Page Four ’l‘llilll llfiidllll’l ' FEB. Dhflll’fi 3 Milltll llillhl'lg Ticker Shows Armour Again Sailors loose Arnieur’s basketball stock tool: an- other jolt downward last Thursday night when the De Kalb Normal scored a 25~22 victory over our cage» men. It was just another one of those hard fought games with the prospects still appearing to be bright until the final second. De Kalb Leach Armour all Hal? At the half Armour trailed by a sixteen to ten count. De Kalb kept Armour at bay during this session; they had an edge over the Kraffts. men both in floor performance and marksmanship. The game was scarcely in progress 14 minutes wheii'wAugie" Augustine was forced to take the bench because of having committed four personal fouls. The loss of “Augie" seriously weakened Armour‘s d e f. c n s i v e strength; it was after this period that De Kalb commenced increasing the lead over the Armourites until there was 9. difference of six points in the two team‘s score when the first pe- riod ended. Armour’s last minute fight, earn- ing three points, was unfaltering and showed the pep that the team has been lacking in the other games. The defensive strength was almost air tight while their offensive was successful. Ott sinking a long shot in the clos— ing minutes of play intensified the neat of the contest as Armour staged its last attack for the lead. Captain Manz‘s, Simpson's, and Rossini’s sharp eyes greatly benefited the team while Augustine’s, Good- heart’s, and Carlson’s guarding was well re-inforced. Ott and Ruthow— ski took their stand in the last half and served well at their positions. Lineup: Armour (22) Dc Kalb (25) Manz, Ff. Cliriu'en, xii. Simpron, 15. Johns, rt. Ronaini, c. Hunlzickor, lf. (Augustine, rg. Biehl, c. Goudheart. lg. Weston, c. Otk, if, Stromhon, rg. Carlson, rg. Cheli, lg. Rutkowski, lg. Lakin, lf. Hannigan, rg. Sukfin, lg. Umpierich. Referee—Serf. Slfidfi. Trims Phi Katee lira Fraternity Games The Sigma Kappa Delta aggrega- tion humbled the Phi Kappa Sigma quintet Monday, in the second round of the inter—fraternity basketball can- test, by a score of 19-11. The S. K. 11‘s showed that they meant business by not allowing the Phi Kap's to talie the lead during any part of the game. The Phi Kaps did not score a point against thelr‘flasliy opponents untfl‘late in the second quarter. The score stood 6—2 at the half with the S. K. D.’s ahead. Ross was the leading point man for the victors with two baskets and a gift toss to his credit while Smith of the losing quintet scored three baskets. Those who represented the S. K. D.’s were Peterson, Ross. Kutteruf, Kramer, Gibson, Hindman, and Steh~ no. The following men played for the Phi Kaps: Hurley, Smith, Hen~ dricks, Wilson, and Larkin. PM Pi’s Down Them Xi in Fast Exciting Game The Phi Pi Phi basketball team defeated the Theta Xi quintet Mon- day in their second game of the tow:- nament, winning by the score of 19- 10. The game, however, was not. the walkawuy that the score leads one to believe, but on the contrary was a fight from start to finish. The score at the half was tied at eight apiece, most of the T. X. points having been scored by Pillott who sunk four gift tosses and a basket, becoming high point man for his five. McArdle and Ott tied for the high scoring honors in the Phi Pi circle, with six points apiece. Jennings showed surprisingly good acquaint—i ance with the ball by scoring five tal- les. ' Serson, Pillott, Schirmer, Fee, Rowley, and Gedelman made up the T. X. five while McArdle, Ott, Jen- nings, Stellar, and Cassidy composed the Phi Pi quintet. You Are Always Welcome at the Silver filmy Restaurant 3102 So. Wentworth Aim. Special Service for Students The White Top l R l) > "trousn' , momma. ‘ heath. Samples quest. E472 West 76th Street llirolls Parolellluiltnun literal: years of wear. It reflects the rays of the sun and seals in the waterproofing materials he» gird fir. Son, line. Paroid Cap Sheet adds and Specifications on re: Chicago, lll. (Call Wabash 8535 for UNDERWOQD and RQYAL ' Special Rate to Students for Renting or Buying TYPE'WRl'l'ER HEADQUARTERS, lNiS. 4W1? 