Page Four thiUit MlfiES "til hi2 With Thhfiliiihfi Bl! Silttlm Pfiii‘tl‘ Tech Leads 1 1% ll 33 at Halt ; Rough Play Feature of the Game RQBEN HlGH SCORER Armour Tech lost a heart—break or to the De Kalb red jackets last Thursday at De Kalb, 24-23. A rough and tumble basketball game began with the opening whistle and did not subside until the final gun. Close guarding and constant driving for the ball resulted in many spills. Late in the first half Miran crashed into the wall after a wild dash for the elusive ball. Rutkowski was dumped several times, once alighting on his chin. A crowd of 200 spectators watched Tech gather 14 points to De Kalb’s 13 in the first half. The single point difference was a signal for the rough play that followed. Rossing plunked in a free shot, 01.1; with a single basket and Robin with two increased Tech’sscore to 21 markers, Then Jeff Rowley sunk a short push up basket for Arm- our’s last score. Six and one half minutes from the final gun De Kalb hooped a long shot for the last point of the game; the score ,stood, Armour 23, De Kalb 24. The ,final minutes saw frequent jump ups, long basket shooting and more Li‘oughing. In the last second of play, Miran was fouled. His char— ity shot hit the hoop, rolled around several times, then decided to fall outside the hoop, thus preventing a tie game with the subsequent overtime period of play, rice smart j Hardest is Over Now Happy days are here again. The finals are over. The reports are all in. Just think, nothing to worry about until next June. Well, maybe? Only Four to Be Played Since our last issue Tech has en— gaged in three basketball games. Two of these were with De Kalb while the other was played with Y College. The first De Kalb game was played at the Armory during the week preceding the finals. The two other games were played last week. 4i til i): Next Friday Armour will play the second game with Augustana at our home floor. This contest is scheduled to begin promptly at 3:30 'p. to. Give your team just a wee bit of support and our chances for victory are increased considerably. iii A': w Casualties played havoc with the Tech first squad during the last few weeks. Sickness and injuries kept the players from their best ef- forts. In spite of this our boys have won more games than they have lost. Busy Month liar Athletes 1 Lots of things in the athletic line are slated to occur in February. Besides Lincoln’s birthday which is a holiday, Tech will finish the bas— ketball season with a pair of home games and a pair of traveling games. The interclass track meet will blow the cover off the indoor track season on February 25. The swimmers will attempt to drown the Chicago Normal team on Feb- ruary 21. Tech pugs will scrap with South Chicago ‘1 twice during the month, February 15th and 25th. Basketball has its first call today. Indoor practice for battery men will continue throughout the month. Twelve in a Row Now that the Phi Pi’s have won the interl’raternity basketball championship for the twelfth time things will remain quiet along the eastern front until the fraternities play their annual indoor baseball tournament early in May. Wants. Play Baseball? Today Coach W. C. Kraflt, men- tor of the 1928 Championship Tech Baseball team, will meet all candi— dates for the 1930 Armour baseball Armour Tech ”to Meet Augustana The Armour Tech basketball team will meet the Augustana team on the Armory floor next Fri— day at 3:30 p. m. The Eighth Rash ment Armory, 35th and Giles Ave, is to be the scene 01‘ this important battle. Augustana, which is conceded to be one of the strongest basketball teams in the Little Nineteen, will travel to Chicago from Rock Island on Friday to engage Armour for the second time this year. In the last encounter the Rock Islanders collected a large portion of the Tech scalp by virtue of a 40-29 victory. With nearly a week’s rest, Coach Kraftt expects his team to present the best performance of the year. The list of casualties has been re- duced to the lowest that it has been at any time this season. Probable lineups: Armour Robin, 1‘. f. Simpson, 1. f. Rossing, c. Rowley, g. Rutkowski, g. hugustaua Thomas, 1'. f. Chelstrom, l. i. Corry, 0. Jones, 9;. Lindberg, g. When Tech traveled to Rock Isl- and in January a victory was in— sured until Robin was removed from the game with an injured shoulder. At half time the score stood 22-11 in favor of Augustana. A wild scoring orgy in the second half in which both teams scored 18 points gave the Rock Islanders the game by 11 pointers. flowers to Meet South Uhicago “it” Armour’s boxing team will en— gage in two of the season’s out— standing fights when they meet the South Chicago Y. M. C. A. team on February 15, and February 25. The first match, scheduled for this Saturday, will be held at the South Chicago ring at 8 p. m. The match of February 25, will take place at our school gymnasium at 4-250 p. m. This is the first time in Armour’s history that the boxing team has scheduled a fight at the school; In one respect, the improvement in the boxing equipment and ring made possible such arrangement. It may be recalled that our mpugs experienced a 6—4 defeat in the hands of the South Chicago outfit last year. The outcome, although not entirely satisfactory, was con» sidered successful. South Chicago had just defeated Bloomington Y. M. C. A., champions of the State, in a previous match. They, natur— ally, had not anticipated anything less than a clean cut victory. As the results indicated, they narrowly escaped defeat. Coach Weissman is endeavoring to schedule 10 fights for this sea- son. Among the probable contes— tants are Captain Euehling, Larkin, Taylor, Schlossberg, Mitchell, Don- nelly, Ustryski, Whitfield, Moro~ wits and Sommers. team in Room A of the main build— ing at 11:30 a. m. If you have as- pirations to play on the Armour team this is your chance to meet the coach and the players who made such a great record last year. 11-1 in ii After four banner years as first string pitcher of the yellow and black baseball team King Simpson will finish his collegiate career as captain of the team. . 