Page, Four SSSQSSSSS SSS’SS SSS . * " SSSSSS SS SSSSSSS SSSS SS SSSS SSSSSSSS, SS» S Snappy Fielding and HiTting Featured in Second Game 0% Week DROP TlLT TO WESTERN STATE NORMAL Last Friday the Tech ball sharks routed the Michigan State Normals in a fast and well played game which was characterized by some keen fielding and a crop of two-base hits. Anderson garnered two of them while Pepe, Robin and Steh- no got credit for the other three hit by our men. Stehno Shows Form stehno is showing some real style. He succeeded in putting over a home run and was credited with strikeouts numbering three against the lone strikeout for King, the Ypsilanti hurler. Armour took the lead in the first inning, scoring two runs to Nor~ mal’s one. The same thing hap- pened in the second inning, but when the first half of the third had seen its last out, Ypsilanti was tied with the home team, having suc— Ceedcd in scoring two runs which were the fruit of a freakish cluster of two baggers. Hit Three Doubles The first three batsmen for the invaders, I-linkley, King and Giles each hit a neat double. Hinkley and King scored, Giles stealing third, nobody out. Bailey grounded to first; Miller .and Anglemyre struck out, retiring the side with Giles dying on third base. Had the Normals been a trifle stronger in their hitting and suc— ceeded in following up their advan— tage, the game might have been a real tussle in the remaining innings. Score Five in Fourth The Tech men drove in a spike that cinched the game when they piled up five runs in the last half of the fourth. This session was marked by some well placed hits which eluded the Ypsilanti contingent with consis- tent regularity. Mago led off with a base hit, and was followed by Link, Anderson and Pepe who also secured singles. King became big hearted at this stage of the pro— ceedings and donated Hauser, our center field star, with a walk. Robin trailed him with a single but was nipped when he tried to steal sec— ond for the first out of the inning. Reichle hit a sacrifice fly to left field and Weldon was put out at first, retiring the side with five runs. BOX SCORE ARMOUR—~10 . AB. R. H. P. A. Anderson, r.f. ....5 2 3 0 1 Pepe, 1.f. ..5 2 3 4 0 Hauser, of. . ..3 1 l 5 0 Robin, lb. .. ..4 0 3 11 1 Reichle, 2b. . ..3 1 l 1 3 Weldon, 5.5. ....4 0 0 l 1 Stehno, p. .. ...4 1 3 2 1 Mago, 3b. . ..4 2 2 4 1 Link, c. ,,,,,,,,, 4 1 1 3 0 36 10 17 31 8 MICHIGAN STATE—S R. H. P. A. Tomion, 2b. 0 2 3 l Christy, cl. ..5 0 0 1 0 Hinkley, r.f. . ..5 2 2 0 0 King,p.... ...3 1 1 0 3 Giles. s.s. .. ..5 O 4 1 1 Bailey, 3b. ..4 0 1 2 3 Miller, 0. 5 1 1 1 1 Anglemyre, 1b. ..5 l 1 ll 0 Michaelis, 1.f. ....4 1 2 4 1 41 6 14 23 10 HOW ABOUT YOUR COLLEGE EXPENSES FOR NEXT YEAR? Write us immediately good money making proposition Selling lall) college and flflatelnily jewelry includ in): class rings, (2) attractive high madam individual miiionew printed to uusio ers or ei'. ( ) Compete line of felt and leath or goods. and (4) all styles of college belts cal-lying buckles with Oi wit thout yo 111' roulle no co'lms. In your letter. St'lte which of tulle above our inmreuls you and be sure i0 give two references and your summer ad- dress. INDIAN SALES AGENCY Williamsburg, Va. . “Western State Normal of Kala- mazoo, Michigan, avenged the de- feat handed them by Armour on May 2, when they tumbled Tech 10—3 in the game played last Wed» nesday at Ogden Field. During the first four innings, Ar- mour outclassed Western State in both fielding and hitting. The Krafl’tsmen were well in front with a 3-0 lead. They cut the opponents’ innings short with their display of brilliant fielding. Weldon, Reichle, and Robin featured with a number of excellent catches. The tide, however, shifted in the ors then broke the cords that bound them helpless. King Simpson’s flinging arm went wild, while the infield loosened up and permitted the opposing runners to trot around the bases on infield grounders. Western State scored five runs in more in the eighth and finished the game with a three run rally in the ninth. Armour scored its three runs in the second inning, on a single by Weldon and three two-base hits y Simpson, Stehno and Reichle. 