rilovomor Ailfilillll‘lo‘ ”my lininnionil ”ll/l, ho Now ill. htnio hithiiooi: Charles Herrick Hammond, ’04, has .hoen appointed Illinois State Archi¢ tool; by Gov. Louis L. Emmerson, it was announced last week. Mr. liammond is prominently known in his profession because he 'is president of the American Insti- tute oi Architects, a national organ— ization. He is alsoa member of the firm of Pei-kins, Chotten, and Harm mood, which is considered one of the most conservative and high class in the country. C. H. Hammond is a. graduate of the Architectural course at Armour Tech, being a member of the Class of 1904. John $ohommcr Emotes In “29 ll’ro. Ago troll.” We reprint the following item from the “Twenty yYears Ago Today" col— umn of the Daily Journal, Jan. 20, 3.929: “Chicago—Tho Maroons de— . footed Iowa last night, 29 to 10. Schommer played his usual atm- rolc at center, making thirteen points.” "John” was evidently slightly all form that night, for another clipping tells us of a game where he made eighteen points. Hon-as: l’m going out tonight with the girl l was looking at so much this afternoon. Jerry: You ought to thank your lucky stares. John: Exercise reflucesmfat. Brown: Nonsense! Loo]: at my wife’s double chin. - lwroiloooor @riiliih lircoliolo ii at “lil'oncrclc” The March issue of “Concrete" will mark its twenty-fifth anniversary. It has usually been the custom to review program in the engineering field in such nnniveraa‘ry numbers;, but this coming issue will be novel in that it will attempt to forecast future developments in the concrete field. “Dooign Vioiono" Professor J. R. Grilhh of the Civil Engineering Department is writing an article of about two thousand words on “Design Visions,” which will appear in this issue. Professor Grill fith received port of his inspiration for the article while smoking the ‘ cigars he received as a Christmas present from the Senior Clvils. Concrete. Charts: Diocmoced in “Coloroolo Engineer" In the January issue of the “Colo- rado Engineer,” reference is made to Professor Grifi‘ith’o “Reinforced Con» crate chign Simplified,” which is appearing in K’ “Concrete" over a. period of fifteen months starting March, 1928. “Some Recently Bevel. oped Reinforced Concrete Design Aids." by Herbert J. Gilkey, Asso- ciate Professor wot Civil Engineering, and William H. Thomas, Instructor in Engineering Drawing, woo the title of the article appepaz‘ing in the “Ooh omdo Engineer.” The two above mentioned authors have developed a new series of concrete design charts that are applicable to any unit stresses of concrete and steel, being “entirely general in application, and limited to no code or set of design stresses." A copy oi the “Colorado Engineer" was sent to Professor Griffith with the compliments of Protessor Gilhey, to which was added, “Have enjoyed your charts in ‘Concrete.’ ” Phil KAPPA S liflll/lA E. G. Squires, ’30, and Andy An— derson, ’31, have returned to school Annooiionon wows rnnrnnnirr worm Elliot Etononr ginooni hcoiggnc no two llooil The recent. resignation of F. E. for the coming tcrm after being ah~ Moskovlcc from the position of Preo- sent for a semester. ident of the Stutz Motor Co. recalls Probation week for the pledges to the minds of the older professors started Sunday, Feb. 3, 1929. PHI, Pl Pill at Armour Tech that back in 1893 this some Bloskovics had the honor of bcing‘ the first student to register and gay his tuition in E. W. Short, '30, has returned for founded Armour Institute of Tech- the coming term after having been noiogy. out for a semester. The annual Mid-Semester party . was held last Saturday night at the enrolling cheml alumni were school that he was around in the num— Chaptor House. present. tor house. Mr. Moskovics was. so interested in in the new engineering mer time watching the progress of On Monday, Feb. 11’ the chapter the construction of the buildings. will hold a. “Dad’s Night” at the chap- Ho studied at Armour Tech only a At this time the frater- year, leaving in the taming of ‘96 to nity will he host to the fathers of the study in Europe, where he took post men. THETA Kl The Theta Xi fraternity held an alumni smoker at the Chapter house There were about thirty-five of the alumni