Ragga "5w ETTTTTTTTATTTT TATE ,RTTTVA _ , ' Sti‘iéem‘. 'E’abfiimfiofi, 'sf 45.} a ' " 53%;? TNSETYTJ'SE '53?" QECT‘iNgKafifiY' flfififléfiflg TLETNGSS ' 38.29:} V’eekiy T) :73; g“ the 5701142931 Yfia .wamm mm mm»: {83%.}: WW TX WARAVEEQA' W SQBSTE‘REF‘T KEN RATES 9G,? ~ ‘r’eazf' Single Sopées,m ii) Cénts E ' h 'MANAGTNQ' EaARRV "‘ .itixr «Vi-Chief ., . . . . ., . . . . . . . .. . .CIYTTTC Q Bari ti, ’33 1 Afs'ociafe Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ja'm '5 TV 311173711111, ’33 Manag ing Eéitoz . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . .Rn‘bért F. Ry'ch‘fiik ' ’88 ‘ ‘3 I’Rmager . . . . ,, . . . . .Rzéymoné E. Neisan, Faeulty Aayvisor . . . ,_ . . . . . .’,.§’ rafessm‘ Walter Hemlucks , ERTTGRTAE/ ETERAR’T‘A’EENT V'New. Edi tor ,. . . .173. Ebézizh, ’33 Assimm Neivs Editm‘ _, . . . . . . . . . . .‘T. E. 0011mm; ’34 Feature Editor . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hamid W. Bodins on, ’ 3 Architefim‘sl Assistant ’ . . . E. C. Kubieek, ’33 ' ' ' , 7R 8.. ’Eague, "4 ” * ‘ H. Monger,.’33 MG L. Bomraliet,’32 F W. fixing? ’3 Ravisii's, ,. . .5. . . . . 'Co um'nisfi . . . . . .' {by} Efiitor As isfiant Cam- Editer. . . . . . . . . . . . .W. "E. Eumser, Assisiazit C0191; Editer’ . . . . . . . . r. . . . ,. .L. G. Avalye, Reyusiew E. Fishfiian, ’33' . 3. 7. Badman ’34, ‘4 ’ "34 ’ V. J. 'D. wars: 8. B. Abrams, 'K. Goldberg, Kex‘c‘ner, ’35 N.'Sear1 "5 W. Wheaten, ’35 '35 .9 , Rims‘na. ’34, '.»;,' A. 82339er G. Sterey, ’3: , SROR'T‘S GEFAR'TETEN Cieave' $0 “’3' he 5%szch , AL" 53 apsgrck €33 Wilma ii Aggy. “Ensyérfififlflafi' ami' 9&3?! wiée' , RPOR'EHNE'E} The sound Giza Lamp upon my $001" {Jame airiftmg in m me. 1 canted out slam”; who was ’TEwa's Gpwrtuniwii , Baa. fuck feel" me, he chose this "Lime When, 2 was unprep'ax'ec}.r , (Badly T V. euld Time epen’éé mé' T106}: if only Z had (Tara. E cmseé myself. for my bat? Tuck] Can you Mame me far my wmfii? Oma'ortunity a? my door And T was at, my fiat}; , gag as! with', a st'er'}: A? {Ez‘eek‘ thiifiim‘. .‘vhifi . 3; £3. panéLamg, cvé-t ,‘Lh ’ attracted g smémezm' M , W's}? devgiéged sci» re'me'at' 03*, L3233'eg'izg'e ting. his siate'mem, ' Like 237 .39: 1931‘; accwtaficle 1,6 ' _ the :7.o€§ern "piavsicis‘g Sm 'Néngkhu?h¢w&'” M dxiight, your man may hear. figfi 'tim'e 0f Gilbert ‘50 Mar- 51? hrixagmg, 'bmxt' The comm} sf tin. forces 9f, eieciricity were. rs't'uéi'ed than Tina, pieLéédmg' ones. The ' 01k af B'avy' 37m so'n'. Béiir 4am}. gzéatest- at? , fives. 9.35. 