a). an, an; 0“» ‘ esters ., ““5““ EEEEEE in. am to EEEE EEEEEEE EEEE E EEEEEEE EE EEEEEEE EE ABE Chases May Be Excused Ear Afternoon to Promote Large Attendance at Armory TEAM MEETS Wl—‘lEATON TONlGHT Armour’s basketball team will play Western State Normal of Kal- amazoo, Michigan, at the Eighth Regiment Armory next Friday at- ternoon. School will probably be let out early in order to give all the students a chance to attend. This game will be the feature contest of the year. The outcome is rather doubtful because Tech has not engaged in basketball com— petition with Western State Nor— mal for several years. Everybody is urged to come out and support the team, for all too little school spirit has been shown in previous contests. The line-up for the game will be determined largely by the showings in practice. Probable Starting Linc—Up ficlfiege Papers mour Tech News survey in its member colleges, to de- termine the amount spent by each student for his various needs. In- formation thus obtained will help get advertisements for school pub— lications. vided blanks. EEE EE EEEE Sponsor Eurvey The Chicago Association of Col-- lege Newspapers, of which the Ar~ is a charter member, is conducting a market HCNORARIES WELL GATHER AT HOTEL SHERMAN BANQUET The joint initiation banquet of several of the honorary fraternities will be held in the Old Town Room of the Sherman Hotel, Friday, De— cember nineteenth at 7:30 p. m. The recent initiates oi‘ Tau Beta ‘ Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Pi Tau Sigma, Chi Epsilon, and Phi Lambda Up~ silon will be the guests. All Alumni, faculty, and active members of the participating honorary fraternities are invited to attend the banquet Dr. Raymond, President 013 Are mour Institute, will act as toast— master. other prominent speakers will also be present to address the group. In order to insure an en- joyable evening, a variety of fine entertainment has been prepared. The cost is to be $1.50 per plate. StreE is Frost’s Representatr’ce Each student in school is reu quested to fill out one of the pro~ Freshmen will get them through their English classes, L. ll. Streb was chosen freshman class representative for the Ar» mour Athletic Board, at a meeting of the class held in the Assembly Hall last Wednesday. NOTHCE . School will be closed for the Christmas holidays from December 32,1930 until January 4,1931 inciu» sive. There will be no issue of the Armour Tech News on Tuesday, January 6, immediately following the reopening of school. Junior Enformai Piece, Date Set The social committee of the Junior Class has, after exhaustive comparisons, decided on the Main Ballroom of the Steuben Club as the location of the Junior Informal. The dance is to be held on Janu— ary 16, from nine to one, and the bids are $2.50. The sweet strains of “Jinks" Bry~ ans Inter Fraternity Club Orchesm tra are to permeate the atmosphere for the major portion of the eve- ning. This orchestra is well known in college circles, having played their “sweet" type of dance music at many prominent social func— tions. Plans are under way to provide additional professional entertain— ment, and from all present aspects, the event will be a great success. Bids may be secured from mem— bers of the social committee before and Upper classmen will get them R..H Cheatharn, president of the :EELNEMTW holidays. “T he monk p‘hm ,. ~ , «. .. n; N ‘ . ‘ VLLVMS“ WW“ M"'14:“ 1...... 1.7 when, opened one MlULuAtlb Wren. T 3.) gm H h im « P: Miran ............... Left Forward student who has not filled out a few remaiks concerning the bush J. E Bag”; c a r an Rossing .................... Center blag? is “lied to Olgalfiionfhmdafi “355 ’00 be transacted and then PTO“ A J Jazzéls . a 9 “Tee " News cs 11 . e ha cceded with the election of the rcp- ” ' Gustafson """"""" Left Guard of the main building. resentativc. L. A. Cullen, the so— 0" W' Schodde Rutkowski ............ Right Guard Tech will also meet Wheaton Col- . loge tonight at the Armory at 4:30 P. M. Last year, Armour defeated Wheaten, 21—14, but tonight’s con- test might be a reversal because Wheaton has a very strong team this season. The mettle of both teams while under heavy fire, will be proven in this encounter. Armour-”s Athletes Gather Ear Emanuel: The Honor “A” banquet was held last Tuesday evening, December 9, 1930 was pronounced a huge suc— cess by all those present. Coach Krafft opened the formal part of the meeting with an address and then watch charms were presented to the new members. A list of the men newly initiated into the Honor “A” Society is given below: A. Montesano L R .E. .J. H. Jens 0 Po L. Trousers for Music Clubs on Hand Soon Delivery of the white trousers for the Christmas Concert to those of the musical organizations who have ordered them, will probably