Page Two ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tuesday, April 945.. l:93l" \ TRIANGLE 4 fiefigfiéganfi Egggog i ‘WWW “WWW w WW V I; lF‘RAE‘ERNE'EY NfiTES] Maynard Vencma was elected presi- : Am NEWS 7 .___.— .__.._____._._ 'dent of the local chapter at the ai—E ' Student Publication of the ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Published Weekly During the College Year SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 Per Year Single Copies, 10 Cents Each MANAGING BOARD E1: 11: BUSINESS CHANCES—«Send us fifty cents (in stamps For twenty cents extra we will tell you where you can get good blades for four cents each. This is not a gyp scheme. #55 n l Was That Necessary .7 I More brains (at piano recital) : What is that charming I on Less brains: “A piano, yuh nut." ‘ -—-Bloney. * {A '4‘ PF N l A CORN CENTERS ITEM Si Hoskins, the station agent’s checker partner. insists 11x 1; a First frosh: “Careful, Alcibiades, about rcsurrecting yon cigarette butt.” Second no-account: “Prithee, dear Xenophon, where» First nit-wit: “It may be a spit~tipped cigar." wnMike. ism l l l ORA HS POE TIC COMPOSITIONS Free verse, free verse, Who’ll send us free verse, Who’ll send us some lines of free verse. They may not be good, They may e‘en be bad, But nobody cares 1 So long they’re not sad. , Free verse, free verse, l Who’ll send us free verse, l Who wants to be first with free verse. l‘ .. s a. i No bunk. fellas, who’ll open the bidding with some free 3, verse. Subject: mtg/thing, but be original. Original paro— ‘ were NOBODY HOME “Say, Joe, didn’t I send you up to fix Mrs. .lones’ doorbell?" “Yeh, sure, but I rang and rang the bell for half an hour but no~one answered.” #Yeh. can THE MUSIC CORNER i Our trombone player bids fair to would by hook or ‘ crook. He’s been using push quite often, and when that doesn’t work he uses pull. . . . It is said that the piano is fighting for life in the home. Must be so considering what we hear from next door every night. . . . (lnstrw ment exchange) “Will exchange one of my neighbor’s saxophones for a doublewbarreled shotgun.” i one And today being the first day of the season, let usl again try to convince our professors that it would not matter if they were to refrain from calling the roll. We think there will be one or two calculating hoists in] top Chapin this a'ft. ‘ Which also reminds us of a notice we saw on an oii‘ice ‘ bulletin board last spring: “Any employee wishing to attend funeral of relative of a man who strove to be fair, right, kind, and cheerful. must notify his immediate superior before 10 A. ill. on Truly. a great man has passed on. E. W. C. | —-The Bougineer. 1day of game." - { ‘honored the chapter with a visit. BETA lPSl At the annual election held Tuesday, April '7, the following were elected to hold office in Beta chapter for the ensumg year: brother of Dean Penn of Armour, will Alton Jungels, president. Elmer chner, vice-president. Emmett CordeS, secretary. Harry Setterbcrg, treasurer. Leroy Anderson, sergeantuaL-arms. Arthur Steinhaus. house managenl Saturday, April 4, marked date of the annual Easter informs dance given by the Alpha Chapter of Illinois. “Tweet" Hogan and his, orchestra furnished the music for the dancers in the Grand Bailroommf the LaSalle Hotel. DELTA TAU DELTA At the regular meetingF last Tues- the coming your. day, April 7, the following olficers were elected for the coming year: J. R. Jackson, Jr., president. David Pearson, vice-president. Glen Sehodde, messenger. Francis Gibian, tax-y. Walter Larson, corresponding retai'y. Thomas Peavey, sergeant-at-arms., Roy Barker was in for dinner meeting last week while on his to Champaign. recording sccrc- tal'y. These “Travel Sketches” represent the work of Mr. Vernon Howe Bailey, well known artist and architect of New York. Vernon Alexander, chapter editor. l John Schreiner, librarian. Our twenty-fourth annual Foun- der’s Day banquet will be this eve- last ,ning at the Hotel Sherman. Arthur men Schwerin, national president will be the the main speaker. Henry Penn. “Classic Revival," was discussed' the other day by Professor Earl H. Reed, Jr., in his lecture to the upper classmen at the Art Institute. The lecture was illustrated with Profes- sor Reed's own photographs. be toastmaster. Brothers Windhigler and Crawford journeyed to Purdue Saturday to at- tend their Founder’s Day celebration. Brother Wahlstrand, ‘30, is the first the of his class to announce his marriage, 1 Miss Estelle Williams changing her name to Mrs. Wahlstrand. In Chicago, the “Classic Revival” was thoroughly studied by Prof. Reed, and now he intends to write a; book about it. I’l-llll KAPPA SIGMA ‘ SIGMA KAPPA DELTA The chapter as a body attended I . ,. the musical show “Stepping Sisters,” ‘ The annual election of oiiiccrs was last Saturday evening, preceding :2 ‘held Thursday, Arm! 2‘ The follow~ gathering of the boys at the College mg are those who were elected and I II tl Sh . , . , nn, oe erman. who will govern our Fraternity tor Plans are being made for the bi- annual alumni smoker which is to be held in the near future. C. Henry Fox, president. Charles Jens, vice-president. Donald Landwer, treasurer. Paul Drebes, pledge master. Bradford Larson, recording scorer l ‘ WELLS ADDRESSES CLUE A talk on “Aviation" was delivered last Wednesday evening, April 8, ,beiorc the Rotary Club of Waukegnn l Harold Davis, corresponding secre— sec- tary. by Prof. Wells of the Department of Charles Hawes. social chairman. lCivil Engineering. Phil Deiwert, ’28, 17’. P. E. from! This was his second appearance in and ,Indiunapolis is . ,ayim: at the House EWaukegan as he spoke last year be- way ‘ at the present time. His vi~ is in- lime the University Club of Wanke— deiinite in length. ‘gann dial lE aid wants: .1 .. u u o. “TH E THlNEEE” 4% m a) w The name Electrical Thinker might be ap- plied to one unit of telephone apparatus. Technically it is known as a Sender and is brought into action each time a call is made in a panel dial central office. By means of electrical mechanism, it hers” the dialed number and routes the call to the proper line. The steady expansion of the Bell System ill NATTON-WYDE dampness oceanic —- in volume of calls. number of telephones and miles oil wire —— cannot be taken care of merely by an enlarged use of existing types of apparatus. T 0 some the continually growing telephone needs of the nation, it will always be the and: of Bell System men to devise, refine, perfect and manufacture new kinds of equipment such as The Thinker. records or “remem- Elfilslu EYE’EEll/i no. on - .sss inrssmouuscrmc rst‘EE‘flm“ SYSTEM 0?“