l Page Four? ARMOUR TECH MEWS lNl‘ElltllfithS ll’lEE'l“ it? ill) lillhl infill. ill Pill“ ll. till? ll. Gilli/ll Sophomores, Juniors, Arc Favored to Win Track Honors The Annual I as Truck Meet will be held Thursday, February 14, at .' ‘m l’. M. at thi- Bartlett Gym— misium, With and Him, through the courtesy of the, University of Chicih In. This is the second running of this meet, and before has drawn en— thusiastic crowds. Letter men are eligible to compete in this meet. The events to be Competed in proh- ulily will be the shot put, the high jump. the pole vault, the high hur- dles, the low hurdles, the 50 yard (ins-h, the 440 yard dash, the half mile run. and the mile run. While no one class appears to be nmrkcil favorite, the odds seem to lie with the Junior and Sophomore classes, The Seniors have two letter men, .lillson niul Yount, its the nucleus around which to build their team. The Juniors will have Kara, Captain of Varsity Track, and an excellent huriller; Paul, star shot putter and high jumper; Sturm, (lush man and second high point man in spring track last year; Smith, distance mom on Captain of last fall’s Cross Country team. These letter men give the Junior class an optimistic outlook for the races. The Sophomores have Iv~ orson and Timmermnns, halt rollers, and Fox in the sprints as their letter men. The Freshman, always the un- known quantity have no letter men to rely on, but their cx—hig’h school stars may stop in and break up the dope. Hodgeson, a mailer, made a sweater on the Cross Country team last full. Several other Freshmen have put in afternoons practicing. The meet will be under the direction of Coach A. A. Stagg, Jr., and W. B. ‘ acli Manager. Greene, ’ Armour linkers Show immense For llnture (Continued from page 1, column 6) Sohlossherg, llll lbs. (Armour), vs. Lynch, 115 lbs. (So. Chicago). Nelson, 150 lbs. (Armour), vs. (lichzmtk, 147 lbs. (Soflhicago). Sandstrom, 116 lbs. (Armour), vs. Richards, 124 lbs. (So. Chicago). 0‘ Mitchell. 147 lbs. (Armour), vs. Skiba, 147 lbs. (So. Chicago). Bueliling, 14:3 lbs. (Armour), vs. Barry, 140 lbs. (So. Chicago). Taylor, 125 lbs. (Armour), vs. Cass y, 124 lbs. (So. Chicago). Free-«Throws or guilt. Bane in fleKalh Game The already stained record card of our eagemen received another dark blot that. added to its unsightlixxess when the Della“) Normal College conquered over Armour: by a 36—31 count Saturday night. This game, gave DcKalb its second victory over the Armouritcs this season. Again the diiference between vic- tory and defeat was within the five point margin. Armour seemed to possess all the fight and skill that is required to transform an apparent defeat into a victory, but lacked the deciding punch—--—the punch, that is needed to change that five point mar- gin from negative to positive. DeKalb, advantaged with its army of six-foot hoop hombarders, was able to control the play to their own ad— vantage. Our diminutive quintet of linskctballers was helpless when it attempted to out-jump and outpass the giants. DeKalb, however, did not asume the winning role throughout the whole game. In the first few minutes of play, Armour went into a 3—0 lead, and for the remainder of that qum‘u ter kept DeKalb not farther than one point away, either in the lead or be— hind. At the half Armour trailed by two points. The game at the close of that period was nothing more than just a bitter struggle, furnishing no elew as to the probable winner. 0n the opening of the second half De Kalb ran up a 23—16 score, and main- tained 5i good lead until the final 10 minutes of play.- At this stage of the game Armour decided to resume the attack that they had launched in the first minute of play, and as a result, came within 2 points of tieing‘ their conquerors. Armour’s playing then began to turn (lisasterous. DeKalh was sud- denly struck with a great deal of “Santa Claus luck" when the officials presented them with a. number of free throws at the expense of. the Armourites who could not understand how they could have committed the fouls that were imposed upon them. This string of foul shots proved to be all that the DeKalb—men desired, for they increased their lead to five. points and turned back Armour with a 86-31 defeat. Lineup: Armoilr 31 8. l7. 1?. unions so 1o. 1:. 1?. Mam, u. 4 3 4 cinnamon i 4, 5impnmi.rf.2 n o H'tz’er, u. l 3 2 2,14. 