lingo Folio ARMQUR TECH NEWS [liliioil’l‘lil flilhlllil. 'll‘ill lllllll’i‘ hilillil liliiico oi. Soonoinnyfl he hillool By an .lnnioi" The first meeting of the Armome Tech Athletic Aosocialion for tho current season is to he held in the very near future, at which time gov—- oral important items will he brought up foi- consideraiion. in the first place, the ofllco of sec- xetary in open due to the absence of Wm. Jervis. The matter of filling thin position in tho association will be done in one of two ways. Either n special election for “the school will be called or the board will select a mom to fill the vacancy. Incidentally, this man must be a junior. Several appointive pooltiono will be filled at this meeting. Such oilicezs as school social chairman. chain-moo. of the i. K" “ of interciaso athletics. manager of in- torfyatornity athletics. nnd publicity manager will be up for considomtion. Thcoo appointments one mode by the president of the association cubjool. to the approval of the athletic bow-d. Tho duties of the above officers are as follows: Social Chairman: The nocial choir- mcn of the school shall zit-range tho social calendar of lhe year. All doles for social ofloirs such as chino dnnccn. banquets, smokers, circnc doy, om, of the student hotly music be snhinilr- ted to the social chairman for on- provol. Chairman of Rcooplion Committee: The chairman together with two on- sistnnts shall endeavor to arrange low good accommodations for mom: com-- ing to the city from out of town, on— oiot in any way poaaiblo to molio tho vigil: of any team, snooker, or vialtor, cm, as pleasant no possible. lntcrclasc and lntoi'fmizoi'nity Athletic Managers: The manor/{om oil theoe ofi'oiro must arrange tlioh- oc- spoctive schedules, furnish any noon ossm‘y referees, umpires; on jinlyon. draw up any necessary mica. and make any other ncccoaen'y mnemon- month. Student Publicity Manager: 'l‘ho student publicity monngoz shall com for all notices and bullotino of the organization. The matter of a check" lender award will also be taken up and ii; is move than likely that such is position will he put on o pot with minox- opom. Followingni'o the: oflicom of the Armour 'l‘ech Alhlotic Association: J. P. Edoh‘and, Jr” President. W. K. Simpson, lot: Vioooli-lmoidont. E. E. Rowley, 2nd Viccnl’iooident. Wm. Jervis, Secretory. Geo. S. Allison, Tmoonnoi‘. Proof. Wollo Slovenian Al: W. ii. if... Mowing (Continued from pogo ll, column ll the landmarks of progress in tho hiv- loi'y of tho country. houiolio {Sonoiclomiion lllocooooxry Neconoity was“. iho mention for tho absence of mi: in the coolly bologna. Loci-x of engineering training, loo much competition between conimo tons with (the resulting noooooity for low com, me other rcnoono for Echo neglect oi! artistic considcmiion. Professor Wells also nominal om. limo ihero is as lack of beauty in We moo-u cnl: tiny oteel bridges; which olionld be remedied in futons construction. The loo-tum was given ct ”3:36) for the benefit of all those who could hir- lend at flint hour. Since Yvofoonor Wells had not finished by £3330 ho kindly commuted to continno lilo alia— cnasion in his l123li axiom in hero» dynoinics which won hold in tho amino T0012}. Wmmmwm 1 THE E’LACE TO EAT i Tilléll‘fifill‘ll @fihi‘ihi FLANGE BESS. From. 353534} linolionai fivonuo Snooini Student. Wicca Wm. Profesnor John J. Schommer, one of the foremost fooiball outhoritioo in the middle west, will answer any quoaiions on football that are pink zling our modern. All such questions should be dropped into “the official contribution box of the NEWS, which in locoficcl in the foyer of the main building. Professor Schommor is starting off this week with two questions which are commonly naked of him. Next wool: he will enlarge on these points, citing examples of games in which those voles were applied. Additional quootions will also be answered at that limo. iifllillllllllillllll hillillflbflibl Will? @llhfii’i‘lfihlg‘i annlion: When in 1?. player down? AXISJ A pléyer is down when he cries “down," or, when he is 30 held by his opponent that his forward progress is stopped, or, while in the grasp of an opponent, the carrier of the ball has other than his hands or his feet on the ground. Qua-notion: if a ball by a sloop or [alone kick. in coral: over the hair, and a high wind blows» it bmclk in the field of ploy, doom the goal comm? Ann: In the Western Conference, it does not count. In the Eastern Conference, it does. Eloth sections decided by vole. flowing Town Wovllzo {Biol loco. who? Thom. Tho boxing boom has boon hnving coal workouts Tuesday and Thursday nights; in the gym. Some very soils» facial-y material has: been uncovered and nlthough it is rather early to make ya J“ " ii; seems that Bry- onl, ’32; Nelson. ’32; Svardloft‘. ’32, and Snndolflom. ’32, have natural