0h To Be Famous In the near future we will again present an exclusive article on in- tercollegiate athletics by John J. Schommer. Last time John wrote for us he received quite a razzing from some or the big time column conductors in the Chicago news— papers. A. El. J. In the Lost and Found depart— ment this week we find eight text- books, two pairs of gloves, and, be- licve it or not, a pair of pants. ARMCPUR TECH NEWS Pitt ill iii-ii Wilt Width "l'l’i'ttfi Fflii EWEWFH “Filth Deteat Betta Tau Delta in fiver-time Thriller Whig BELTS LEAD AT HAM" Phi Pi Phi fraternity won the lnterl‘raternity basketball cham- pionship for 1930 last week in the Armour gymnasium by defeating Delta Tau Delta in the champion- ship game 19—18. The victor oi the contest was not determined until an overtime period of five minutes had been played. The score at the end of the regulation time stood at 16 all. The Delts were able to score a single basket while the more fortunate Phi Pi’s rung up a basket and a free toss in the over- time period to give them the game and the championship. This is the twelfth time in suc- cession that Phi Pi Phi has won the interfraternity basketball trophy. The traveling cup which is awarded to the victor each year will remain in the permanent possession of the Phi Pi‘s because they have already M won two legs on the trophy. Debts Lead 11-6 Confident of an easy victory, the unsuspecting Phi Pi’s met an eager, fighting Delt team. The opening minutes indicated an overwhelm- ing Delt superiority but the last breaking Phi Pi attack could not be denied. At half time the score stood 11~6 in favor of the Bolts. The final period opened with a fast and furious rushing attack. Fre— quent fouling and subsequent free r Reached Announcement Coach mafit announces that all pitchers and catchers who intend to try out for the 1931} Tech Varsity baseball team are to report to Room A, 4th fiber of the main building today at 11:30 a. m. lnficlders and outfieidcrs are to report at this: time also. ” basket shooting ultimately deter» mined the winner of the game. As the time approached for the con- clusion of the game the score was knotted at 16—16. Using offensive plays only, both teams attempted to make the score that would win the game. The final gun found the score tied, necessitating an over— time period of five minutes. A basket and a successful charity shot scored by the Phi Pi’s over- shadowed their opponents single basket by one point. The final score was Flii Pi Phi 19, Delta Tau Delta 18. Barber and Pearson were the in— dividual stars of the Deli; team while Carlson with his 8 points was the high point artist of the Phi Pi’s. Phi li’i Phi-41!) B. .F.T. P. Leichtenberg ......... 1 0 1 Carlson . 3 2 2 Stabovitz . .. 2 z 3 Cassidy ............... 0 0 0 ead ................. 0 l 2 Erland ............... l 0 3 7 5 11 ‘5. FT P. .. . 2 (l 3 .. 2 l 0 .. l 2 4 .. l 2 3 .. 0 1 1 Bea‘ .......... .. ....... 0 0 1 6 63 12 Siwgg Pierre intern gloss Tracie Meet The first track meet of the sea~ son, the Annual lntcrclass Track Meet, will be held two weeks from tomorrow at the University of Club cago. Coach A. A. Stagg, Jr., hopes to test the ability of the new men in this meet. won by the Sophomores, Class of ’31, with a total of 32 points. The Jimiors trailed with 17 points, the Frosh and Seniors gathered ’1 and 6 points respectively. Although the Juniors this year, will have practically all of last year’s team back, they will not be able to walk away with the meet because the other classes have de— veloped considerably. The Fresh— men, the dark horses or interelass athletics, have several star per— formers from high school who will give the upper classmen stifi com- petition. In the past the victorious class team has been awarded some spe— cial prize such as sweaters with class numerals. This year, accord~ The Interclass Meet last year was < Monday, February 1%, 3353.24 consist oi? medals, to be awarded to the three place winners in; w ch event. The mterclass contagion- ship will be determined: by the places won by each class. Flares scored will have the following this ues: first place, five points; second pace, three points; third place, one point. The team which has totaled the greatest number of points gov cording to the above grading will be declared victor of the meet with the title, lnterclass Traci: Chane» pious. Coach Stagg urges track men in all events, especially the new man. to practice at least two or horse times each week from new on. our rear soon amour or Ralph’s liarber Shop 11’? EAST 35TH ST. 1r PAYS so noon west WEI-Em Sfifltl’l‘éfi‘r’ E’SAREER SEQ? N. B. (KIRNER 315T £1 mums AV‘EE. Basement Honest Work—Honest Prices BACHELQRSS HAND LAESNDRY “7E CALL A D DELIVER 102 EL Slat Street at Michigan i? one Victory 38% timid; 1 fiddly GGUD SERVHEE. him 50. WORTH AVE. 163%VReduci‘ion on Maui fishers htiii‘hblhdfi? 35m E96125 53 ”Ml n a dig fimfifi A WE by its fruit." The. endless do mil ofageiog tobacco, blending and cross-blend- ing, the standard Chesterfield method, is not i}? split us‘ what interests you. (3'2 3929. Want :2 mac Tomaso Co. But its “§sui€”—-— licences, spider aroma, true miidness with unmistakable tobacco "character” vistas: she mooning that smokers can judge byv— . a“ '5” was "i” is adore everything " more Whig WRmSi-‘i ea ”layers 5;, . i MILD...eu2§ yet E's-25$ SABER