Page Four @Xh‘fillll filtilllili’l‘ d’l‘fiild dWAh/ililhll; filJGlUS’ilihlh HEM}? Mussylini Opens Up Too Late; Scherger Pulls Brodie; Score ill-7 The Armour basketbawlers the annual game here today with the Crack Oxford cricket experts in a contest that will keep the grand jur~ ors busy for months. The game be— gun at 4:00 P. M., both teams taking on oath at 3:55 and promising to do nothing that they would be ashamed of nine or ten years later. At exactly .‘ 38 the scorekecper was also sworn in, whereupon he announced the starting lineup: won Armour Oxford Man-1., rf. King George, rf. Simpson, if. I] Duce, if. Von Hindenburg‘, Aug’hstine, re. Clemenceau, rg. Goodhcnrt. lg. Scherger, lg. is! Quarter At the start the Armour cagemen looked reasonably honest, until the glassy Augustine fouled the tough Dutch center, Vonnie, under the bas- ket. He was called in and asked for a certificate of character. “Augie" missed the two free throws. Three Pinkerton men were ossigned to his case at once. However he regained the ball of? the backboard and passed to Simpson who failed to hold, with the result that he was searched for incriminating letters. No score as yet. Here the Techs took time out fox a special conference, deepening still further the mystery of the game. They come out of the huddle and at the jump ball with Rossing leading: an Indian yell, he tipped the ball to Mom who passed to Simpson, who standing by the basket and singing “Oh, Catherine, Oh Catherine, Here I Am,” flipped the ball in. This play was so suspicious, it was referred to the league of nations, which imme- diately raised the president’s salary. Score, 2-0. Meanwhile the Duce sank a free— throw on Simpson’s flying foul. He denied it was part of a. written agree» (Continued on page 2, column 4) Ro g, 0. Gen. Pulaski, “godmother: Navy Hawaii, is worm? As this issue went to press, n cable-- gram from the front. line trenches reached Stew Headquarters inform~ ing us of the tragic though heroic death of General Sidney Deadshot Pulaski, head of the Salvation Navy Rifle Corps. Chauffeur Weops and Woepn The news, a distinct shock to his chauffeur, marks the end of the greatest era in the history of Armour Necks. During his active service as head of the R. 0. T. C. here, more clubs were formed, more bulletins were posted, more unattended meet— ings were held, and more people were killed than during; any previous pe~ riod in our notorious existence. A TufiE Break The Deans’ office was said to have gone into an uproar upon his death because they feared no-one could be found to follow in his footsteps. His feet were said to be too big. SEEK GR“) LEAKS lN CRANK CASE C. E. Cooper, W. Hendricks, W. )3. Amsbai'y, and S R. Hadsell were found in an irresponsible condition on the end of the Navy Pier, 33rd and Wentworth, this morning. When revived with a solution of chlorine and tear gas, they claimed they be“ came exhausted while plugging up grid leaks in the bottom of the crank case in Danny Roesch’s car. STAlNS BANANA SEEDS BLACK From the files of the STEW of eighty years ago we find the follow- ing: “Spike Scherger has developed a method of staining banana seeds black or at least a dark brown while they are being grown in their parent fruit. The seeds, heretofore white, have always been difiicult to remove from the teeth due to their elusive color. A slump in the false teeth industry is expected to follow soon." Dave Moreton, the human fly, made insurance companies grab their potato chips when he fell from a fifty six story building recently. No blood was found where Dave landed. He had only fallen from the first floor. Saginaw 4144 ‘ Merrimac 5410 FOR YOUR NEXT DANCE #Engage a filflhlfitlhl @RflflfidTRfii MAURlE HlLlLBélL‘OM Musical director, formerly with Balaban and Katz and now at the Stratford Theater, is an active member of this organization. For information Call or Write 7931 Choppel Avenue 1525 N. Lei-cl Avenue- Call Wabash. 8535 for nt TYPEWRETER HEADQUARTERS, ENC. 407 S. Deerhorn St. s for Renting or Buying Telephone Prosoect 42% for liner eyes it“ . on West 63rd Street high/did iii. hhllhilfitm Representotive ARMQUR TEGH NWWS Nettles Lose: firs Zilfit‘éil Nibbles Their Peasants (Continued from page 1, column 5} lug-stone, and promises to put him out of business. Amid all the commotion that the contestants were staging in their hot battle, the sudden pop from a sawed» of? shot-gun served as a signal that the half was over, and the score was still in Armour’s favor,-—-a. 0 to 0 tie. “We want baskets!” yelled the frantic mob. In on instant 30 sales- men appeared with 29 samples of every type of basket that is made on the face of the earth. The baskets were all bought up at a cheap price by the Lunchi‘oom where they will he disguised as Shredded Wheat. Kit-off! Cameo To Slowly, Armour began gaining on its opponents. They had worked the ball two feet past the center of the floor and were now under the basket. At this instant, Krafft woke up and asked: “What’s about?" “Mauz is holding the ball and the other fellows on our side want it so they can make a basket,” replied an ardent Armour fan. “Why have an argument?” yawned Krafi't as he rolled out four more balls to the Armour quintet. Armour Gets in Brawl: At this stage in the game, the tide turned to break the opposition of the visiting quintets. With a minute to play, the backboard fell down and the home aggregate then proceeded to run up a record score in record time. Schommer got tongue-tied counting when he reached 2,222 so this score became final. The final score was 4,444 to 0 in favor of the the big; argument all Armour Neckingstute of lntolog‘y. The Englewood Knitting Works Wholesale and Retail 6723 S. Mediated Street Branch: 1210 W. 792}: 5%. Phone Wentworth 5920 .____ midi , Elohim disorder fillets Peed oi: “Sonny fairly” Whom should we see acting oppw site Al .iolson in the Iatter’si latest production than Tubby Foerster. Tubby will again not in his usual role of “Sonny Boy" in the mirth inspir- ing productions. FEREQNALS Auggie, my love, don’t come over tonight. Daddy lost a. bet on a beam ketball game. Lover—«Ophelia. Not responsible for any lmfiz, lmldz, or kornz kontracted before; or after February 14, 1929. J. Frances McNamara. Who has my Cale book? Keep the book but return the pony on the back pages. Reward. C. llrwin Palmer. ALLISON! HAVE YOU SCRIBED TO THE ARMOUR TECH NEWS? Russell E. Johnson, ’29. ATTENTEON!‘ Barney Wilcox. How about Physics I? it or I’ll give you dcath.’ Vernet V. Poupitch, '29. FOR SALE: Chinese alphabets. Cut rates to Armour students, Theodore Chin Fain, ’31. RED-MOT MUSMJ HAfllrieon «”93 —School Orders Our Specialty—— SUB- , Give me cred- ‘ .452. word shoot odseicfieing . . . The products you see consistently advertised in this paper are worthy of your confidence. it takes two things to make a consistent advertise; One is a strong conviction that he has a product that . will hold its place in public favor despite competition. The other is actual proof of that . . . the increasing popularity of his product. if his product will not stand the test of comparison * he would simply be throwing his advertising invest: merit away. if the "buying public rejects his product after it has been offered in advertising he 3A3 thrown his advertising investment away. That’s why the manufacturer who advertises his merchandise consistently is very sure of his quality i . . . and why you may he sure of it, too. A lilietionnry oi: miemiosl Essences .. containing 12,000 completed and baianced reactions classified for ready reference. " Midfield it Offered at half price to students in the @QQKSS’E‘QRE Get yours before they’re gone? midi? oldhllillfiflh‘lfilf 21% Q3 .li‘ii i 1L B e Kori/c yon-r or concern doors The Hinds Regain some; 3 rope into die; air, swarms up said rope Emmi over hand, and pulls it in after him. Marvedousl fine slchnlczd tourist cook a snapshot of the miracle. Result: no miracle, no Climb, nothing. You can”: photogrcgfi s cigeroms’s flavor, of course. field’s More ii; owner, if it isn’t theses. Mildoess me be overdose, you know own so the n: o7 as git may 5“ gs Q r“ MW W ‘ {sis é‘o l. Wed or: point where there’s no zesce at {313. Elm“ never in Chesterficids. They’ve go: have: and hedge and it doesn‘t misc s hypemist to prove it. Not that there's even e. him. of maisonette m Chesterfield. There’s some smoother. B i the full, rich, subtly blended tobacco flown: so: loops intact to do their pleasant dorynmm so: '” leek that who: a eigescste is for? 55 . gt. mr, x r N, s. “1 reéaifi‘hh sense winger? a s Yvonne {10>