mild and. likable in taste. And, what‘is even more important to a champion athlete, they never upset the nerves.” Change to Camels and note the dif- ference in your nerves. . . in the pleas- ure you get from smoking! Camels are milder. . . have a better taste. They never upset your nerves. Begin today! Copyright. 1983. B- J. molds Tobacco Comusm