803151;}? @1203," ' facfiors me Sea 222;. (£338. <32; ~ g. {39' fire ATV-inf? aims «€ng gyrésizim’ay ammr, " 573% A new'éfiwm‘é 3mg ere'ct'imz, 3f éiye gé sag EVE? sis have regaadeci ant}, ac‘waacefi fixe' fart 21:23 31 'ssiéne'ia. , 1:0? ,exm'faie. he est ha? {3 seia'm? mice GR??? é {23"{293' $1: ($36 mi? 163%,. a? 31> mu .4. mi Spo'rfs Editgy . .. . ,, . . .. F. [B‘xeck'er Jr.,' ,’33 win but my 3,055 1' Répm‘tara {LE}. Féx,"32 E. W. Davidson, ‘3 , R. A. Fieéssner ’34 ,y S. J. Viktsm, ’33 R. Arms'hmy,’3 ,?"'F- [303103, ’35:) B. Hanson, ’34; W , ' BUSTNiSS EEPAR’TMEN? Advei’cis’ing Manger '. . . . . . . . . . ..M.ArCoT1ick,’32 Asst. Advertising, Mahagex.. .J L Kampwirth, ’33 Aciiieri‘gsm'g 'Assis. mats ' E. J. ‘Vflki’r'a'kis'fl 32 L. Ingram, ’35 V9.1 Bengstmm. 3?. .F. Quii y', .’35 ' ' '€§rmx§a‘":am 'A'sgixfla 95 . , L Marcus, 34. T. C. Peavey',"34 B A,’ Svohoda, ’34 E. -1- Chang's "T R. Duffo'm-r M. J Eyisman, 'C '23. MSg'Smmezc, .33, perm'an exit gm Vv01'1d.' Nashi ngton'.; ,’ ”Sis our ié'ue' polity to steer 'cle'ar 0:17 'ana'nces with any. portion of the 'foze m—Geo'zger whit; w' 'a batch of Champs Timmy." Even: my it? Vméeg ' "The 's'emi—an 'mai gxédes, ostensiHy an indication of The, excellence with which our acafiem'i'e pursuits 'dmr Eng; the 3215*. semester have been, mastexed, have just been i'..sue(! Among same, "'t are seems so be a', t'emT- .ency to overvemphasize’ .he value of, these malks', and 'it' is W231 at this time ,éh‘ some cam'ment be made on ' their relative womb .«mfl iin'p'e'ixiance. '3‘ your grades were. good it is q he fitting and prop» ',. wax" that'y 12 fee} in some, degree, the. sense '05:“ ihnec satigfaatim. [hick accompanies; the completion of $3 " ' fail (10 9 Sub it must be remembers-5d ,that,,,at lbs-st, grades can be 'cmly, a superficial estimafie 01; film 01;! 'u Whl L L}. e insta't'zcter has made '01’ Your ability, 0f yam: ear) st; and ,532 ewe . .y, am} of your a'ctuai Racomplishmepts. L 's impossibie' ‘ 2' :1 131015901, 10 ,rmake .an infallible statem .211 oncer .mg: the quah y, of the student’s V'V'ni‘k, when 1'9 .19 s hem With him only'fi ' , <53: (Turing: ‘he semesx‘. 1". in eve-Ty was , it, is inevitable flu; , gross errors 1. 31 be made, in T113310 2mg; 3. 3mm cenzags 'of s memberg. 'Quizzcs can .v' ‘ u T L e: ‘ 1 ix 31,LAL,LSC,:03,'£11 :‘ecitatians can am? an Tess, the ins :“m‘LOWS in Si in .. Outside the sun sham,» up ahove pmsqon anav he eriirei brmxgs, and in 9219' {the 13 upon which grads. ' rminefi is I}, Tim; 9'6 ’E‘h . whSizTémT n 3; 3115213 1272.341; ii. evadent um tL’H much amp} ‘ shark? not, be; ' 'adeg. Amman» VvEm beams of a 1012:; 12 25% 9:2, “. mi Thinks he czxxx mm. as a. m *mmmn’tx .T’xtTTV mis axon. {3: file (Mar :mx:1¢:zw 'xihne: tie may m'xd . an?» t (3% :hr: ‘mentai gummy which @663de f anally. T z::':7*:fl..