' " ,f'ul 11ml to e'st'abl h' '1ts,cl:1in1' 'a1"' ' ;'13'v'1'1'11'1«e,3131311111" ' 00,0" "t1"ac ,New 'Mee'i': 'Recor'd's' E's'tablishea, , , e11,tlm:insts,gatheyed,in thé,,11()\\"' Since the 50 vaul'events of 111e- Chicago' , ,uco'lle'gzes 'of 't'he , o1 ’ 11111911 (K1911 be t efi‘mj'ts t0 make 'he' 11' the "_’70 'yayd event's Sat rday will ' taud 'a's' Arrr'10m' Invitational R'ec-' , ’ for the (:0 111111; year. In ,fac't: 5 part1 a' 2, ’ ’ ry'a1d da'sh, one of 7. 6 seconds in 'the' 1 ,, ’70 'yai'd 10w hurdles, and another, 'of' 03111111211111 , 'y " 5t - 70 yard high 'hurdl ' , with ,five pla es of the ' thirteen ' " ,Ven'ts 101" an ufiofiicial'total, of, 38' points on a scoxing basis 0E5 places. The Ho’s— f 0 one and two 1111113 uni- l1sl1ed,","B'1'q'qks'of,'('1h1 a'go wwinning elaS’s; the 011e,:mil'e " ' ' ,d'de' '0" “t ,With', a'gle'a _' ' ' '880, Vaid 1' ', y' , ' "V'V"011 in the ,p01ev' u'lt,' a'nd 's'e'c-' '011'd1’p1ac'e 'was also 'tali'en, in this} ,'e\'ent_ 'TW'O then .econd, pla'ces one do ","l'th 'the, 5'16 , ' ,, 'and a' tie ,f01' third ,com'pl ed 1 the" 'Indiém'a total' , 1 I'Uni'v'érs'it'y 'of Ch1cagb,'5'econd" ' 1 onoks of'the'U1'1iVe1s'ity10f 'C' Mk1 sidere'd whe'n' ' 'c'ag'u led the" Midway 3931'“ "F” ec—i United' ,St'ate’s Oly'i'n'pie team 1 " " 'ond D1399" b‘Y'r 'vmmng 'the 7,0" 'a 'drging selected. The' 1esu'1'ts' of 'th'e, " 1" and the :bread 3.9m!" events will tend to in: ' , ysih1'lity,of""th ’ ']e i 'nd' 's'econ'd 'plac'e in,tl1"e'COI-"'I 311116162131;11'ni've1sity two val 1'd 'flm'ra'y, Mit'ts, 32nd 7301/1 Q'01'1 'the' college half-mile K11" ,"R’0he'rts'a'11d" thu'd place" in the, celleg tVV'0'1'11ile';,a'nd' the ,'en add'ed havi0'1",of' tl ' and £011 ,th place 11165110 p'ut The, latter , ' , ' (me i"n<"hr 95': than [that f Captain 1 medals in the, meet. _ ' ' partmpatm '0 'ms:and'tl1e ether' 'two' ' '1'mly' standm’g A1mo’m' :1eco'1d V'vhich, V'vas 'not ' fact 111911031, distaric of we eve-z 'tes'ch'i' 't'ook o'n ', hints; \V'a' “11 111111; $110,115, ,0f DQh'iof' th'e' 'Péul‘s 1930 1"eco'1'd, 'of 4'6, f'eet' 9yce1tain'ly have s0111i hihgto'1'e'n1e11'1 inches. II’owev thé' 'm'eet 're'cmds' be1",rin the Annour'Tuh Relc ti'ohal, meets '1'111(l'1',V'\,'l1i'ch","wc e run ' 1 1 . “Meal fin-yd. '1)11:11—'—W1111 lz'y 1mm 111101 a , , 1,1 A“ ' B'rok'en 'all, "7"“ ,(he, 1 1 ’l‘wqch’i f'l‘r'sxfirvlln Drunk, 013 State 190111111111 1111 1 '0'? 1nd1:ma [12111 the mile, b11131 the '111eet,1ec0”,11,o ' 1 .' {1 'm,‘ 3"), 3111333131133 13'? Lett, N Dame: ffqu ‘yne. Noxinm 1-1.1; {1V rd ' " ,1etisz, 0311mm} allege SRO-5'12 hum Emma -\nr1'1ml., (Mun; A 11'! Mnnmout ' 316', a ',soph01~11016, w'ént 'tln'ou'gh th 'de'feat Heronfi Box ng Schedule ’ , "124th F1eld "St Viator'; '11; 13323315: I , (’Ciu‘a ('0' Q1 1'eg11la'1'rl111'e-111[£1111 ' [\1lafga11m' (1'11 'fche 16th; ' ' --'f1ve_,111'e11'“th1~,\'1:ro'ek ' handle 1119111" 111010 1561' ,, 33111110111 ' 8111111111137 'aftmnemz' ‘meet 5111,1112, present s'e «(111 1' student '5 111"»: u 1116sta1111'iherbas — '81}! "(Va Pearsen, ' ' 2119, "a: