Page Six ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tuesday, November i0, l93l ililiiihiiiiliiiihiili'ii’ hiddli’i‘hhti. liihl‘i El Gridiron Queries by Professor John J. Schcmmer umpire, and leading football ttlltlla’l'~l ify, will answer through this colmnn‘ First Game Scheduledlm/ For December Second Pl—il rrs CHAMPS NOW The l'ralemi are again busily engzg'ed in practice for the annual inter-fraternity basketball tourna- ment. The Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Tau Delta, and Theta Xi fraternities have already had their practice night. The other fraternities will have the following nights: l\‘ov.17-—Sigma Kappa Delta Nov.18—Phi Pi Phi Nov. 19——Sigma Alpha Mu Nov. 20——Rho Delta Rho Nov. 24—1‘x'iangle Nov. ZS—Beta Psi Nov. 30—.Kappa Delta Tau The schedule for the games has not been completed as yet. It will be published in the next. issue of the Tech News. Phi Pi Phi is again favored to win_ the tournament. It seems to be the custom—at least for the last thir- teen years. Nine other fra Jr'rruitie-z will be pinyin};r for the honor of breaking that precedent. Last year the S. K. D.’s nearly turned the trick when they lost by a comparatively close score 0'" ll- 14. At the end of the first quarter the S. K. D.’s were leading 8 1'0 3. but in the second quarter the Phi Pi‘s took the lead and never were headed. However this is another year and the nine other fraternities will also be seeking the title. l | l i . (l I l Editor‘s Note: Professor John J‘» RESEWQE: Fiifiiijri EEE ‘ Srhommcr, star player, conference , l westinns on football which are 9 our waders. Questions 111,111} 1144 .ulrmiited to the Sports Editor, ll. 1’. Richter, or they may be placed .11, the Armour Tech News box, which [.9 loomed 1'11. the main building adja- cent to the elevator on tho first floor.) Question 15. What is the penalty to the kicking team if the receiver is tackled on a fair catch? Answer. None, unless thrown to ground and then 15 yards from place of foul if catch is allowed. Question 16. How and when may the stiff arm be used? Answer. The ball carrier may use it to ward off opponents on any part of the field, and he is the only player who may use it. His team» mules cannot use hands to ward off, but defense may. Question 17. How may the hall be put. in play by receiving team after a fair catch? Answer. Either by scrimmage or a free kick. The free kick implies a 10 yard restraining line as in th: kickoff. On a free kick, which may be a punt, drop kick or place kick. the kicking team is (in-side as in tho kickoff. Question 18. If two players, one from each team, catch a pass, who is given the ball? Answer. The side which put the hall in play would be given the hall. Question 19. A punts. B fumbles- i:he bell after a run. Them A and B simultaneously knock it out of bounds. To whom does the hull loc- long? Answer. To B ictm, 15 yards from where it went out of bounds. Question 20. How many men must play in the line? Answer. Offense, never less than seven and as many more as they do» sire. Defense team is not re- strained. Question 21. If the hall is i'um~ bled by the offensive team, knocuec over the goal by the defensive team and then recOVered and downed by the offensive team, what is the rulr ing? Answer. If the play is made at Hockey Team to Meet Thursday To carry out i . predictions made at the end of last season, the hockey team is getting away to an early start. The first move is the an- nouncement of a meeting for mem— bers of last year’s team and new candidates, to be held Thursday at 12:20 in Science Hall. A large number of new candidates is wanted, preferably :l'rcshmcn and sophomores, as a hockey team mus: be built up, 50350“ by 39350"- Al the defensive team’s goal, the rul« least three forward lines are desired. ing is a touchdown. If made at the because the team intends to use the offensive team’s goal, it is a mum. professional style of. play in the mom i back. ing season, and this also shows the - need for a large squad. Tech ,3 Boxing feam Veterans returning for competi- tion are: Barnett, Koko, Bestler, Receives Equipment Munro, and Viktora. Munro was an outstanding man at the goal posi- tion, having had a great deal of outside experience, and being sup- ported on defense by the able com- bination of Barnett and Koko. Bests ler is the speediest of the veteran forwards. Practice for the team will begin in about tin-co weeks. and will con- sist of back-checking, hoolechecking.‘ and body-checking, and some time. will be spent on shooting goals. Real work on the ice will not begin until the Christmas holidays, that is, as soon as the ice is ready. The team will practice one evening during the your hat in the ring. week, and on Saturday afternoon Manager Ustryski 0f the boxing Arrangements for the use of an ice team stated that it was too early rink for practice will be made with in the season to receive answers to the South Park Commissioners. all the challenges that have been This year the team is entered in sent out to the different colleges, the Central A. A. U. Hockey League, in“ Loyola has fll’lSWCTEd and can- and the outstanding players of this “Oi aCCEDt thiS year. TeCh’S boxers league will be given a tryout 1‘0,- tronnced Loyola in two meets hel.‘ the U. S. Olympic team, a mark to- With them last year, b‘Jt “OW lib? ward which hockey aspirants may latter has dropped intercollegiate work. boxing and is planning on having only intramural boxing this coming season. However, tentative arrange- ments for meets have been made with the Englewood Y. M. C. A. and the Hyde Park Y. M. C. A. box- ing teams. The manager is also trying haul The new equipment for Tech’s boxers, which was ordered by the Athletic Association some time ago, has arrived and has been installed. This very necessary paraphernalia consists of pulleys, punching bags, ropes, and gloves. The equipment can expect many stiff workouts be— fore the season is over. Now that the interclass basketball tournament is finished, the boxing tournament will get under way. The exact starting date is November 20. so, prospective amateur boxers, g‘et Swnmmmg Practice Continues Reguiarly Due to the delay 01' electing a manager for this