ANNUAL lifililimlt'l‘ bl? 'E‘Emtl MUSWAH. ClflhS NEXT WEEK Most Students to Hear Armour Organ for First: Time PLAN NOVEL PROGRAM The outstanding musical pro— gram of the fall semester will be given at the annual Christmas Concert by the Glee Club, Orches- tra, and stress and Strains on Thursday, December 18 at 10:30 in the Assembly Hall. The Glee Club, under the direc- tion 01 Dr. Daniel Prothcroe, will give a program of eight numbers, of which “Passing By" and the “Winter Song” are features. The orchestra, in addition to other numbers, will present a med— ley of Christmas carols. The Stress and Strains will also be represented on the program A baritone solo by G. H. Burhop, an oboe solo, and an organ solo by H. E. Chandler will be some of the striking novelties. The organ solo will consist of several Christmas carols. The Armour organ has not been played for an assembly in many years and hearing it will be worth while. The program is being arranged by the officers of the Armour Tech Musical Clubs who are as follows: President, W. A. Schrader, ’31. Vice President, F. O’Conor, 31. ~ Secretary,“‘fi*ll‘. Strassehburg," ’31’. Treasurer, A. Weston, ’32. Business Manager, 13:. W. Carlton, ’32. Science lecture impresses Al. F. The special assembly held on Wednesday, November 25, proved to be of the utmost interest to everyone. This is the first time that a demonstration and lecture of this nature was given to Armour stu— dents. Dr. Phillips Thomas, the lecturer, held the attention of the embryo engineers to the last mo— ment. Through his affiliation with the Westinghouse Company, Dr. Thomas has studied, made research and has aided in the perfection of the grid glow tube which has made possible many new processes and tests. Among the highlights of the demonstrations were powerful dis— charges oi artificial lightning, per~ feet synchronization of bulb flashes with a fan revolving at the rate of four thousand r. p. m., and Rastus Robot, the mechanical man. The entire audience was well pleased and Dr. Thomas was busy answer lng questions for an hour after the lecture. Turn—flirt flit Party Reduced By Weather Only sixteen members were pres— Honomries Planning Banquet for Dec. Ml Plans are being made for a joint initiation banquet on Friday, De~ camber 19, to be sponsored by five of the honorary fraternities at Ar- mour. The chapters included in the arrangements at the present time are Tau Beta I‘i, engineering fraternity; Pi Tau Sigma, mechani— cal engineering fraternity; Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemical frater— nlty', Chi Epsilon, civil fraternity, and Salamander, fire protection fraternity. The place has not been definitely decided upon, but Charles Link and Fred Attwood, who are in charge of the affair, will make arrangements the early part of this week. Fae» ulty and alumni members of all these fraternities are invited. Five Men given Salamander Keys 0n last Wednesday evening, De cember 3, Salamander, the honor ary Fire fraternity, held initiation ccremo nice at the Delta Tau Delta House. The formal rites were conducted for the following: H. S. Holt. F. M. James. F. W. Spalding. P. 1-1. Kcsselring. W. M. Trauten. Professors Finnegan, Holmes and Robinson, Mr. J. V. Parker, and Mr. Fitzhugh Taylor assisted in the proceedings. F. P. E. Society Hears Underwriting Talk by The tentative program includes in addition to the food, several reels of motion pictures and a talk by a prominent Chicago engineer. Alpha his Sigma Plans initiation Six members of Flask and Beaker fraternity attended a dinner given by the Northwestern University chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma at the Evanston Y. M. C. A. on Thursday, December 4. Arrangements were made for the installation of Alpha Psi chapter at Armour, on Saturday, December 13. The ceremonies will take place in the Armour Mission building in the afternoon. and . overthrew under. the direction of the members of the Upsilon chapter of Northwest— ern. Members of the Chicago pro- fessional chapter will also be present, and delegates from other nearby collegiate chapters. This will be the third chapter of the national chemical fraternity, Alpha Chi Sigma, to be installed in the Chicago region. Rifle Team Homilies Boston Tech in Meet The Rifle Team beat the team representing the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology in a postal meet, held last week by the score of 1839 to 1827. The boys on the team were inspired in shooting against our old rivals with the re— sults shown above. The targets turned in by all the men on the team showed a marked improve— ment over those turned in at the beginning of the season. The series of matches against the New York Stock Exchange was lost to the New Yorkers by a slight margin. One of the decisive meets of the series was held during the week before the Thanksgiving holi- (Cuufinncd on page Home) Glee Club to Sing at Architects’ Club The Armour Glee Club, under the direction of Dr. Daniel Protheroe, will give a repetition of its Christ- mas concert program at the Archi~ cut at the smoker and card party tects‘ Club of Chicago on Friday held by the Campus Club on Tues— evening, December 19. The club day evening, November 25. On ac— was asked to sing by Mr. Parliva, count of the inclement weather ’18, who is chairman of the Archi— there were not as many present as tects’ entertainment committee. were expected. A banquet followed by entertain- There were more than plenty of merit will constitute the social