'Time, 24.8. fifth inning. The outclassed visit— 541 the fifth inning then added two 1 ARMOUB r Armour Loses» Se . S. S. S. S. “Sracllrmen Due to the fact that all the members of the track team were not present to compete in the meet against Y. M. C. A College ias Wednesday afternoon at Stagg Field, Armour suffered defeat at the hands of the opponents by a score of 62 to 55. Bothered by quite a strong wind from the southwest and a dusty track the runners were unable to make good, time in their respective events; especially was this true in the dis+ tances. High point man for the day was Captain Paul, who scored three first places. Summaries loo-Yd. Dash—let, l-Ieyward, Y; 2nd, Steele, Y; and, A. Jens, A. Time, 10.8. 220-Yd. Dash——lst, Cornell, Y; 2nd, A. Jens, A; 3rd, Heyward, Y. 440~Yd. Dash—1st, Fox, A; 2nd Scheirer, Y; 3rd, Iverson, A. Time, 880»Yd. Run—Jet, Hyer, Y; 21:16., Sorensen, A; 3rd, Timmermans, A. Time, 2:182. 1 Mile Rum—1st, Smith, A; 2nd, Iverson, A; 3rd, Lang, Y. Time, 5.18. 2 Mile Rum—1st, James, A; 2nd, Watty, Y; 3rd Briggs,Y Time, ‘ 120—Yd. High Hurdles—«mt, Kara, A; 2nd, Karel, Y;w3rd, E. Ransel, A. Time, 18.0. Discus—Jst, Paul, A, 2nd Rob— ertson,5Y;i 3rd, Hester, Y Distance, 113 ft Shot 5Pult——lst, Paul, A; 2nd, Rob- ECH NEWS «far ’ GETS i flyfiu @335 Add“). k D School lac-gins Next Week _ Well, well, here it’s Circus week again. This is one time when We students can give the books a little est. With all these activities going 11 one would hardly have time to pend on the volumes of knowledge. Hence, the said volumes will rest in lockers, etc, until later notice. 1r :1: :7 “OF! The program for the week in— cludes the following: a very inter- esting Open House Night where Papa can learn what his little Willie does at Armour. Then there is a group of contests with Loyola in tennis and track at the northside ’ school on Tuesday. Wednesday finds Lake Forest at Armour to play baseball. Thursday there is more tennis, this time De Kalb will play at the Armour courts. The Annual Concert is to be played and sung on this same evening with the In— terfraternity Songfest thrown in for good measure. The final events of the week include the class rush, in- terelass sports, interfraternlty sports and the annual stunts for the Presidents’ Trophy. ear-1: Not So Good Varsity teams were not so fortu- nate last week for nearly each team suffered unexpected defeats. The tennis team went all the way to Valparaiso, Indiana to lose 4 matches to 3. The track team lost to Y College by a very slim margin at Stagg Field on Wednesday. The baseball team lost to Western State Normal after beating them on their own field up at Kalamazoo. Yup, so it goes—even the Cubs lose ball games and they are National League Champions. 4: 4. 1:. Next week for the first time in many years a Conference team will play at Armour. On Monday, Tech plays the University of Iowa in baseball at Ogden Field. Coach Krafft expects to have his team in top shape by the time this game is played. Captain King Simpson is scheduled to pitch, with Chief Steh— no handy to do any relief hurling that is necessary. or more 1'0 wort WELL Wl-ll'l‘E SANETASY EASSER SHOP N. IE. CORNER (HST & INDIANA AVE. Basement Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed WSllSlSWS DRESS Sill’l‘ SENSE. . FULL DRESS, CUTAWAY AND TUXEIDO SUETS ...}... 558 EAST 63KB STREET Phone Plaza 7310 ramwr U. oSlovvaSo May, . - More: Next MonSay . The University of Iowa of Iowa City is scheduled to invade our baseball field next Monday. This will be the first time that a Big Ten school has visited Ogden Field and we surmise our Cornhusker guests will try to maké Silage of the Krai’ftsmen. Iowa has an im- posing record against better than ordinary opposition which may cause some concern among Tech’s ball hawks. With an even break of luck and weather our yellow and black aggregation can be expected to put up a merry battle for hon- 01's. Armour meets Lake Forest in a.‘ return game at Ogden Field on Wednesday. Saturday Y College is to be played at the University of Chicago Field. Eeta Psi Nine Whips Sigma Alpha Mu, 19-? In the inter-fraternity semi—final baseball. game, played a week ago between Beta Psi and Sigma Alpha Mu, the former emerged victorious with a score of 194. The winning team displayed some good baseball, the highlights of which came with the hitting of four home runs with men on base each time. As a result they will meet Phi Pi' Phi for the inter—fraternity indoor championship at Armour Square. Armour tracksters will finish up the outdoor season today when they meet Loyola University at the Loy- 01a Field. Big Eats On May 22 a banquet is to be held for all of Armour’s athletes. The time, the place and the tickets to be announced later. 4! 