Page Four ARMOUR TECH NE‘VVS Tuesday, May it, 1%? also stats on llS’l‘ or neutralise lanolin can. rain Tracie Team Meets Lake Forest Friday Armour’s third outdoor track meet will be held Friday, May 17 at Lake Forest with Lake Forest Col— lege at 3 RM. As there is no school flail: Team Wins on the long end of a. 10-8 score in a @ver 3t. .lol'm U. The Armour Golf team came out Play Return Game with Michigan State. Normal on Home 70 Diamond Friday afternoon, a unit in a bus. Saturday Morning, May 11.— With Simpson in superb hurling form, Armour Tech hung up its many of the students are expected to attend the meet. The track team will go as Notre Dame Gives First match with St. John’s University of Toledo, Ohio. The match was played at the Evergreen Country Club on Friday, May 10, in place of the scheduled match with the Uni— versity of Wisconsin. Armour won both the doubles and the singles ninth straight baseball triumph by defeating Michigan State Normal, 5 to 3 Friday. Simpson fanned twen- ty-one. Nine enemies have met and nine have been defeated; such is the impressive record of Ai‘mour’s ’29 baseball team up to date. Un- der the able direction of Coach W. C. Krafit, our men have decisively defeated many of the strongest col— lege baseball teams in the middle west. Luther, Lake Forest, North- western College, and the University of Chicago are those teams in- cluded in this great record of the Tech apple-knockers. Tuesday, May 14, Tech will travel to Lake Forest, 111., to engage the diamond artists of Lake Forest in a baseball game which promises to be chuck full of thrillers. Armour defeated Lake Forest at Ogden Field once this semester in a close game, and Lake Forest is itching to get revenge. Simpson will prob— ably pitch. Later in the week, on Friday, Tech will engage Michigan State Normal College of Ypsilanti at Og— den Field. Ed Stehno will prob- ably do the pitching against the men from Michigan. However, Simpson will be kept in readiness as a relief pitcher. Defeat to Tennis Team The Notrc Dame tennis team, one of the best in the Middle West, brought about the Tech’s first de— feat of the season by emerging on the long end of a 4-3 score, Friday afternoon, May 3, on the home courts. Singles—Jennings (A.) defeated Markey (N.D.) 2-6, 8—6, 6—4; Stellar (A.) defeated Griffin (NDJ 6-4, 6-3; Burns (N.D.) defeated Lamb (A.) 7—5, 6-3; O’Brien (N.D.) de- matohes. The results: Christiansen lost to Cook. . .2 1 Ong beat Pemberton ....... 2% %: Pfeifer beat De Tellem ..... 21/2 1/2 Weiss lost to McKinnon. .. 1A; 21/2 Doubles Matches Christiansen 81. Ong beat Cook 8:. Pemberton ....... 2% 1/5; Pfelfer Tellem & McKinnon ..... 2 1 Singles Matches :21: Weiss beat De feated Winkler (A.) 6-2, 6-2; Eddy (A.) defeated Kane (N.D.) 6-4, 6-3. Doubles—Burns and O’Brien (N. D.) defeated Stellar and Winkler (A.) 6-2, 6-2; Markey and Griffin (N.D.) defeated Jennings and Eddy Fl’l‘ SW35. : : : WQRKMANSHEP Guaranteed l am in your neighborhood and cater to ARMOUR. Men Come in and get acquainted 3922 s. State St. Telephone: REPUBLKC 79% @. lid. ZEES Lilitlfilfifi @Q. Everything in iUMBER AND Milli Wflm We Deliver Any Quantity 54ll‘fi Street and laying Avenue FOR QUALITY AND LOW A. H. ABBQTE AND €@a ARTISTS AND DRAWING MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIUN 235 SOUTH WAEASH AVENUE, NEAR JACKSON 31173. THlRD FLGQR PRICES, EAT AT BAUER’S {Talcicria and llasiaurani INDIANA and 318k STREET (A.) 6-4, 6—3. Those Sweaters For the Freshmen Architects Were Manufactured by ljrcsceni Knitting Willis 1331 So. Kedaie Aye. Sweaters in All Colors, Styles and Prices We Cater to the Individual Evmuion 2.; it... new collar attached sport—loosen your “'l‘yloc .” Gary A college man suggested the idea for this it. No more collar buttons or button holes. The patented construction of the shirt does away with this and with unnecessary tight- ness and broken buttons. wean—knot your cravat as usual. The trim neatness of the collar will surprise you. For into a natural easy fold. We call this shirt White only, at $2.59 .‘l’n‘ W" .‘w’fv‘lléfil‘i ' WNWWW‘MM “minis hat-gains ' SoPly Fibre Wardrobe shirt. We’ve perfected For everyday tie and the collar falls ‘ anaemia l’lll. GUT AND MAM. TGDAY 1 RECEIVED OF Mr .......................................................... : Mailing Address ............................................. ; 31h” """""""""" _ I $3393 for 3;; semester’s City. ........................................................ l subscription to the has paid gigg for egg semester’s subscription to the Armour Tech l miggiggoktews I a o N 1 -1 0. B ...................................... A ews’ 929 93 y ; By ....................... 4 : teal" V01. 4— 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 : PlibfiShEd WSSHY During State Street - the WW Year MW. wan Vol. 5— 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . “erased... “W17, I’m only gain” one iii/1y!” replied the legendary motorist to the amazed john Law. A laudable Princigle—if acidified in the right direction . . . exactly as our long exgerience in cigarette making assures us that the only avenue to enduring All the arrows along Chesterfield’s route, from plantation to lonelier:3 EQlat directly to taste. No left turns into Emiigéidiéfgmno de- lull popularity is a one-way street. tours around the plain duty oi good tobacoos mro SATKSEY. Au overdose of analogy, Ferhags, but you get our drift:€hosterfields arc mild~but wildness is no:overdone;they’reoeecrflm.Notamllysmoorli, aromatic tobacoos are so blended the: every losi- atom of their flavor is delivered to the smoker. Here is that very rare bird, 3. cigarette that «fees mmkfi emorsgli for anybodysuaiad yetw‘l‘fii’d‘t’ mam. is Lam“ s