Tuesday, November to. £1793! ARMOUR TECH NEWS Page Three WMeatfl *ONCE EN [A LlFE’l’lME "I‘his is the last week, according to present plans, of‘Once in a Life- time; I hope, however, those plans will be changed, for it is the “fun- nicst, clevercst, cleanest, and most intelligent bit 'of satirical comedy tO‘lllii the vicinity of I‘Clark and Ron— dolph in a long, long time. This burlesque on the oddities of Holly- wood life by Mossfiart and George S. Kaufman is being currently pre— sented by ‘Samlfliarrisuat the Selwyn Theatre, after .aboutra year at the Music Box Theatre in New York, where it was the outstanding com- edy hit of the season. The curtain rises on a room in New York ata time when the .talkies were new, where a trio of vaude- ville actors, out of work, and try- ing to break into the “big time”, are " ' their ‘ "' bank- roll. One of them sells the act and persuades the others to head for Hollywood. The balance of the story is concerned with the fantastic methods, ridiculous affectations and sometimes the colossal ignorance of “big shots” in the film capital. The trio’s first enterprise is a voice cul- ture school, conducted for the Glo- gauer studios, to correct the rauc» ous and ungrammatical diction of the haughty queens of the silent screen. This fails, and theyare to be fired, but the dumbbell of the act, who never thinks of anything him- self, repeats to Herman Glogauer’s face the exact words of a disgusted playwright, ending by accusing him of having rejected the Vitaphone when the invention was offered him, and saying that the business is in the hands of incompetents; after this audacity, Glogauer answers, “You’re rightl”, and makes him a supervisor. In case you don’t know what that is, Benny Rubin of GM Crazy, who ought to know, said re- cently that a movie supervisor is one who knows what he wants, but can’t spell it. With each dumb move and ignorant mistake “Dr.” Lewis establishes himself more strongly in the heart of Hollywood. He cli- maxes these bits of bone-head su— pervision with thu:eleil11flin‘l§£"' wrong scenar ,lone which~he found in the waste—basket. On release, the critics hail the picture as a new de- parture, and every obvious fault is acclaimed as an innovation of the “great new supervisor, ‘Dr.’ Lewis”. Most of this was probably flound- ed on facts, as in the case of the playwright to whom they had offered a huge salary, and had begged to come to Hollywood; arriving, he was given an office with his name on the door, and a pile of whiting paper, but he received no instruc- tions, and was completely ignored. After tiring of this he began a vain attempt to see the greatest of the great, Glogauer, who could be seen only thru appointment with Weis- kopf, who had to be approached by way of Meterstein. Kaufman’s sa- tire is ‘at its best when two screen beauties want to know what the legitimate stage is, of which they’ve heard so much lately, and refuse to believe the rumor that John Barry— more at one time acted on it. Also when the “priest”, about to per— form a film wedding, sends out for the Racing Form. All in all, Once in a Lifetime is the wittiest thing in town, and it’s your fault if you miss it. Last chance, Chicago! While on the subject, you may be interested to know that a new play ridiculing the foibles of filmdom is Stresses and Strains Rehearoes Every Wool. Stresses and Strains, Armour’s social orchestra, held a rehearsal at five o‘clock last Wednesday, Novem- ber 4 at the usual time. At present the organization con— sists of the following instruments: two trombones, ‘two trumpets, two violins, four saxophones, a piano and a banjo. They are looking for a drummer and a bass player. Players of either instrument will be welcomed at the next rehearsal. Popular dance music is played and in the past the boys have contrib- uted a cheerful note to the Alumni and A. T. A. A. banquets. The average Stanford University s t u d e n t receives approximately $1,250 in checks from home annu- ally, according to estimates of Palo Alto bankers. the comedyhit of Broadway this season as was Once in u Lifetime last year; it is Wonder Roy, pro- duced by Jed Harris, and including in its cast Gregory Ratoif, producer, of Girl Crazy, and‘seen here last year in'Threo Little Girls. As Blossom Time came to the Grand Opera Housevas recently as Sunday night, I haven’t had time to see the present production. Never- theless, I do not hesitate to recom- mend it to you, as.I have seen it be- fore, and have not tired of the love- ly music during nearly ten years of constant radio repetition. The score, which is sometimes credited as the work