2k '11 We will close with a hearty wel— come to all the friends of Armour who witness the events of Junior Week. Fill the Steins to dear old Tech. There will be a meeting of the Inter—fraternity Council in their rooms in Chapin Hall, Wednesday, May 14, at 3:00 P. M, according to .i'. A. Ransel, president. Tuesday, May 13, 1936 Misfortunle continues to dog the path 01: ArmOur’ 5 tennis team. Last Tuesday the team traveled to Val— paraiso, Ind. where they encount- ered Valparaiso University and re- turned defeated Il-B. Two of the matches‘that were lost should have been won, but as fate had it Ar- mour’s racquet men fumbled and nibbled during the crucial mo- ments permitting the other men to turn in the victories. Winkler and Eddy won their in: - dividual matches with the scores 6-3, 6-3 and 8—6, 6—3, respectively. Eddy and. Schirmer won the double event with the scores of 14-12 and and 64). Tech meets Valparaiso in a re~ turn match at the Armour courts on Thursday. Firing ERE; Meeting to Elect Officers The F. P. E. Society are having their last meeting Wednesday, May 14, 9. o’clock in Sclence'l‘lall in or— der to elect the officers for the coming year. The Senior Chems and the Junior- Fire Protects made an inspection trip to the American Corn Products Company 5 plant last Thursday. They were accompanied by Profes- sors Schommer and Bentley. The . Chemicals were interested in the various processes through which the corn was put to finally emerge as Amaizo. The Fire Protects were interested in the various fire haz- ards that occur in a plant of this type. A hick town is a place where you have to wait until washday to see what the girls are wearing. SSSSSSSSSSS? LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES. BUSINESS CARDS. ETC. 24‘ HOUR SERVHCE PIONEER PRINTING ssuvrce 107 W. VAN BUREN 5T. ROUM 203 WABASH 2158 able prices? SSS'SSSSS SSSSS‘S stand in line and juggie a tray for your meal when we serve deitcious food at reason‘ SSSlSSSSESSSSS l Wentworth at 3.13! 235 E. ”ONTARIO ST. MSSSWSS®NS FRATERNSTY JEWELERS DANCE PROGRAMS AND FAVOURS CLASS RINGS AND MEDALS _.,_ ENGRAVED CALLHNG CARDS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS GIVE vs A CALL AND we WILL CALL SUP: 8656 CHICAGO BOX SCORE ertson, Y; 3rd, C. J. Jens, A. Dis— tance, 45 ft 2% in. ARMOURPB 11.13. R. H. O. A.E. Pole Vault—Tied for first, Rob~ Reichle. 2b ....... 4 o 2 1 a 1 an“; 3"; 0‘31““5' Y' Ke‘th' Y‘ Weldon, 5.5. .....3 o 1 3 3 1 6‘3 t. ft' Broad- Jumpulst, Cornell, Y; Hauser,c.f. ....4 0 1 4 0 0 . . 211d, Robertson, Y; 3rd, Scheirer, Robln, lb. ..4 0 011 2 1 _ . . , Y. D1stance, 19 ft 6 in. Simpson,p.. ..2 0 1 2 2 0 . . . Miran, l.f. .. ..3 1 0 0 0 0 Hugh dump—let, Paul, A, tied for Stehno, r.f. . “4 1 1 2 0 0 an; llrile1th, Y, Kara, A. Height, 5 M , . .. .. “iii? (3b.. H: (1) g 2 3 3 Javelin—lst, Hester, Y; 21101, Cor— Anderson . ‘1 0 0 0 0 0 (liesfiti; 3rd, Helmick A. Distance, Pepe...... ...10 o 0 o o 59 '11 ”n- Michalski .........1 0 0 0 0 0 —-—~~——- Total .......... 5 —3 .6 S; 1—1 7’: lef- Roescln Attends WESTERN STATE NORMAL-10 ” Meeting m New Y‘Mk AB. R. H. O. A. E. Frendt, 2b. 0 2 1 1 0 Professor Daniel Roesch attended Johnson, c_ 5 1 2 g 1 0 a meeting of the Co-operative Fuel Denner,3b.. “4 0 0 1 0 1 Research Steering Committee last Decker, c.f.. ...5 2 1 1 0 0 Monday May 5th. Mackay, Li. 4 2 1 1 1 0 The meeting was held. at the Stilec, s.s ......... 5 1 1 0 3 1 American Petroleum Institute, 10- Cooper, 1b. . ..4 1 1 13 0 0 cated at 250 Park Ave, New York Black, p. ..0 0 0 0 1 0 City. Members of the American Bray, p. .......... 4 1 1 l 4 0 Petroleum Institute and the Society —————— of Automotive Engineers comprise Total .......... 40 10 10 2'7 11 3 the committee. E CtlthlliEllDM‘ . . "9;..-“ ”Sr/u ( Plume Franklin 2025 SSSSIES. SSSSZS ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 0i? ENTERNATIONSL FAME SRMUUS’S OFFlClAL PORTRAIT ARTHST 140 N. STATE ST. ClllCACO, ILL. PHONE STATE. MM SUSS ESSEX"? SEMESTER-MDQSWT MESS SSE SSSUS 1111.1. our AND nan. room: 5 RECEIVED or Mr .................................................. . i l 1 Mr. ................ . ......... ......1 , Vlallmg Address . 5 $333 for 2:): semester's City .............................. . ................... : subscription to the I has paid $33 for “‘0 semesters subscription to the Armour Tech 1 5 our Tech News 1 15330 ,News, 1930. By ..... . ................................. . .. i I _ Vol.6—123456'789l0ll12l3l41513y ....................... i P blish d V? ekly During , v01. 7.— 1 2 3_ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H 12 13 1415., “ gigging”...