rumour}; _Ga1’:(ani, A” ' "rrorsrw Ilia, ( Bziu , Bicgler Dredge]; ‘8 Iignw mxecxm Lllhu ,Adamécy Drendel. r‘ ,Stumen ‘Buchnc, ‘ ‘t Mayer; 15 ,in ,4 ‘ innings. Off Schum ' _ ’4' in S Johnaon', hf. mLind, ,1 . aem Winning Pitch Masai U , [TOTALS Armour ’ IT, Buumol, “Bud ,'th9-,fig‘mngfi_ , , , , , , pounded Zacr’OSs seven, runs 'tordefeat' l , “big red 3m 9, ’ , , , , _ b ’1' “a Macadam the past seaséngbutfmso’gave flan, ,, TechaWkS ' aXfi £t5r~fifty ‘ ‘ ' foygArmour, butrit wasgno _J Vdayyfor the; Napervill'e tgiamf gut Georgefirin the third " ’fivé'times. F H were'ydoublegsk mpiremNa' rs 1m DELTA TAUDELT’A .asc‘iléi'ridayhigm," format t _ ’ ,Aéhv ' Carbfinayr“ Wéék at her house irécemlvn , time wasi’affbrded t , those' é / at ch 213. ' 0m ypirig-qung'q' 'iteam' limt' Thurs'da ,. mm still'qcm'aihs unbeaten, 'and awaits, horrehalqunge ‘ " ' ' mp‘ug.” , _, tv, were , dis‘cu nfifrcrlng. and min: ' inn mmnun of n m, m; , wading/M mu .1: of 4m w mm n. ,l‘ Nu anMot , y 0 _ ouvaNln,mpKLn'r.’m-'u.wng p MIN cm Mmlvm”. mxpu'ml .lmm (I ‘ , uhl. mm