1 ’ 3113111111112 1311.1 11231133111111.1111 E1622 €211'Is1‘imm 6.3pr " ' ~Eo1' i118 3333 " “111111111. V, 1 1'311131 will tal'ie3t11c 111119111: (1,1111'3 111; A1'113mu'1'3,, 1311152131 (131! r'm'v. 10119111311111 1133361331111 g':33mé'3s' me 'sign’s 30f a1 , 13:, sclv 811111113; 2111153211315 1,121 'SOI'I, 1110' 3211110111 ' , tmfincefl ‘ c M01t01'1‘ teafii', Satm'da'. 11i<’}'11’(,' . ',133',3 111:: "\1 1130013 to 1110' $131119. f, 42413 ”At,A11131ou’1, 31330111211111, 11312711350, for the 111te1 13.11" studehts p211- 3't ramofig' , de'nt 'suppq1't,'sh01"fl'd the fact, 1113213113, “'31131'13vi11'11'ing'1thi3s méet (3,02'1c11'Mc- 3 ministered 'two' (SEN , while (31,3119 110:! w ,orie 'point. , ' 3 a very st1 011;: squad £1,115 370211311311" '1'1'1g 1199,11 ablé t0' defeat ti1e‘ teams 3 'of the' U111Ve1's11ty of Infiiana,, and £112 'Uni'vmsity ,of' Cincinnati L 3, year: the #:9211311 e'ncled‘ the' se'asm'i w31d1 t1v0,',\'i3(1’3(oi'ie , five 3:13éfeats3,ra11d, one 3ti'e. "Ca'1-33lsti-'o3n1 EI'eged CaII't'ai31'1 'Aft'm'r the ,m'e'et' 'the' ,111911111ei'33s 031‘ ' 1319' team handed in thei' , mo'tim'i was ra'is'ed to e] ,c’c a. c2111" 'tam £01" n'ext season! Roy Cat-1 _$3tlo3]'11,'1"‘.'r P;, '.,'E "33, a'nd' 'se'cond; ' 01111 1111111 dfiting33t11'e 1111513 Sea,— 11119122111: when the type ,'0,f, com~ , 33fiv,<3: yea s01ne,f1"es'1m31é 11011 1113 103thé1'33 '113'701'3d3 petition was' Sch'édu'l'ed pe'ak was cached, in 1929, tem11,won' 13 games while 10311315 only 1. L'ast' 3762313", 11 games \verr 1v1111,a11d'3' 't, This brought} (:0 secutive" récordy 'o'f 52‘ [games won , 317 lost.” 'and 2, tied 13v11ich'isnex'éepfipfla1'£02 any (2,01 , “po'ix'ths.' ,'ma'i3nskays' 51111111111015 for th'e' 3'sc3011ng‘"a3,13:0ta'1'f 13113312” t'h'x'e'e year's 2:1111 ha'S'SCO‘ Las ,yem'; he 1:115 c3011” ct ,,wa'v t led the 'team "With '43: points. 1111 ,e'1331de3d rin th'ir'd p'lfac'erf or t3he' 6111311311 1, , 1135'3wo3'n, 'f01'11'51et3t' 3 (1'13"ed a, totaI 0f, 91 3"lrvi3ng’ Ko'lve,' sophomore 'me'c'hat'n- 3 ' man of, the' sp'cms'e 'tn' the 1301113123., 0 «the ' A that ‘11 13131111 1123 present at, 11111113110131, ' Me'et' I'Sat'ui'day, Apr,pIans231'e' being 111060211111 11193111103913, Sought e Gabasion It‘Of' ' 1353.113 of at 'Iip's , in 3truke' 3313131 Ean'cy' di'vin ddier By21nska'3s', se _ 11'119'1'31as' 'be'en 21no‘chel',o,n'e 111 Ilege 5011'ng For'th'is I? Bas'eh'all 'sptg'é'ialr effoit' Wis being 31112.61 ,p'e’cition'3 which fhé Tech b'aseb'ai' '"b 511G1man' .5331La Force Eyansk'as '. .' ' ‘Ahe'in, ' ' ' Be: nst33ein , (In' pe1formance 11‘e'11'as 'ave'rap ' , , 119ints'r (per meet. 'A1'31dy Weston, , 1sc39n3s'13d3e13'e36 ,1t 1311:; 1:311:32 time '131 has 'be33e3'n heré', has ‘ ' ' ' ,"'11'1g a champiu _,ve1"y' '5311c ,ssful sea'sd' ,13edg';és'"ofrt11eir ,seafcs. It seemed ,t'hatr "the M01't0n3team Sge' 31129311111 I'the ' the1'e' njay 'be sno'wr o'n 13116311111121. ' 'A1'm30ui' 'stviz'h'ming' t '11 has de'fez'it'e'd be', exact. 3\r'10us,3r, ' 'ove'1'3'w,h'é'lhl'ed,M01'ton by 1 1110111“ ,3 sive'eping' away, with six fils't 3111;316:251 four Secdnd' places, 2111(1'3 3 plfices ', 33s3co31'e3 “as 48-2 in, 'gigh't'r e3ve1'1t3s.“ TBe' ‘ ' credit.'Capta1n'~West911 311d, 'Iiz'five 11130131111511 -p(>in€3:,n1',en 101'» Armour (3131311 'havi'ng,‘e31ght’ 510311123, In 'the' ' 2', eight events Armour c01'1p1’3d five 11151: 13188933, three, se'cbnd, mates, 11d £30113 thhd '131,308S,f0313‘3t1’13'0 33201.21? (12342 ' 11011115. “ 3 (I11 the 2326;3(3. swim (3513221111 "Wes; "“1031,aftczfséging‘h" 011%, 3170210 to 15113:: oc'casujn, by setting 51111311 21 'tem'ific pace; 5112113; 1111113931 he: "11' 1110' ,ne'zre'st 331111th 1113311} He 111111 yd 19131331111129 twé' ‘events' 11311311 ,cnuseé 11111:,119mg131‘1fisha111031g #119 31111101": 31:11:11; (2136138 ,w 11911, the T336113, Icast Inc'zfimmfiy ' ."s ' 331121113 1' 1 st 211111 fixe,",16(>' i * ' , 112131 11 11113111 wan e second tune that the 3(T3'he33 candi , 9'5" "s 0'“ ee,311s33 ‘ De P1131111: 46 1 A1 mour 40,’ ' 4 pattn91'"d10p ,,', 3, nénfzs 2'31" I fiO-yd. r0111 y" VH1 A} 1mm, Caflmrmu.‘ Imnxl': 'rsmcom. (Tait. IIkimlik, $051111. £111,111!st 512111112 mm em“, 3, 11 mean 111%. 35921011 '1‘me 1 1' (00' ntylw»‘?1'11n ‘11 «1301111 wtgn'. ' (I11: 1’2043' (5 I mmm 1191111111 firmxda. 311111.01 «4 ,OIEEI'Z 'of 0311's: 1: 1'21. ('Iraw. - "