prea— cnt, among whom were Dean J. C. Penn, Prof. R. V. Perry, and. Prof. on Thursday, Jon. 24. C. E. Paul, They were entertained with sev- eral musical selections lay members There wac also a negro dialogue given by R. A. Dolbecr and W. A. Schrader, mem— of the freshman class. hers of the Sophomore class. TREANGLE Roscoe Windbcglcr, '30, has re- turned to school this semester after being out of school since last Spring. BETA Pill Beta Psi will-hold its Valentines Party on Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Art Reglcin, ’30, is Chapter house. social chairman. graduate courses:- in technical studies, and obtained his first automobile en- perzence with Daimler and others. Returning to America in 1893, he has scrvcd almost continuously since in the motor industry. In 1900 he engaged in motorcycle racing, and was sales; manager for the Continent- al Tire Company. He became a part~ nor in the parts; manufacturing busi— ness of Brandenburg Brothers five years later, and in 190’? dooig‘ned his firot automobile, the AllennKingston, which offered the first American com- petition to European cars in racing. Ralph De Palmo, for many years the idol of American automobile racing fans, was introduced to the Amer— ican public by Moshovics, on whose AllemKingston team the late Hughie FOR QUALITY AND LOW FRICES, EAT AT RAUEWS REfiTAURANT lNDMNA and 3181; STREET the newly Hughes also served. Itioalgovics was sales manager the Romy Electric Company of Amer- ica, Inc, for two years, from 3911, and in 1913 joined the Nordykc & Mormon Company (now the Harmon Motor Car Company} here, later be» ing elected vice-president: and re- maining in that capacity until 1923. Early in 1924 he was named vice" ’ presidentof the Franklin Automobile dressed 9‘ student 3558th m Eh": chosen president 0' of pony. Ever Since that first éay oi the opening of Armour Tech, kovics has; been one of the scpoortem of the Institute. 3c» been actively interested in the hi Maintenance Fund. Two 3- ago, it will he remembered. he Company, and a year afterward was Armour MifiSiOTl- You Are lllwcyc Welcome at the fiilvcr Gray licotonront 3502 30. Vientwm'fla Ave. Special Service for Studentc EZWQElficompletcd and balanceti @hcnncol hicnohooc Classified for ready reiterating. At HALF regular 92263 in the ARMG‘UR TECH BGGKS?ORE 632% South P‘hiomo Praopect 3848 Mté‘lfll’til llhfilfllflhlhfi co. Everything in Hardware, Toolo, Pointe- and Eloctci’cal Somalia’s thlcné Avomie Chicago; lliinaio it. ill. . onto hllhillifilli till. Eocryihiog in tillla’i’hfli non fillifl. Wfilili: We Deliver Any Quantity filth Street zonal Ewing Avenuc REENJBLEC 7‘200 ‘ ”l” the portals of our large cities—lien; York, Baltimore, Detroit; Clevelaml—a semaphore halts a luxurious flyer drawn by a puffing steam simple switching maneuver, and electricity ~ A takes Charge. A glam: electric locomotive, and soon engine. A mung"... ‘ M wmwcmcmcmmnmmtmmmmmmmmnmmcmmwmz mm‘ncmnmcm em- Elie; El rug; M333? i1 WWW... ”WM 233ng Wflficficww mono MEI‘EIA comm WWW; All“ W? xi .4“; Eiuichly under way, glides silently into the . home stretch with its long string ofPullmans. @ilioinl fitntloni hicwoococ ”A mamas; «a like a thoroughbred it makes the mow-tired a” firfihiihllll llhl‘hllglliiih. fill? lflfiiil‘lltiiilhfihih’ lessl‘y. Passengers alight in a. clean terminal wfllean because there is no smoke or soot. Another milestone in transportatioo~onu other event: in the life of the iron horse? Civilization is pxogxessing, with electricity in the van. How {or this advance will take us, is a problem for our future leaders. It is for them to develop and utilize new application» of electricity—“tho force that is pointing the way over uncharteci courses, not only in railrooéing, but in evcry Phase: or .giniwion that is mi «23: , ~ 9 » .u :a w. deucmctl m the u w l, V; a , fling i" 3 . «ff’flfl . , n on Offlogms‘ “mm ”03% in? _ ,- l. or. Cm... i. .hfioln. l o my 5&1 kc. ’1“: w The G~E monogmm ‘t a MAZDA lamps, electric vacuum cleaners, and 5 multitude ofmhcmppli— ances which serve us all. It is the mark of an nfi‘fi mach fit, in. legged? ofifiommcwm igloo; flollnh Poi fimnootor ., . woo ilicwlloolio oi? Kfifilh, 3.31% SE hflnlfilfill. Tail? 5 .Wmii‘iiWMMo. g? of a