4. 1 nights. a an fl CMson,“ o o o Culver, c. o i :i Rousing, c 2 2 i Su'mb’n,ri. i o 4 Robin,c o o n Ha’g'n,rm. o o i Aug't’c, rg i 3 o Sulflln, Kg. 0 o o Goodh’t, lg o 1 4 5mm, in. o o o Rulk'lxi, lg. o o i ... .— — ———~ m 3 l7 m .- w Call Wabash 8535 for UNDERWQDD and RDYLAL Special Rate to Students tor Renting 'l'YPEVl/RlTER HEADQUARTERS, ENE. 40'? S. Dearhurn St. to, ‘ t . fl. i. r'Buy ’li‘eleolione Prospect two-lot Your Elie Elwin lfitt ill/est hind Street hflWlN ll. Ill‘illlddllgifill lleoresentutive Trunk Schedule Glut For This Semeofer- The track schedule for the coming semester as announced by Conch A. A. Stagg, .lr., and W. B. Greene, Track Mean, in as follows: lNDOOR TRACK Thursday, Feb. 14, 330 P. M., Second Annual Interclnss Track Meat, Bartlett Gym. Friday, Feb. 22, 3:00 P. M., First An» nual Armour Institute of Technol— ogy Invitation College Track Meet, at Bartlett Gym. Friday, March 8, 8:00 P. Ill/L, Emil;— e rs’ Meet, at Chicago Riding Acad— emy. Tuesday, March 12, 3:30 I”. M., Chi- cago Normal vs. Armour, at Eart- lett Gymnasium. Monday, March 25, 3:00 P. M., Tri- angular Meet. Crone College, Chi» cage Normal, and Armour, at Parker, Gym, Chicago Normal. (Note: There will also be dual meets with Crane College, and the Sears Roebuck Y. M. C. A.; dates not yet settled.) UUTDOOR TRACK Saturday, May 4, 3:00 l’. M., Qund~ rsngular Track Meet, Beloit Col- lege, North Central College, Lake Forest College, and Armour, at Beloit (tentative). Saturday, May 11, 2:30 P. M., When~ ton vs. Armour, at Wheaten. Friday, May 17, 3:00 I’. M., Lake Forest vs. Armour, at Lake Forest. Monday, May 30, 3:00 P. M., Tri- angular Meet, Crane College, Chi~ cage Normal, and Armour, at Air- mour (Ogden Field). Ei'l‘AlFE MEETKNG All members of the editorial staff of the NEWS, regardless of position, will meet in the NEWS otl‘ice tomor— row afternoon at 5 o’clock. Impor- tant announcements for the coming semester will be made. ”22‘ mean M’ NEW HEAME on WWHKE EBAY??? EUREAU Frank A. Chambers, ’22, graduate in Mechcmical Engineering, has re.- cently been made head of the Bureau of Smoke Abatement of the Chicago Health Department, being promoted to this office from the position of Chief Smoke inspector for the city. Chambers is an expert on all mat— ters pertaining to efficient boiler operation, and has mastered the tech4 nical difficulties of smoke elimination in firing to complete satisfaction. For many years, even before finishing his studies at Armour Tech, ho was connected with the smoke depart- ment, and is highly qualified to carry on the work. The work of smoke elimination in the city is progressing very rapidly. An excellent ordinance has recently gone into effect, and strict enforce- ment of it will begin as soon as the department can organize civic com- mittees to plan an educational cam- paign among the many organizations which are affected by the new ruling. Professor G. F. Gebhardt, head of the Mechanical Engineering Depart- ment, is acting in an advisory cs.- pucity to Mr. Chambers. According to the latest advices rev . ceived from the editorial offices of' the Engineer, the January issue will make its; appearance today, Feb. 4. It will be distributed as usual in the Main Building. RED~HOT MUSEE HARE-isms all 93 i “a: Entire is. EEflle Early it Elilf’i lddEEl‘Q-vifihfii it’s Eoliegre Eight 9 or iii. filochl’mwl’e Every Friday t3@@lhl .. fifiiltlZiEEE @riginol Wighdhuwi’c @rdheatra PLUS A CDRES 0F FAMOUS ENTERTAINERS Special Eollego Features tinsel-i neurones .Moister of Ceremonies DINE~DANCE~BE ENTE‘ERTAENED gflgfififilfllfi Eli‘s EEE AEllleUE TEéfll-il NEWS 43W gmyyrcsbwmi mg, m a; Egon; is rarely indiflgetl in more. shun once is: one life time. for wis~ «loin comes to the eager freshmen as he acoustics under the chill night sky, holding; rill down at large and very empty haw. nod Wisdom comes to the smoker, mo, who “holds the hog” until common some tells him to expect it lot more slice wildness is his sign: ’ a mom?” ‘ ‘3 till ii in ill o s: so atgg is helices. Fracaically all cigarettes an: naildw—eeo mildly Gaesmrfields are, lam it’s €335: uosnznzding character, flavor and satisfying taste that yet it in a class alone. Once you've put this “asfisty lied” to the yroof you‘ll have ism one cool}: re Eunice inviv cations m solos-hunts: