Page Two ARMOUR TEQH MEWS Tuesday, Gasser is. 1929: sterner r tacit Weiss Student Publication of the ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLUGY CHICAGO, llLLllNOllS Published Weekly During the College Year THE STAFF MMAGHNG BOARD Editor—in—Chief ................... David T. Smith, ’30 Managing Editor .......... ..John S. Meek, ’30 Business Manager M. 0. Nelson, ’30 Faculty Adviser ......... Professor Walter Hendricks NEWS DEEARTMENT News Editor ..................... Fred B. Attwood, ’31 Departmental Editors .......................... J. R. Jackson, ’32“ V. A. Sturm, ’30 E. W. Carlson, ’32 W. H. Rudolf, ’32 Reporters O. Barnett, ’33 F. M. James, ’31 I. M. Berger, '31 T. Leavitt, '33 P. Bottorofi, ’33 J. M. Robbe, '32 J. B. Dirkers, '32 C. E. Rudelius, ’30 R. L. Ellis, ’33 A. Weston, ’32 SPORTS DEPARTMENT Sports Editor .......................... A. H. Jens, '31 Assistants E. R. Rowley, ’30 C. Stempkowski, ’32 R. Mulroney, '33 _______________________.______ FEAWRE DEPARTMENT Feature Editor ....................... Al Aucrbach, ’31 Columnist ............ K. A. Knittfii’ :33 tore Writer. . Stephen Janissews , ’ ggauiring Report .................. H. P. Richter, 32 MAKE—ilk DEPARWEN’E‘ Make-up Editor ............. Stephen Janiszewskl, '30 Assistants M. J. Schinke, ’32 J. Ta lor, ’32 y A. E. Wierzbowskl, ’32 E. J. Wiltrakis, ’32 BUSHNESS DEPARWN'JJ.‘ Advertising Manager ......................... (Open) Solicitor—R. G. Kenner, ’31; F. W. Spaulding, ’31. Circulation Manager ................ C. H. Johnson, '30 Assistants—A. H. Jens, '31; G. Reichle, ’30; A. J. Lenka, ’31; F. W. Spaulding, ’31; E. J. Wiltrakis, ’32; E. A. Seaman, ’32; E. W. Carlson, ’32. QCTOEER 15, 1929 No. 4 WHAT 13 GM? dill/l? When we View our present day system of engineer- ing education, we begin to wonder from where it came. If we look into the history of education we see that the development of science in the nineteenth century led to a demand for the education requisite for modern life. Economic competition forced men to employ science as an aid to industry, thereby creating a new environment. This in turn, required new knowledge and the fonnation of new mental habits if there was to be effective control. Natural science gave men a new intellectual discipline and a new world view. With it came a fresh hope for the race. Educators stated that mankind need only learn the laws of nature and obey them to become wise, happy, and good. They said that the new knowledge dis- pelled ignorance and superstition, that it set the mind free. There was much criticism of traditional education and much faith in the liberalizing efiects of Scientific training as well as in its practical results. Today, this is all accepted by the masses. Scientific research and training occupy a most important place in education. In many universities scientific studies have almost supplanted the classical studies; tech— nical colleges have been developed. No modern per- son can be really educated without some training in scientific methods. But science also may become more animal training. Each science is a profession, acquired as a technical training like learning a trade. Engineering, dealing almost entirely with the study of science and its ap« plications, is the most outstanding example of this method of teaching. of things outside his own trade the Engineer may be quite ignorant and lacking in curiosity. He is often unable to see the significance of his specialty for knowledge and life as a whole. At present, the balance swings back. Engineering is in grave need of a liberalizing force. The scientific education of the present develops a man so specialized that we wonder what has been gained. Is a mere in— crease of knowledge the aim of education? Are we to be like the pack rat of the Rocky Mountains, which spends its life accumulating bits of glass, beads, metal and other objects which attract its eye? a r: l. MVNES Since the announcement of Miss Nelle Steele, Li- brarian, that all Reserve Books held overdue would be charged at the rate of 25 cents an hour, there have been several protests made that such a scale of fines is beyond reason. However, the number of such books held overdue since the beginning of this system has been exactly zero. There is no question about the fine rate being ex- cessive, but if it prevents the breaking of rules, it has accomplished its purpose. When somebody gets caught with a book overdue, then an awful howl will be set up. It will then be a long time before anyone forgets another time. The total amount of fines collected un- der the new system will