5. Dearborn St. lhlzl West telephone Prospect Mild lill liner HEW ll Altll'ifllll‘élilli Representative ° W e tilled dtieet Jill llltléifil’lll race hillfidii “‘3 9” Game fileee, first Score: twill Moel’ewamé’a Last Saturday night, "Y” College handed Armour a 29-23 defeat in a fast game that kept the fans in sus- pense during the entire conflict. The first half was somewhat of a frustrated affair that ended 17.10 in favor of “Y" College. On the open» ing of the second fifty-percent. Ar— mour began taking things seriously, and commenced sinking: baskets from all angles of the floor until they had twenty~threo points chalked up in their favor. At this stage of the game, the Tech boys were commanding all the respect that the onlookers had to ef~ fer, for they were completely out- pointing and outplaying their oppon— ents. Ott’s long shot item the cen» ter of the floor, together with coun— ters from Simpson and Main, were among the team's moist striking ac~ complishments, but in spite of all the effort being; displayed toward the end of the game, their bad start cost them a victory. “Engineer” "la Feature ‘ Eureau Gil: Standards (Continued from page 1) fabrics and other organic materials and worli on their development. The “Commercial Standards" divi« sion of the Bureau takes care and protects the international measure- ment standards and calibrates sub- sidiary standards. Other articles to appear will ffifi- ture “Automobile Testing" by James C. Zeder. Chief Engineer of the Bligh- laml Par]: division of the Chrysler corporation. Tests and test methods are reviewed in this article. The “Development of the hydrau- lic Turbine” featuring the “Francis" and “Negler” or propeller type tur- bine, concludes the series by R. ll. Earle, ’17. Two student articles are also fee- tured in this issue. “Stage Lighting" by F. H. .lluergernson, “29, and “Color and the Motion Picture," by NE. E. Golber, ’29, give valuable informa- tion along their respective lines. el'imifii’éf fififihfiiffl Afifilfllfifi, Slit iii 2@, ill? .is‘Wlll/l WEE? Armour Tech swimmers succumbed to the superior form O‘Enthe Crane Tech natators by a score of 30 to 20 in a. dual meet held Monday at the Crane Junior College pool. in the individual races, Armour Tech copped three first places against two for Grazia, but the lead was lost in the relay in which Crane finished in 1:26 3-5. Waiter Trognitz, "30, captain of the Armour Tech swimmers, was win— ner in the 100 yard breast-stroke event, while Knox of Armour tools two first places, one in the 4.0 and one in the 109 yard crawl Notable swimming was also done by Cava- naug‘n, Filmons, and Davidson. Summaries: Relayv—Won by Crone (Manson, Bielinski, Lakin. ' Retslcy). Time, 1:26 1—5. 40 yard crawl—Wm by Knox, Ar- mour; Eielinski, Crane, second; La- kin, Crane, third. Time, :2]. 1-5. 100 yard breast stroke—'Won by ’l‘rognitz, Armour; Cavanaugh, Ar- mour, second; Manson, Crane, third. Time, 1:16. 100 yard backs stroke—Won by Weston, Crane; Fuhr, Crane, second; Filmore, Armour, third. Time, 1:17 LE3. 100 yard crawl~Won by Knox, Armour; Retsky, Crane, second; Pos» he, Crane, third. Time, 1:03 2—5. 220 yard crawl—Won by Lakin, Crane; Weston, Crane, second; Da- RED-HQ? MUS“: Eillllli-iaoa 01 (1'33 l THE Z’leiJE T53 EA? 'l'l'tlélllill‘l $3;th FLANGE REBEL, Preps. 362343 Emdlinma Armies» Sfilttclfll Student. Fricea izgéglgcomylemfl and h ‘ -» i a r :1 Si ls? fifilfii in m WWW fiheraieel arena as: Classified for ready“ reference- At “A E? rege the ARMGUE‘E "FREQ ammamaa $34 gwrmwmwwmwl‘ Make it a Riyal. Party Tfllhltlltlttlttl hilfil‘li’ll as @ollege Night at the Eleehhawh Every Friday @lllllll .. sadness ' @rigirml illigfaizimwlaz @rcl’aeetrc: PLUS A CQRPS 0F FAMOUS ENTERTAENERS Special Qollege Feeturee ill Wflh‘lfllfififi Master of fiereaeonies .W,Wm WW, . mnwwmm- tempera: m}. W. ‘ Wrawlmsrww we. x“ ill“ fly you was fife}; SL2. slash-cm, the cradle of Gowi', don't be surprised if your aged caddie silently passes you the ~~~~~~~ when you asked for your uuuuuuu Bonk: argue with his}! years osi‘seeing the has: of ’em come and go. flied don‘t feel insulaed if we sell? you some» thing about your Essie iii cigarettes? because we were rudders; them hefare you were hem. Willow ereetsggi W's: know, for instance, that when you any, “31 like wild cigarettes"-—you dog’s menu is: 12).: alt You reallymeon {dines he flashuowl} that: you lilac the full and free taste of good schemes. smooth enough to be. classed as mild, hes: not. so mild the: the figfi'flé‘ and mem gel: loss. isn't that so? “flies, you’d “rather have a , Chesterfield,” and the sooner the her. ‘3‘.