of Sigrnund'flomberg, has been adapted hy'him from the melodious work~of 'Franz'Schubert, who is also thezcentral figure of the story. The action takes place in the Vienna of 1826, and tells of Schubert’s hope- less love for one ofwhis pupils, who is said to have inspired his famous “Unfinished Symphony”, the theme of which can be recognized in the the; .. “Song of Love”. Other well known selections include the “Serenade”, “Springtime", “ThreeiLittle Maids", and “Lonely Hearts.” This Aoperetta has been seen in Chicago so/many‘times that I have lost count of them, but ,an old pro- gram, excavated from the bottom of adesk drawer, states that it was presented by the Shuberts lot the Great Northern April 22, 1923; it seems to me it had previously play- ed‘in the old Apollo (now changed, but hardly improved by its trans- formation into the gaudy United Artists). Its popularity, I think, is due .to being “different". It hasn’t, like most operettas, a smashing male chorus, a hero, .9. villian and a hap~ py-ending—clinch. The .music, which is genuinely worthwhile, and the “book", which is founded on fact, have combined to make Blosoom Time one of the most popular musi- cal plays since The Merry Widow. ——Robert B. Tague. ESHNESS and flavor in a cigarette trace right track to natural moisture o it you overheat or process tobacco so harshly as to dry out all natural moisture you drive out firesto- mess and flavor too. flannel never perches or toasts the fine Turkish and ’mild Domestic tobaccos it uses ——they are naturally smooth, cool, mellow, with natural moisture retained. R_.E,Rcynows Tobacco Eompumy’b flamingo-flower Radio Prograimo lummmm QUARTER noun. Alina ray. row Honda." and Prince mom [Ix-shorten. direction Paul Van mum. every nigh: cream; Sunday. N. B. 0. Med Network WEE. Qumran noun, Manon Dewey. Tony Menswear! 'Camal Orchestra. direction rmcqnensneura.mm nigh: meant Sunday, LChlmhln‘JlendeMan System % item’s remote the 'motatrzreeprooy‘ wrapping fiom your ; package of £141de after you ego-mill. Wm Camellflamidor Periods protection against sweat, dust and germs. lit-2. .ofiiceoond homes, were in the dry atmosphere of artifi- .ointtizeut,ttl‘te flannel Humidor Paella delivers fresh. Sunsets coastlines-pa them might hostilities: tortoise has been exercised. See local paper 3293- since Professor Bible vWilll Return Next Monday After his recent operation, Profes- sor Bibb has recovered so rapidly that he will be able to resume his teaching soon. The reporter for the News interviewed the genial profes- sor shortly after ‘he had been told by the physician that he would be ready for action in another week. Professor Bihh actually promised to be back on 'Monday Week", which, translated from the Tennessee dia- lect, means next Monday. Since he seemed so ankiousto get back, his classes may expect quite a display of mathematical enthusiasm on his return. The statement of a Canadian Rail» way official that students in the lower third of their classes make the best success in business give new hope to many. Senior Einils Again Lose Their Dignity That irrepressible, irresponsible, irremediable group, the senior civils are loose again. Their conduct, ir- reconcilable, irregular, and irrelevant to all irrefutable ideas of senior solemnity has once more exceeded the bonds of dignity. They have long endeavored to re- vive the good old customs of their grammar school days. A short time ago they presented an apple to one of their instructors. Last week Pro- fessor Tupes was signally honored The civils in a body chorused the “Good morning Song” from the Operetta "We Love Our Teacher." As their sweet young voices fell upon his cars, Professor Tupes paused and smiled. For he knew that few other or shall we say no other Armour professors receive such a. greeting. NEW BUGKS The World’s Economic Dilemma E. M. Patterson Trusts and Economic Control R. E. Curtis The Giant of the Western World F. P. Miller Reducing Seasonal Unemploymen‘. E. S. Smith Federal Reserve System and Con- trol of Wages W. E. Spahr Policy and Ethics in Business C. F. Taeusch Danger Spots in World Population W. S. Thompson That’s why the Qamel Humidor Paolo proves such a blessing to {lamcll smokers~it brings them a fine cigarette fresh to start with, and fresh to smoke. it you don’t realize what natural moisture nieansin genuhmefreshncss anallflavor, switch to Camels and see. Try this mild, slow-burning, throatnfiriendly tavern-fie for just one clay—“then leave it, if you can! Ru .3. REYNOLDS TOBACCQ COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. i}. ii“) :95}. fi. 5. Rancid; Tobacco Comma