Editor—1114011 ,y Davidson ._Sports Editor . ' , Fleissher’ , _V'P’I:15in€5 :Manag‘er , ' '24,.0Ja'1rence Clarkson ', an , EDITORIAL m: ARTMEN'W News Editor 1 1111157917.", W B. , , Cott'erman’, J. B. Davis, K E. I'Dunn,A Highman,0 E Hillman,J F. Humis— , ton, R. R. Johnson, ’1‘. F , F Kro], J. .Lanng Laschobe’r, H Levin,’ E J W'hite ' ay 24",19'33 : ,3, Tag Athlettcs , , , ’ 'a1 Armani? Tea 11 A3111) held Jast Monday, 1 1»Jo'y lighLedypyrhi ' ,And lifé seemed? v. , ' he’ (1 found a parking :11: '30 36¢ Was e, f the party?” '3 he only one Who ,_ 1d 4 ANTS anyené St lella: A evil the wor “Kentucky Kunnel” LUCKETT were $73309 111 whic ,t the , recipients of second medal ' ;awmds while Seniors COLE KUBI- ’ " V GEK and SKUBIC were given me Lions. Besidefl the members: of the , a. emphixsizi g'thezdeméfi‘ali hgeffects , , ' ' ' ‘ ‘1. :a 13119332; ra’pmposal,8a , _ , - ' H ' _ a’ chuilman of the architectural de— f {otLhkws found that as he had hwy; ' ar'tment M the B'eaux Arts In'sti- " We we? second TeLhaw to teach Caesa ” ces’sioh instead of the mar , ath‘ie’cic development and cone .mom Settles doWn- , [The nimbl one: “Better go was] 11kg :11 11:53.3 1112 ver 1 a bette 'time would be had by all.