be made tomorrow, Wednesday, De- cember 1’7. Each one receiving a pair of trousers must pay the price of $3.75 at delivery. The exact time and place of distribution will be an— nounced on the bulletin board. Eau Beta Pi’e initiate last Wednesday, members: J. C. Cavanagh, Ch. E. ’32. M. Fetterman, E. E. ’31. E. W. Hellsen, C. E. ’31. M. James, F. P. ’31. J. Lenka, F. P. E. ’31. M. Lind, Ch. E. ’32. J. Robin, C. E. ’32 E. Seideimann, F. P. E. ’31 H. Stevenson, M. E. ’31. F. Strassenburg, M. E. ’31. FPWQW?FFC Mr. R. E. Wiieon Talks Ch. E. held their regular meeting yesterday, December 15 at 11:30 in Science Hall. Mr. Robert E. Wilson of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana presented a talk entitled “The Mechanism of Lubrication.” Mr. Wilson pointed out the de« sirability of the use of proper oils in all kinds of machinery. Sev- eral members of the A. S. M. E. were present, as this talk vitally interested them. Mr. Wilson is the assistant to the vice—president in charge of manu~ factoring. On Wednesday, December 3, Pro— fessor Amsbary spoke before the Woman’s Club at La Porte. His subject was his new lecture “Liter~ ature, Its Inspiration and Power," On Saturday, December 13 the South Bend Teachers’ Institute was privileged to hear Professor Ams— bary speak on the same subject. Some time in the near future Professor Amsbary plans to speak. to the Round Table Dental Arts Association on the subject, “Jean Baptiste." Chapter’s New Men Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer— ing fraternity held an initiation December 10th. The following men are the new at A. I. fit. E. Meeting The Armour Branch of the A. I. cial chairman next gave a report of the social events to take place in the near future, especially the freshman smoker. E. J. Stehno, ’31, then explained the purpose and functions of the Armour Athletic Board and con- gratulated the freshmen on win~ hing both the baseball and basket— ball intra-mural championships and suggested that some suitable award be given the teams. The Class President acted on the sug— gestion and appointed a committee to choose the awards. It was, also announced that the Freshman Inflormal would be held shortly after the Easter holidays. CALENDAR Tuesday, Dec. 16 tan-«Basketball —- W h e a t o n College vs. Armour at the Armory, 35th St. and Giles Ave. 5:00—Quarter—finals of the in- terfraternity basketball tournament. Wednesday, Dec. 1'! 2 zoo-Alpha Chi Sigma meeting. 5:00—-Semi-linais of the inter- fraternity basketball tournament. Thursday, Dec. 18 10:30~Christmas Concert. EGG—Championship game of the interfraternity bas— ketball tournament. 8 : 00-Swimming meet—Armour vs. Hyde Park “Y” at the Hyde Park “Y”. Friday, Dec. 19 12:20——I—Iockey meeting in Science Hall. 4:30—Basketbali ~— W e s t e r n State Normal vs. Armour at the Armory, 35th St. and Giles Ave. 8:00—Boxing—Armour vs. West Side “Y” at the West Side “Y”. 10:00—Singing -— Glee Club at Architects Club. Monday, Dec. 22, 1930 to Jan. 5, 1931 Mid-winter Recess. J. E. Bryant El..EE§.EZ. Emofiter Es Huge Success In drawing an unprecedented atv tcndance, the fall smoker of the Armour branch of the A.I.E.E. held last Wednesday, December 10 at the Sigma Kappa Delta house, was declared to be a pronounced suc— cess. Eighty-seven electricals, which included a one hundred per cent Junior representation, were pres~ ent. After having played cards and smoked for an hour the “juicers” were entertained. A miniature stress and strains band composed of G. L. Bonvallet, ’32; R. J. Abram— son, ’31; K. H. Myers, ’31; L. A. Newman, ’31; M. A. Coliick, ‘32; and A. H. Weston, ’32 and directed by E. J. Stehno, ‘3], opened the pro— gram with a series of popular tunes. A R. Draus, ’31 gave a few vocal selections in conjunction with this part of the program. W. Drigot, ’31 followed with a recitation on the “Three Trees” in which Newman, on the drums, was featured as the hunter; and Mey— ers, on the piano, played the part of the rabbit. L. J. Ericsson. ’28 then closed the entertainment by singing several songs. The eats came next. They were of the best and everyone wished, that they could eat more. A number of last year’s graduat- ing class were present. These ln~ elude: R. Mcinerney, J. Nobel, C. Rudelius, C. Bogowicz, S. J aniszew— ski, F. Bigelow, and R. Escott. Altogether, this smoker was thor— oughly enjoyed by everyone that attended and because of: this, the next ALEE. smoker, to be held next spring, is being looked lor~ .1 EEEEEE, EEEEEE’E E, EEEE EEEE' EEEEE EE EEEE EEEEEE EEE EEEEE EEEEEEE Unusual Program to Feature Ehristmas Carols, Classical and Popular Selections PLAN CREAM 501.03 EUR FHRST TlME Afipha flhi Sigma Enitiation Hefld Alpha Psi Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity was installed Saturday, December 13, by mem— bers of Upsilon Chapter of North— western University under the direc- tion of Dr. Walter S. Ritchie, Grand Master of Ceremonies. The proceedings started at 2:00 o’clock in the Mission building and were concluded at an Installation Banquet given at the Y. M. C. A. Hotel in the evening. Twenty mem- bers of Upsilon chapter were pres— ent to conduct the installation, and about fifteen members of the Chi— cago Professional chapter of the Fraternity lent their assistance. The following men were installed as officers of the new che ptor: F. B. Attwood, Master Alchemist. G. J. Stockman, Vice— Master A1- chemist. I. B. Lehman, Treasurer. J. O. Cavanagh, Reporter. R. H. Blom, Recorder. 0. R. Steinert, Master of Ritual. A. F. Bigclow, Alumni Secretary. A total of thirty~two petitioners were present and were installed as charter members of the chapter. Included in this number were Pro- fessors lebals, Carpenter, and Bentley. Dr. Ritchie, who was in charge of the proceedings, is a member of the faculty of the University of Mis— souri at Columbia, Missouri, and made a special trip to Chicago for the purpose of conducting the rites. Giee £7qu to Sing at Architects Club The Armour Tech Glee Club will sing this Friday evening, December 19 at a Christmas party to be given by the Architects’ Club of Chicago, at 1801 Prairie Avenue. The Club will sing the numbers that are on their program for the Christmas concert, and will make their appearance at abcnt 10:00 P. M, Members are not expected to wear white trousers for this af- fair as they were for the Christmas concert. They may come to 1801 Prairie Avenue any time after 8:00 P. M. Arrangements have been made through David A. Pareria, ’18 chairman of the entertainment committee at the Architects’ Club, Dr. Daniel Protheroe will direct the Glee Club. Aurora—Armour €1qu To Hold Dinner Soon The AurorwArmour Club. com- posed of Armour graduates living in or near Aurora, will hold a din— ner on Tuesday evening, December 23 at seven o’clock. The place is ward to with eagerness. The average altitude of the North American continent is about 2,000 feet. The Annual Christmas Concert, which features the Armour Tech Glee Club, the Symphony Orches- tra, the Stresses and Strains and several soloists will be held this Thursday, December 18 in the As- sembly Hall. All classes are excused for the event. The concert has been scheduled for 10:30; but because of the long program, Professor Leigh, faculty advisor for the musical clubs. favors starting at 9230. However, at pres- ent the time is 10:30 and any change from this will be posted on the bulletin board. Program on Page 3 The tentative program as ar. ranged by the officers of the Ar- mour Tech Musical Club is on page 3. According to this arrangement, the Orchestra directed by R. R. Eddy, will open the program with two numbers, the fiist of which is the “Golden Sceptre Overture.” "Pi-1e Glee Cli'ib, directed by Dr. Daniel Protherce, is to follow with a group of three Christmas carols. Two soloists are next on the pro- gram. Tom Filas will play an oboe solo and George Burhop, accom- panied on the piano by his mother Will give a group of baritone solos. “The Pilot," arranged by Dr. Pro— thcrce, will be one of the songs. Play Popular Numbers The Stresses and Strains, repre- sentatives of syncopated music and directed by Frank O’Conor, are to follow Burhop with “Sweet Jen— nie Lee,” “My Bluebird Was Caught in the Rain,” and “I’ll Be Blue, Just Thinking of You.” The Glee Club then appears for the second time with another group of three numbers. An arrange— ment by Dr. Protheroe of “Passing By” is the outstanding song. H Chandler‘s organ solo, for which everyone will eagerly await comes next. For the first time in many years a general assembly of Armour students will hear the Ar— mour Mission organ. The program will be closed with the Orchestra playing “Hungarian Dance, No. 5," by Brahms. Desire Prompt Start Members of the musical clubs par- ticipating, particularly the Orches- tra as they are first on the pro- gram, are expected to be on hand at the Assembly at least ten min— utes before the starting time. In keeping with previous custom and policy all members of Orches- tra, Glee Club, and Stresses and Strains must wear white flannel trousers, white shirts with black bow tie. dark blue or black coat. and black shoes for the concert. LeRoy J. Ericssorz fairies or A. E E. E. Le Roy J. Ericsson. '28 of the General Electric Company at Sche— nectady, N. Y., spoke at. the regular A. I. E. E. meet‘m held yesterday. Julia King‘s Tea Room in Aurora. Argentina purchases one—half the l 25 000 windmills which ale menu—i lectured annually in this country. 5 Monday, December is. His subject was: “Indus trio Hosting." and was by a number of movie r is} Elise-- tested