Page Four hid“ Mhhl'liiltl @l" l‘lidflii 'l'EAli’i Whit Alllililhhh More Needed to Com- pete in Field Events oi Meets PAST RECORD G000 Twenty—four men responded to the first call for track men at a meeting held last Wednesday after- noon in Science Hall. Coach A. A. Stagg. Jr.. and Captains H. L. Fox and F. M. James gave short talks of welcome to the new men. Stagg‘s lFil‘th Year This is Coach Stagg’s fifth year at Armour. At that time five years ago there was very little track tim— ber, but each year has offered bet‘ ter conditions and better teams. Last ye: 's indoor track team com— piled the best record in the history of any Armour athletic team. Five dual victories, and a first place in the Annual Armour Invitational track meet in which thirteen col— leges in the middle west competed compriscd the indoor season last year. Major and Minor Awards Major and minor letters are awarded by the recommendation of Coach Stage. "Minor Letters" were instituted three years ago, and are given to those who have not the best ability for running, but are good stickers and place in the dif— ferent meets. Major awards are given to the men who repeatedly take places in the meets, and have good “performances in their re“ spective events.” May Practice at Armory Indoor practice this year will either be held at Bartlett Gym— nasium or at the new 124th Field Artillery Armory at 5200 Cottage Grove Avenue. The latter building, dedicated last week, is 115 yards long and 150 feet wide. The girders are 94 feet above the level of the floor, and the seating capacity is approximately 6,000 people. Four Meets and Invitational This season there are to be four indoor dual meets besides the Third Armour Tech Invitational Meet, at which about fifteen colleges annu— ally compete. The outdoor meets will begin at the close of the indoor season. Dual meets will probably be held with Chicago Normal, Wheaten, Y, M. C. A. College, Lake Forest, and Crane Junior College. All men wishing to try out for track can secure lockers and shoes at Bartlett Gym. There is still a shortage of men in the field events which cannot be overcome by the excess of track men. George Jennings Adds to His Tennis Honors George Jennings, ex '30, again comes into the limelight as a tennis star. He was rated second only to George M. Lott in the recent city net ranking for the 1930 season. In the doubles competition, Jen— nings and Gordon Brandt, former University 01' Illinois star, top the rating for the second consecutive year. Five new drinking fountains are being installed in the main build— ing, These are of the latest typo construction recommended by health authorities. When the in— stallation is completed. there will Fraternity Cage Tourney Reclaimed On Thursday of this week Armour’s ten social fraternities will again resume their annual inter-fraternity basketball tourna— ment. By that time all of the teams will have completed their practice schedule, which afforded each team one practice session in the school gym. Some of the teams had ex— tended their preparatory program to practice games with outside teams. Two games are scheduled for Thursday. Other games will follow on December 12. December 16, and December 17. The windwup between the leaders of the two five—team divisions will take place on Decem— ber 18. In the past twelve years the prize trophy has been in custody of the Phi Pi Phi house. As a re— sult of their chain of victories. they have obtained permanent posses~ sion of four cups. To win a cup a team must win the inter-frater- nity championship for three con— secutive years Swimmers Better (Nd Records To display a clean, victorious record, is the ultimate goal of the mermen this fall. The fact that Coach McGillivray's men emerged victorious in 5 out (if 3 skirmishes last season, will give impetus to their fiery determination. The three set—backs which were administered by the South Chi— cago Y. M. C. A., Crane College and Culver, were hair splitting decisions and were no discredit, as these squads were composed of charm pionship caliber. The results as viewed from the ARMOUR TECH NEVIIS ‘ -. ’ Armour Soon to Have W? C We)? ‘2? Hockey Aggregation . f‘fifiwoors ' 943% A new sport is soon to make its debut at Armour. A group of men interested in forming an ice hockey team met in Science Hall last Fri~ day noon in order to definitely work out the details of the plan. About twenty—live men, enough for four complete teams, were present. At the meeting the men decided to hold team practice at the Midway Hockey Rink on Wednesday nights and Saturday afternoons whenever there is ice. Some of the candi— dates hail lrom the northern clime of Canada where hockey is the na— tional sport. 0. 'I‘. Barnett, temporary mana- ger, and P. W. Bestler, the insti— gators of the plan, are making ar— rangements with the South Park Commissioners for the use of the rink. Any men interested in the new project may get further details from either of these men. A meet— ing; has been scheduled for the week preceding the Christmas Holw idays in order to frame a more in~ tensive practice schedule for that period. ( pm”). 1. _ “a Alumni vs. Varsity _, Basketball has moved into the limelight of the sport calendar with the varsity games attracting con— siderable attention. This very eve— ning Mr. Krafft’s varsity squad meets the Alumni in the annual Alumni—Varsity game. From past records a close game should result for the Alumni are especially strong in the guard positions. Hater 15 Tough With Vic Hofer and perhaps Will Kuflel guarding the basket the var— sity will be forced to use their long range guns. Oh, yes, we shouldn't forget to mention that Manager Otto Kuehn and Captain Downes will do duty as forwards with Shoe- maker and Wittic to alternate at“ the center position. In the game last year Otto's team committed no less than 18 fouls. The varsity conveyed 17 of thcscl“ intd scoring markers. Seven bus-i kets as against 10 by the varsity‘ were hooped by the one-time un- dergrads. A Poke and 21 Check What do you know? Some ice bug is attempting to organize ant ice hockey team. It’ll be poke! checking instead of double check-i ing when this idea finally worksi out. tcntion of doing or dying for dear old Tech. Some real news was run covered when it was announced that the new 124th Field Artillery Armory will be available for prac« tice shortly. The Armory has a straightaway stretch of 115 yards. Raslccthall As 15 If you care to see basketball as it should be played we recommend ithe forthcoming inter-fraternity “5 U1”! and 115 Back itournament. Thrills, chills and ex- A track meeting with Coach citcment are supplied by the Stagg as chairman brought forth a wholesale in these hectic contests. wealth of new material to take the‘v Professor Schommer tells us that places of Paul, Storm, and Kara..Richard E. Meagher has been ap- Equipment was issued to some twen— pointed manager of the 1931 golf standpoint of points scored are more gratifying. The Tech team garnered an aggregate number of points far in excess of that won by their opponents, the totals being, Armour 290, Opposition 219. In the two meets with Crane, the West Siders were set back to the tune of 39 to 30 in the first, but won by the exceedingly slim mar— gin of one point in a return en- gagement. @thers Reluctant to Meet Uur Pacifism With the well balanced squad eager to display its wares, Coach Weissman has not given up hope of ushering in the 1930 boxing sea— son with a series of bouts in our own ring, before the holidays. Ex— treme difficulty is being experi— enced in negotiating with rival aga gregations for an engagement at home. A meet at 5 P. M. which is the logical time to hold the bouts, is met with general objection on the grounds that it is inconvenient. These home meets are preferable as they will stimulate interest in the sport. It is rumored that there is a re— luctancy on the part of several 10- cal Y. M. C. A‘s to fight our men. The reputation of our scrappy squad must be wide spread, as Manager Cannon states that in several cases he has received weak excuses in answer to ollers of com— petition. Coach Weissman states that he hopes to bring up Messrs. Foyer and Tanzy. both of whom are known in pugilistic circles as “Kid.” They will offer invaluable advice on the various aspects of training. A promising process of welding be one unit on each floor of the copper has been developed from re- main building. cent research. ty odd men who expressed their in- team. flashetcers Win First (forgo Till put his varsity basketball squad through two scrimmages. On Mon- ' day The Bakelite Corporation pro- vided the opposition while on Tues- day the University of Chicago staff mixed with the Armour team in a lengthy session. Armour emerged victorious 33—24 in the first tilt. This scrimmage was termed more or less as a prac— tice game, but the Bakelite Corpor— ation presented an organized team and took the game seriously. Coach Krafrt’s opening line—up in the Bakelite game comprised of Robin. Link, Rossing. Rutkowski, and Miran. After several minutes of playing Krafl’t sent in other members, Gustalson, Lind, Ott, Eeemsterboer, MacLennan, Kul— kowski, and Omiecmski were given an opportunity to display their tal- cut. The University of Chicago scrim- mage ended 32—20 in favor of Chi- cage. Chicago used 16 men in their line—up while Armour confined it— self to eight. Moskowitz, Lind, Ott, Miran, Rossing, Beemsterbcer, Gus— talson, Kukulski, Rutkowski and Omiecmski figured in the Armour line—up. Aviation rad site”. all W S. E. Meeting A meeting or the Armour Branch of the American Society of Me— chanical Engineers was held in Sci— ence Hall yesterday at 11:30. Mr. C. B. Cole, President of the Chicago Division of the Society, delivered an address on “Aviation.” He pointed out the many and varied applications of the principles that concern the Mechanical Engineer in this field. Tuesday, Refefibcr 9, 1930 gridiron Queries la By Professor John J. Schommer Editor's Note: Professor John J. Sclmmnmr, .eiar player, carriers-arc umpire, um! leading faci- ball mummy will answer my , . may]. this column, any qucxtmns mg football which are panting our «whom may a at man a the tar, H. P. Richttr, or they may I): lured in the Armour Tech- cwr Dir, which. is named in the main building adjacent to m: aim/aim on the first flour. Question 32. What action is taken on the playing field alter a team is awarded a safety? Answer—The team scored against must kick from their 20 yard line. Question 33. Offensive team It passes the ball which is intercepted by ls. Umpire, simultaneously, blows horn, claiming that Team A was oli'lside. What is the referee’s ruling? Answer—Team B has the option of taking the result of the play or the distance of the penalty. Question 34. (intensive team A throws a pass which is intercepted by B of defensive team who catches it out of bounds. Is the pass termed incomplete or does the defensive team take possession of the ball at the point where it went out of bounds? Answer—She pass is incomplete. Question 35. its a ball carrier ruled out of bounds if his tracks indicate that he had just touched the white line? Answer—Yes. Question 36. Player of Team B intercepts a pass and begins to run for a touchdown. One of the mem- bers tackles him, simultaneously the ball is fumbled. Is it a lime ball? Answer—Yes. Team B can only recover. Team A, however, may re— cover and advance the ball. Wyoming claims its university is the highest institution of learning in the world. It is located in the town of Laramie 7,000 feet above sea level. g. Blot Street and Mic Dining and Dancing from 3 P. M. to Midnight No Cover Charge an . Aye. all MC’TQRWTQS Try the New Earlier gimp Thirty-third and Michigan .3. Euleislleen, Mgr. the ASSN. fihilfi North End cl @ydea Role? It you are a harassed Sophomore trying to cram down the last bits oi Playslcs below that ‘l r g . oclociz class, your tone lilo, is at: a premium. Qr it you are a Lolly Senior, used to luxury, case, and the ccmloris at value at wall prepared goods which the Armour Edietcria serves the student” the best In the minimum oi: lime. AND lifltl’ti. FWD it'll}. PRHCES ARE MGM}? you appreciate lire