sandwiches since arrangements gathering of the members of the were made for about twice as many Architectural organization. In ad— men. The main attraction of the dition to the Armour Glee Clubs‘ evening was a gigantic piggie game, contribution to the latter, several in which honors went to Alexis professional vaudeville stunts and Sokoloff. He took his paddling like numbers by well known radio stars a man. Jack Cavanagh and Jim will be given. Clear, self-styled pinochle begin- Glee Club members have been ners, gave a lesson to the Georges invited to the banquet and are to Moore and Bonvallet. The evening’s ceased at about 10:30 o’clock. entertainment give their program at 10:00 p. m. The address of the Architects‘l Club is 1801 Prairie Ave. Insurance Examiner “The Principles of Underwriting” was the subject of the address giv— en by Mr. R. H. Petchon, western examiner 01' the Springfield Fire and Marine Instance Company, at the meeting of the F. P. E. society held in Science Hall at 9:30 last Friday morning. About sixty stu- dents were present at the meeting, that number being nearly one hun— dred percent of those eligible. Mr. Peterson spoke in detail on the various major conditions to be considered in deciding whether or not to insure any certain plant or piece of property. According to the speaker. one of the most important considerations is the character and efficiency of the manager of the property, to be insured. A wmanw-oiiw indecisive character cannot main~ tain the proper carefulness among his employees, thus appreciably in- creasing the danger of fire. The so-callcd ”housekeeping conditions of the plant and the type of manufacturing done there were also mentioned as important factors in determining the desire bility of the risk. By “housekeep ing" conditions is meant the clean general. determining factor, since an insur would seriously cripple the re the presence of nearby fireproo buildings unattractive. Protection engineering ‘Farll’ A.£Eufi. Smoker Set for Wednesday All members of the Armour -2branch of the A. I. E. E. are in- _. vitecl to attend a novel smoker to be given Wednesday evening, Dec. mi 10, at 8 P. M., at the Sigma Kappa Delta house, 3344 S. Michigan Ave. The social committee has been making extensive preparations to make this a pleasant and eventful evening. The talent for the pro— gram has been drawn from the electrical department and one of the features of the evening is to be a song and ukulele act by one of the men 01' the senior electrical class. Features equally as interest— ing are scheduled. Eta Kappa Nu Calves Candidates Quizzes Eta Kappa Nu, honorary elec— trical engineering l’raternlty, had an lnquisition Smoker last Wednes— day evening at the Beta Psi house, 332’! S. Michigan Ave. The following pledges were ex- amined on electrical and other sub~ jects which were of interest to the actives are: T. E. O‘Connor, E. .l. Stehno, E. E. Paschke. M. E. Lukcy. D. M. Fetterman, M. Fagen, Krahl. There were about twelve alumni present from Armour and other Later in the evening it was demonstrated that pledges make good waiters. The informal initiation of these men will take Twentymwirei, .Men @ltfidhfle Oi” jdflhdfu To date only twenty—three men liness and tidiness of the plant in The size of the plant is often a ance company cannot accept as a risk, a plant the loss of which sources of the insurance company. In closing. Mr. Peterson spoke of as a condition which would tend to make an acceptable bid of one that would otherwise be have ordered and been measured n for their senior jackets, according to R. N. Wilson, chairman of the committee, although about one hundred men indicated their inten— tion of doing so. The committee is trying to ar- range with Rexlord and Kelder 00., tailors, for a second day on which men may be measured for their jackets. The date will be an— nounced both in the News and on the bulletin board as soon as pos- sible. All seniors who wish to order jackets are urged to speak to any of the members of the committee f. and to be measured on the day to be announced later. Football, Topic of Schommer’s Speech CALENDAR Tuesday, Dec. 9 4:30 Alumni—Varsity Basket— ball Game at the Armory, 35th st. and Giles Ave. 5:00 Orchestra Rehearsal. 7:00 Honor “A” Banquet at the New Southern Hotel. Wednesday, Dec. 10 2:00 Interfraternity Council meeting in the Tau Beta Pi rooms. Thursday, Dec. 11 4:30 Chicago Tech vs. Armour in basketball at the Armory. 5:00 Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Sigma Alpha Mu in the gym— naslum. 5:00 Sigma Kappa Delta vs. Kappa Delta Tau in the gym~ nasium. Friday, Dec. 12 12:00 Dead line for senior bi-e ographies for the Cycle. 5:00 Triangle vs. Theta Xi in the gymnasium. 