probably be smaller than under the old one, and the amount saved by more efficient distribution of books will be a large consid- eration. The only question which remains is, will the friction caused by the occasional levying of large fines hinder the library in its endeavor to cooperate with the stu— V01. EV “THE SLEPSWfiK” :: Cleave to “The Slipstick”; lot we on the Slapstick fly where it may. . THE ENEVWARLE Woe to the smiling freshy Who lets his homework drop, For he who takes it lightly And goes nightly to a hop, Will wrest with muddled formulas And juggle Sines in vain, And when he thinks he’s conquered He’ll find he‘s wrong again. And if he tries to copy answers And hands the prof the bunk, Then when he comes to the finals, He’ll very surely FLUNK. J. S. MeC. ill a 3? Soph (very serious): “Now, honestly what would you do if you were in my shoes?” naughty Senior: “Get a shine.“ 5k it Definition: A match is a small splinter of wood tipped with a minute portion of the future of a mis— spent life. til #1 '1‘ And then these reminiscing math profs. who start- ing out, “One of my night school boys a couple of days ago . . .” It :11 ll MODERNHSM Motorist: Gimme five gallons of gasoline. Attendant: “Sorry, but we don’t handle gasoline, mister. We got Motorese, Mile—aimin’ High Test Speedit, Benzorolino, Green, Blue, and Orange Road- zip, and Aviation Petrol. Which do you prefer? all hit ll! We really do feel sorry for the lad who joined the navy to see the world and spent his four years on a submarine. =II lit It! Success at last. A new contributor. As soon as we get nine more we will have Ten in all. We are strong advocates of the full dinner (there we go thinking about eating) rather a full contribution box. )4 V b . a . HEM! HER-ll! Policeman (to pedestrian who was knocked down by a hit and run driver): “Did you get his number?" Victim: "‘No, but I’d recognize his laugh anywhere." It fl 1! WERSE That poetry hath mystic charms, I’ve always understood. But this is not enough of it To make you think it’s good. 1%! I‘d ‘1‘ showing the routes to and from various rooms. It took one lad about a week to learn how to get from A Mission to B Chopin. 114 :y AND THE WEST ONE MASN’T A CHANGE Captain (to gunner): "See that man on the bridge five miles away?” Gunner: “Ay, Ay, Sir.” Captain: “Let him have a twelve inch in the eye.” Gunner: “Which eye, sir?” 3&1 Ill a: Little Bobby, who had been taken into the country for a day’s outing, saw a spider spinning a web Toe- tween two tall weeds. “Hey, Pop,” he yelled, “come on over here and see this bug putting up a wireless.” )k Oh it SEX itEk’EdiL I—le: “Let me kiss you under the mistletoe.” She: “Say, I wouldn’t let you kiss me under an anaesthetic.” His Ill 1‘! MATCH—PDWDER—FENHS “Well, you see, sir,” replied the foreman, “it was this way. Bill went into the powder mixing rooms, prob— ably thinking of something else, and stuck a match in mistake. Heh” “Struck a match!” exclaimed the proprietor in amazement. “I should have thought that would have been the last thing on earth he’d do!" “It was, sir,” was the calm rejoinder. 1’? it ill With the use of automatic telephones subscribers can get their own wrong numbers. to a: it DON’T READ THIS Mother: “Elmer, did you see brother eat anything that would make him sick like this?" Little Elmer: “No, Mamma. All I saw him out today was the raisins oil the fly paper. (We told you not to.) is =i= it: Love is that which makes a man get married when his fiancee has no money. 2: iii S A BIG HELP ' It suddenly occurred to the small boy that he had neglected to perform his daily good deed. He ap~ preached the infirm old lady on the corner. “May I accompany you across this busy street, ma’am?” he asked. "Why of course you can, you poor little fellow," she beamed. “How long have you been waiting for some- body to take you across?" a: m 31 First: “Yes sir, that car of mine is sure fast. She could travel a mile a minute, if it Wasn’t for one thing.” Second: “What’s that?" First: “The distance is too long for the shortness of time.” at 6 0 Now that winter is coming on, we. hope that some dents? fresh air fiend doesn’t make the room so cool that we can't sleep. ;. K. I x i ‘We think it would be a good idea to. make ammo, “ it) Professor Eiders if. @rofton (AL Biographical Sketch) By Stephen Janiszewski, “so vember 17, 1901. ceived in Iowa, degree in Civil Engineering. while he was a student. the West on ton. Eldon C. Grafton, Assistant Pro- fessor of Structural Engineering, was born in Le Grand, Iowa, No— His elementary and high school education was re- South Dakota, Idaho and Washington. After at- ltending the Washington State Col— lege at Pullman, Washington, he was graduated in 1926 with a B. S. Upon leaving school, Prof. Grai- ’ton left with his alma mater a mark of achievement in the form of a new gymnasium on the Wash— ington campus, for which he did the structural concrete designing, Following his graduation, Prof. Grafton did considerable work in railroad timber bridges, railroad location and con- struction in the state of Washing- Having this experience, he came to the University of Ellinois, where for a, year he carried on research work in structural engineering. His next position was with the New York Central Railroad, in New York City, where he was an assist~ ant engineer in the bridge depart— ment, designing rigid frame type grade-crossing bridges. The Western Electric Company, of New York City, next claimed Yrof. Grafton. He was with the construction department, working on reinforced concrete and steel buildings and specializing in build- ing design problems. Prof. Grafton was married to Virginia Koeppeu shortly after leaving Illinois University. He now boasts of a year old son. Military training was a diversion from engineering studies. At one time, Prof. Grafton held the rank of Cadet Colonel at his school. He (now holds a commission of a First Lieutenant in the Engineers of the omcers Reserve Corps. I He belongs to Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau, Phi Kappa Phi, and Scabbard and Blade fraternities. Prof. Grafton was welcomed to the Armour faculty this semester. For the first time in many years, Ohio State University students will sponsor their own lecture program during the coming school year. They plan to bring six notables to the campus for lectures. The venture. is an undertaking of the student senate, which was reorganized last year to include [women representatives. A special committee of the senate has been working with Dean of Men J. A. {Pal-k, to complete the arrange- moments. The series will open Nov. 26 with Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, U. S. M. (2., as the initial speaker. Gen- eral Butler readily acquiesced to Ithe student invitation to speak here. The other speakers are Donald Engnémng honorees What do you. think oi the nomi- nation of class officers by petition? .l. Fee, ’39, KEEP-It is a waste oi time to get a petition because all of the different cliques lmow who they want nominated. The new ballot system is an improvement. (2. ll. Fox, '31, (la—It is a good thing, but it is soil too easy to nominate because there should be more names on the list, say about 20. R. A. Hess, ’31, Bible—It some be improved but anything is better than the old system. W. M. King, ’31, REE—it is an improvement over the old method but it should be supplemented by a clause which limits the number of nominees for each ofice. W. Miles, ’31, Molar—It is a gooé idea because it is better than hav— ing only one nomination and one second. Ten seconds are better than one because the nominee is under consideratitm by more men. W. Schirmer, ’31, ERR—sit is the only way to avoid control by the few who are in charge and to give a fair recognition to each candi— date. R. Tbmmemans, ’3}, Effie-That is the only fair waytonominate be— cause you can get as many nomi- nations: as are wanted and every- one will be recognized. E. 15. Stehno, ’31, EE—The peti— tion is alright because it keeps one element from running the claim as they please. It gives everybody a chance. N. McMillan, the Arctic expio *; 1Tom Skeyhill, Australian poet who was blinded at Gallipoli; Count Felix von Luekner, the German sea. raider; Capt. John Noel, a member bf the British expedition to climb Mt. Everest several years ago; and John Powys, English essayist. “our FlONEE 1‘33“?“ unseat; RING “YORK HAS 1m... .sasi’ 3 The telephone grows air-minded THE BELL SYSTEM has madeinany successful experiments in two-way plane to ground telephone communication. This new development illustrates how it marches a pace ahead of the new civilization. it is now growing faster than ever before. New telephone buildings are going up this year in 200 cities. Many ceutml offices are changing from manual to dial role» BEER, SYSTEM a? nation—wide xyrnwz cf Easir—mcnnricg refinances phones. A vast prognnn of cable commie tion is going on. This is the period of grown}, improve- ment and adventure in the reiophone industry. Espendinn'es this year for new plant and service improvement more than five dollars—“one and one it cost of the Panama Sinai. will d hit? on. mes the entire hundred or 3 US”? 3315“. "G U N and?”