year’s swimming team, activities have been somewhat to get an outside team here before checked. It is necessary for all can- the holidays. The opponent will didates to hand in their applications probably be St. Viator’s College, one so that eff-airs may be started. These of the “Y" teams, or a National applications should be given to Pro- Guard team. fessor Schommer as soon as possible. Boxing and wrestling have incited Regular use of the Chicago “U” quite a bit of interest this fall, as pool has been made of late. The is evidenced by the fact that there squad is fairly large at present, but are thirty fellows coming out and any men who have any ability as sticking to it in boxing and about swimmers are invited to test their fifteen are working out in wrest— talent. Practice sessions will con- ling“. tinue until late in December, and in Wrestling; has not been officially the meantime a match may be arvl recognized as yet, but because of ranged to put the men to a real test. the interest shown in the workouts, Definite arrangements as to the tour- the wrestlers intend to have a team humerus um ‘ illli‘ iihlk hhllild‘illt BASKETBALL TEAM Forty-five men responded to a call issued by Coach Krafl’t for basketball candidates for the first practice held last Tuesday evening in the school gymnasium. Next month, after sev— eral weeks of preparation in the gym, activities will be carried on at the armory located at 35th and Giles. The fundamentals of the name, urh as the proper methods of shoot- I. at the basket, dribbling, pivot~ tug, etc, were demonstrated by Coach Krafft, and then the squad proceeded to carry out his instruc- tions in their practice. Because of the small size of the school floor scrimmage will not be held until the removal to larger quarters. it is hoped that several guards will be found among the available material, for Rummel is the only seasoned player in that position who is back this year. Captain Rossing, Robin, Beemster— beer and Omiecinski are the veterans who will form the nucleus of the team. Last year the team and lost five games Several 01’ these defeats were by very close Fcores. and the absence of Gustaf=on and Miran, who were guards, in these crucial games tipped the bal- ance in favor of ’Dcch’s opponents. won eight linen suon're 65111 Anniversary With this issue we celebrate the 65th consecutive presentation of the Tech Shorts. The Tech News is also happy to present a six page issue for this week. Sometime in the non; future, when Armour's football team defeats Notre Dame, we will put out a complete paper for sports alone. Coach Krafft’s basketeers had their first practice together last Tuesday afternoon. Although it is still early in the season, Captain Ros— sing predicts that Tech will have one of its most promising seasons this year. New Track Field House Track, under the direction of Coach A. A. Stagg, Jr., has already started its season at Bartlett Gym. The new fieldhouse will be ready for use some time next month. Ogden field should also be regenerated, be- cause runners using- it will break their legs in the mud holes next spring. Tech‘s second annual boxing tour- nament will be held before the Xmas holidays. It is to be remembered that last year’s bouts ended in sev- eral knockouts and proved to be great sport for the spectators. Do You Know That? Coach W. C. Kraff‘: entered Ar- mour as a basketball coach in 1921‘! He graduated from North Central College at Naperville. While there he played basketball and baseballl for four years, ran track, and alsoi played football. Light Workouts for Armour’s Track Men Although the track season does not start until Christin-as, members He was All-State} and prospective members of the forward in 1917. squad are taking light workouts. Challenge to the pawn}, Several men are taking their tums The Big Nine of the senior class,‘ around the Wadi in Ogden Field, “Dick“ Meagher, Swen Anderson. but most of the men are using Stalzer, Harry Setterberg, “Le“yn the Bartlett Gymnasium at the Uni- Robin, Leichtenberg, Cameron, Gis— versity of Chicago. she, and Seifcrth have started 2 The Ogden Field track is being bowling .league for Fridays. The repaired so that the men may get ‘1‘“ ”“1 men. Team ““97 hpve ‘19" the feel of a good track under their feated Team two in two contests. feet. Setterberg, rolling; two games for a . total of 207, defeated Stalzer’s high issfielil Ogufhrzogguilpment :25 the? game of 206. The professors are procured in the Heirefiai‘c": 0 e hereby challenged for a tournament. . All handicaps are cheerfully re-i Meets Wm probably be held With caived. North Central, Loyola, Crane Junior College, Chicago Normal, and Lake Forest. Franklin Paine defeated Juvinall, ——-— 6—4, 6-0, to enter the semi-finals of the tennis tournament. Paine is now the champion tennis player on the Tech News staff, because previ- ous to this, Juvinall defeated Rich- ter in a three set match. E £035; . IEANRVE. s MOE RE y 12.3 a 1"; H, P. R. 77 Smsr. Eat at the EQULEVARD CAFETER‘HA Blot and Michigan MILD. TE. c ’ cigarettes. Chesterfield our nament will be made by the first of whether or not they they receive of these ways. That is why I’d rather e a Chesterfiel .” felted Wherrcrytcfd Edd from the chart” 0, i don’t know a blessed thing: ‘ about how cigarettes are made. But, urse, i would want the tobacco to URE. And then I’ve heard that the ending is very important. l’d want that! done just right. ’hen the paper. i don’t like paper on can tastew—or smell when it’s g. I’d want that pure too. ‘ nother thing. I want to smoke when- feel like itwwithout worrying about ng too many. So i want my ciga~ ut the main thing, of course, is I don't care for over-sweet— 1 much prefer those that ust sweet enough. seems to satisfy in every © 1991. Imam .5: MW“ Tun/«ecu Cu. SMOKERS tire of too much sweemess in a cigarette, and they don’t like rawness. For a steady diet, they want a cigarette like CHESTERFXELD — amiid and mel- low smoke, free from any overssweemess or any harshness or bittemm. That's why more and more smokers every day are changing to CHESTERFIELD. . . . they’ve got to be good. next year. letters for participation. . .t‘ «M . . w n . l i all). * dill} a #1.;