ability in the ring. The rectum; no as whole are rounding into form and their phyfiical condition appears greatly improved. Capt. Lotion, and Gmbott. two of loot; ycno’o mon, hove been leading lho workouts and demonstrating some of the liner points. Poupiztch, at present, is hollering from on infected cow. and so lino not boon working out, but will be out ngoi-n no soon no he room/em. Tho golf tournament was released from its deadlock inst Sunday when WW. Baldwin defeated Jennings one up in nineteen holes. Baldwin is now in the semi-final play with F. Ong as an opponent. The Una-Baldwin match will be played off some time during this week, the winner of which will oppose Larkin in the finals. Lat-kin has struck it exceptionally lucky in the tournament, having a string of forfeits to back up his position in the finals. Conch Leigh and Captain H. Christiansen, ’29, are watching the outcome of the tournament with in» terest, since new material is neces- sary for the success of next year’s team. ' Adverse weather conditions played havoc with the first round tennis matches which were not played while fine weather prevailed. Those who have finished their first round may are at a standstill due to the lack of tournament play on the rest of the schedule. Rosonqnist is the only one who has reached the, third round. illonowl igloo 95%}; on Foolcil lingo. Eiiéoi FRfiTfiRNl’E‘? NB‘YEE S. few of the fraternities have an— U. col 1:. mohair badges will be dineribumd Friday, October: 2%, at 9:30 o. m, in tho: manila and of the lobby oi tho Main Huild‘ing. It is necessary that men receiving zhese badges report for duty at Stagg Field on Saturday P. M. or else for- feit their passes. Several men, after repeatod warnings, have not respond~ ed to their obligations and their priv— ilege will be revoked. New men who wish to uohor at the remaining at— home games of the University of Chi- cago may obtain their badges tomor— row. The three remaining home games that are on the, Chicago schedule make the ushering privilege a desir- able one. Next Saturday, October 2'7, Purdue meets the U. of 0., and it is acserted that Stag}; has already let it be known that he “fears Purdue." On November 3, the intersectional struggle with the University of Pennsylvania will be the feature of the day. From all appearances, this will be the season’s classic at the Chi- cago stadium, serving as an indica- tion as to whether or not Eastern football is nupei'ior to Western. The game with lllinois on November 17 will be the last of the Maroon com- petition in the Big Ten for the sea- son and to all indications it will draw a record crowd to the stadium. All games will be started between 2 and 2:30, necessitating that ushers report at Gate 8A between 11:45 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. " ‘3'“ ’ pledgeio since 13.5%. week’s list was publisheci. They are given below: Beta Psi: William Eiopora, W?— liam W. Laugo. William N. Sella? berg. Kappa Delta Tau: David Rollin, Max Berger. Phi Pi Phi: V. A. Taylor. .Rho Delta Rho: J. Aokorman, S. Schwartz. Sigma Alpha Mu: Carl Eeyman. Triangle: Leslie Kantnor. A good representation of Belts ":34 sponded to the invitation of the Bella Gamma sorority of Northwestern University to attend their open house party, October 20. Next Saturday evening will find most of the men of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity at the Halloween Dance to be given by the University of: Chicago chapter. The Theta Ki annual Hallowe’en Dance is slated for Saturday waning, October 27. Armour Chapter of Triangle Eran ternity has been invited £0 attend the? annual Firemen’s Ball to be given by the U. of I. Chapter. In order: to make the affair as realistic asx'pos- sible. a fire truck has been hired for the evening, and ii; will serve as 05$ cial taxi for carrying the oougles to the dance and afterward dropping them off at Prehn'o. dinner will l l WWWWmmWWmnomnWmemmmm fly 5‘» :‘az‘ull thinning WW v? flown dog?) in his Kongo one oativo sons bellow: ohm: anybody "who has on explorer for absorb all the boxing. courage: noel other onccosounnsnxing virmoo of the unfor- mnncc victim. “We wish wo mold anytime some offlbosoen‘iclds Wilma all dioxin popularity is conicmocl moon whosocvoo smohon them. Frankly, however. lilillli is no»: invnclobly lino. Sovcml Cboglolfiold i lmfllwnnlf smokers have zecently been discovered who me 9201: ambassadors, steel kings, or even hank Presidents. Boot—since- Chesierhelds are so satisfyingmikl and dilil‘eromwwe’ll all of us continue to coin}? them for these sound smoké-vlrmes alone. Popularity? Six million smokers axe alloying ’em today. Such popularity new: be (less-owed. Make it on: million and one? all}? owninglb for flwyésoifiy..oinoi yewfgfiiih? S 3%,“ :v’“ MMQ‘ , wagw" . i? fl’l‘iéiiih’“ 12-33:? x MYEM “margin (.0.