5:00 Delta Tau Delta vs, Phi Pi Phi in the gymnasium. Saturday, Dec. 13 Installation of Alpha Psi Chap— ter of Alpha Chi Sigma in Mis: sion Building. Professor Schommer addressed the Mid West Chamber of Com» merce at the Mid WestAthletic Club, Friday noon, November 28. Hav— ing received three major letters in football when he attended the Uni— versity of Chicago, he refereed many of the major games of the country, Professor Schommer was quite capable of giving an authorl~ tative and interesting address on “Football.” Orders Being Taken for White Trousers Orders for white flannel trousers, to be worn by members of the Armour Musical Clubs at their An~ nual Christmas Concert, are being taken by the business manager, E. W. Carlton, ’32. The trousers are gotten through the school and the men of the musical organizations pay one—half the cost price. The wearing of white in combination with a dark blue or black coat is the cus» ternary dress for concerts given by the Armour Musical Clubs. Announcement as to when tailor representatives will be at school to take meamrements will be made on the bulletin board. Additional information may be obtained from the business manager. Allitllitl. s stratus swank alludes will was; "m Width WWW. With WARS tidbim‘l‘h intense Practice in Past Weeks Gives Regulars Advantage in Scrap at Eighth Regiment Armory Juniors to Sell Dance flirts Soon Friday. January 16th, has been decided upon as the date for the Junior Informal. Although neither a definite place nor an orchestra have been chosen yet, it is dens nitely known that bids will be out before the Christmas holidays, The social committee. headed by J. .1. Casey, CE. ‘32. is planning to make this a memorable dance. The other members of the committee: R. J, Waindle. A. J. Jungels. G. W. Schedule. J. E. Bryant. Senior Biographies Must Be in Friday It is imperative that all senior biographies be in the Cycle box by noon, Friday, December 12th. In order that,then,Cycle may compile its records, each senior is urged to cooperate to the fullest extent. Co— operation on the part of the indi— vidual seniors will facilitate the handling of these vital statistics. G. W. Schodde will also take the biographies. Pressjéldb to Enroll Members Men who are literary minded and who desire to join the Press Club should see Dick Keilner, the treas— urer of the organization, and sign up. Dues are fifty cents a semes— ter. The Press Club was revived re— cently to provide an organization whose purpose is to stimulate in— terest among the students for the school’s various publications. Men who have served on the staffs of high school publications are par- ticularly welcome. @rcl’iestra Rehearses for Winter Concert The orchestra is practicing dili- gently and late these days in preparation for their annual wln~ ter concert. They are meeting more frequently in order that they may present a finished program to the students when they play a week from Thursday. Freshman Injured in Gym Basketball" Game Anthony J. Norgie, ‘34 C. E.. was injured during a basketball game in the local gym Monday, Decem- ber 1. His collar bone was knocked out of its normal position and a blood vessel was broken. He was immediately taken to Mercy Hospital, from which he is expected to leave tomorrow after— noon. A meeting of the Honor “A" So— ciety was held yesterday at 2:00 p. m. The principal item of busi- ness at this meeting was a detailed discussion and the formation of FliKS’l‘ WHlS'l'lLlE'. "i0 BLOW AT 4:30 O'CLGCK Alumni basketcers will again be the guests 01' Tech varsity in the annual Alumni—Varsity basketball game to be played this evening at the Eighth Regiment Armory, at 35th street and Giles avenue. The game is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p. m., and is the introduc— tion to the Honor ”A” banquet The banquet will be at 7 p. m. at the New Southern Hotel, 20th street and Michigan avenue. The game will “break the ice” for the 1930—31 basketball season. The Varsity is expected to be vic- torious, if precedence can be relied upon. The chief factor of this pre— diction is that they will be in the pink of condition, while the Alumni will be more or less rusty. A team that has worked together for sev— eral weeks in practice is usually a machine which clicks more smoothly in regards to snappy passing and floor work. The Alumni triple threat men are Captain William Downes, Vic— tor Hofer, and W. Kufiel. They were present in last year’s game, which was won by the raga-lamps? to 17. Last year's captain was Otto Kuehn. who played at left for- ward. King Simpson, noted Armour athlete and seven—letter man, will also appear in the Alumni line~up. Downes and Kuehn are official referees, but neither will act in this capacity tonight, Clint Osborn will be the arbiter for tonight’s game. At any rate, it isn‘t safe to say that history will repeat itself and it may be predicted that no matter what the outcome, a treat is in store for all concerned, including the Honor “A" pledges who will be present. A tentative line-up which is sub- ject to revision has been obtained from the captains of the teams and is listed below. The Varsity will probably be” represented by several substitute combinations, and some of the new men may be given an initial tryout in this evening’s game. 'rnN'rATrve tissues Alumni Downes .......... , Right Forward , . . Left Forward ........ Center .. Right Guard .............. Left Guard Varsity Robin .............. Right Forward Ott .............. Left Forward Rossing. .. , ....... Center Rutkowski ....... . Right Guard Gustafson.. . . . ..... . Left Guard Substitutes for the Alumni are: Shoemaker. Yount, Ahlbeck, John- son, Brady, Erickson and Kuehn. Truss Club Sponsors Dance; Two Fledged A house dance was held on Friday. November 28, 1930, by the Truss Club. The afisir was attended by faculty, alumni. actives, pledges. and friends, and was a pronounced success. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Grai— ton and Mr. and Mrs. G. 5. Taylor were the chaperones. The Truss Club has pledged the following: two men: Charles F‘. Lewis. 33. ME. Boleslsus W Job EB There will be me tins of the plans for the annual athletic new quot. Interfmternity Cm; all tome w: :00 p m. in the Tau Seas 7?: which immediately follows the tilt,» ,.