§3.' law gawk: ‘0: . €.. pmscxauh' 1* 34‘}; , 'kzmw 711 sa. infimme 3' ESW‘IST and Ems 31:31.? ' ._ Ecz’nmcn'ts. (71' ii‘aiié \thi' nc , his cigzns wit? fl Seconfir ditto: Th, ”65' nothing, Tote}. Eéiipse. my bass washes his feet 'wzth [Gem Dust.’,’ ' néafii' Misca‘émweous . A genfiéxfién' th'} h" s last, his right l'eg is (Te ro'us cf, the a'cqua nice of, (me who has lest his 1 {‘4’ in order to became: a'ss'ociatec} With him in the pm Lhasa, of boots, Si? Call mama}. 791919“ N, and arch suppoms. skid AA. Kills Bras. {Taffeta is“ filie'xi 'with' a 'speLial vacuu'm non sublimat'é 71g, arid! n'omvcefi’ee ‘m'aki'hg. A' Hi 21‘; V in, convmce you, y'(that you 9.}? get at vpyed) fhé'igxod y'of 'tT' .e V. >éT'E' 033,31») n'e Nat'ure s Re'vengeT The Hockey, Team . 5.0mm she Stove-«A ’ There wasnyt any fix: As [if hg’d’ nave}; tML; N'E‘her' fiewe s Momma an'd'r ,th'e' bimies 5m {3}} Strange trick of Fate! 'Wouéé e’er 't'he schedule b'e playeé 'G ’Twas new past two months Take. TE mm 'TO'! the' pa'nén. iii A bitter hast was they 'AL lyast it seemed ' aise the vie 'mwunee ' e’ haé' mme 2 'Thé' Eiocicay' Te'a'm, sat, "om'id', the sic L V at The Show was. Talking. ’tV as s *< eet @9977. [Twas moan ,‘11'9; s1}: :ieef; higher MEAEQAZ 211w N‘Teai QR Adivfice: : “Tm Si? 573‘ ,uur bin makzs my 'bI'Qod' 531i}. , “Than, sis" was will he an additionai 0:182" o" ,{i‘fte'en' dzflm‘s 1< s’ioxfmfing3 VOTE): sys m.” , (Etiit'a'l‘s mte~—V' we. no kid: comm”. i014} we ,si>~,nmch. his bill . ’Lo sad. so n‘mch, far The new. s ° ' months.) Cmvremimns, we. . ,, c ‘iain but 9%:- A‘il‘rmiklin ‘ ’ 3 cam: my Taxis?“ , ' “in this mami 71703137? axes," remzs Am 023 fieniam‘. xs “He pithAhXV. masm. {Sisiamisérg Cayuga? .11.“ Pete? , R9 5271:: 7313a: mi haieg if. his _ IZQS‘Q”' " Tuy deem?! .W‘hcn be $0th 7113' ' ms beLaug e be lights; . age :5 Vex afigng with flat piticfifii giamom T901023 1;?er genixss. H’T‘hc: beak is 'not in {Re most 'elém'én'i ever, Tt has in. so'césT' 'ecmi'amzc. iigio’us "am'u'giit' 'i'e use of: age! <1 so'éiié‘ {The 231173653385 T73: \V'hié: me'rs'tzans ware, are? rshm'x’s' them m' béz he resifi ES E‘of e' {01,1 cambihw "tzjia‘: am? 9233‘s? ’ 311% 'SLIL w: s VELTITS'VE‘EGTJSE 'aml 'eve'n '10.; 17aggér Txeaéihne's’; ' we Mr”, .3“... :{icfiiaém‘ati it? e .L‘xs'smi' , A338? 3::