1, , Technology UppercIaL 5m , LIn View of the iv. an 1111115411111 affair- for ArmouLz-g is LmadeL mLfich ' ”LLmorL'e LLpILa'usLible asL a resLLuEt of the “pleasant memories Which ' Title ~— FreLLshL L , formal. Place L ‘60ch RoLom’ Time—9 .00 P M 4:00 A. M Music—Jack ChapmanL21ndLLh L the student : ave eregaraing the East LL LL will EiéivLeL 59179131 men LthLoL‘ vilLl o- operate with 3111111111 11111121111; per- L,,th21tLL‘;he d 'ttfibutes the ‘ 'e féels Lcégtain ‘ ports silhscr: séven facuLIiV: 1 LLJLole L3. LSLLc3LL10mme1-L, recehtix pointed publicity: dixectoif LoLi they Lm LgenéxL 31 Chicago ' the 1512111 of ofgaiziz’ation,L LmeL aluani - ‘L haw, been dividefi into Lgm'ups 0’01» lespandmg Ltd Lthe six amumnw L cttiLcaLL Mechanieaf Chem‘ ’ be, Lappmntéa L1“ c1215 , cure t’m terym captains 119 L 31311211211316 3111111111 in éach LChaLLlLles' LBakérgL 7 o: the Eiect'ric E 3:111 11' E