" Page Two " ARMOUR TEQH WE'WS .. ma . ; t' 9 ' WWW. ’ _ . a“: . - swi- ‘L- ' Alllidflill‘l Tnfllil NEWS 3 M... . .. my "Mooring” ‘ g @fififfi unfit . mill"; Ekilii‘ilo Student Publication of the .3: Egg? SigilESl giggle. 5: E? H. B. Scheidemmtel. ’29, flit-Bo “1...”: ' P ‘3 Emmy ' 5 Q {Wantinugd'lgl cw ” ARMOUR lNSTlTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cleave to “The Slipstick"; lot “—— .' part ofatlle lcccmufi;:;:::flcz CHIC AGO, iLLles u... Slapstick fly wheru it may. (Ed. Note: Because of the wide nrrcnunncc m“ transmit. ,créinary hoisting erg-g‘r‘c '15; Published Weekly During the College Year and - ‘ ‘ interest amonc Ar- maximum or is or the maltiédbchtycc p; . mcur students in the ”supering” p0» Letter to Letter—Box: sitions uvailablc “back of the scenes” At the “pep” meeting for the Ar— of the Chicago Civic Opera, the £01- A murdered man, ten miles away, in 18531 by Colonel Stevens. Will hardly shake your peace, C b k t 11 l The ‘5‘1'33 was W905i, as coal had my: , ’ ' ' - . . . mour rune as e ‘93 x game, 110— yet come into use in {but pat“ iii if a I-lommes 29 Like one red stain upon your hand, . Q, ._ . ¢ ‘ . ' . :. a . . """""""" 5‘3:de Farrell: '29 And a tortured child in a distant land lowmg conmbutmn by H‘ 11‘ “cm new V9” few 05 the “we” 1“ at“. commi- T0 65%:an 75:16am. tine ‘ ' demantel is published in the belief V'- ‘ ‘ . » .. t David T. Smith, ’30 Will never check one smile today, that it will be informative to those tondancc. ihls is not a very good wheels had no flanges, but two col» EDlTGRlAL STAFF Editor—in-Chief . Desk Editozm News Editor. ‘ _. u . j . indication of school spirit. Ears were built doom from fine our?“ Department Itdito .Charles E: Morns, ’33 Or bid $2: 12:53: cease “(ho have‘not hcd tile 131838311613 EKPG- I believe that the lunch room, fir and pressed against: the calls first}; ' Assistant .. .Wulter J. Lhrmcyer, ’BlJ It came along a little wire #19130? 03° supermg, as We“ as aptly Mary, and other rooms in the school the insaide. The original speed. at M. Social Editor ""JOlm E. Tawr‘mvan, ’30 Sunk in aldecp Sea. ’ descrip‘twe to those who are 01d should be closed during the time of maximum was six miles per hour, but Assistant .. J 1,.Vgrnggq3éliilugfh ‘29 It thins in the clubs {0 a little smoke friends 015 the opera Wars.) the meeting. I also believe that we the Pennsylvania Railroad: with - on] . ~ ’ 'v ‘ thletic Editor . y t ) . ’ . The 335‘? Of the Chicago CiViB 0!" should have u so—cajled {1 'ln s uad ti liter 'oints and col-fin ‘1' . 's" fissistant """"" ,Chester Stempkowskl, ’3; €320.23 on: lldcxfleZHit: ?;0t:§;n‘1:::' fire W (mi Company numbers 3500‘? 145! 0f to direct some of the studzntf toqour aisle to 3obtain greaptcr WEGESZGE::: Humor Editor """ A- 13' Auerbach, ,31 That (ind-mtg on andsme Whmh about 50 are principals, '70 are assembly hall. proximately ten miles per how: viii}: Feature Wri " oel M' Jacobson,' 29 V'l‘hc Diplflmats ‘ m the chorus, and about 25 are in Let’s get out about three or four this replica of the original ranging. Faculty Advisc Professor Walter Hondrlcks Each was honest after his way, EhengtZlet-h Son?) 03391335 (3:115 for a hundred rooters, and probably we m . " arenumerozpeoewoareto ' ‘ - no . BUSKNESS STAFF ’29 Lukcwarm in faith, and 01d; be soldiers, priests, of slaves. These Eggs; :3: iifgvzifi: 2:223:11: The lnqmt‘mg Rfififl'fiifl? Business Manager “Russell E. Johnson, Y And flood, to them, was only 2} word, ' supernumerai-ies, or wipers, as they spirit . Students 0f other culle es __ Assistant Thomas R- 0 Malleyl 1330 And the pomt of a phrase their only sword, are called, are recruited from this la i1; Armour have alwa s saidgto Quezition: D0 5'01: think flzafi tit-«e Advertising Manager. .,..Stanley A. Bca’tty, '30 And the cost of war, they reckoned 1t and other schools of the city. The gay “€¢thrc are all the floaters?” Armour Engineer should be issued Assistants..Morris 0. Nelson, :30 Wilbert B. D‘eermg‘i “30 In little disks of gold, , supcrs are supposed to be paid for Thcy are more sur rised when tho monthly instead of quarterly? Circulation Managc‘ John W. Gamble, Z9 ~l‘rom “wme Press,’ by Alfred Noyes. their services at the rate of two tick- find that the admiftance is free t: CliEm-d Rel-nine, ’29, E5. 2.: 3 Assistant. ......... John E. Barman. '23 A Scot named Maclntosh had an argument over his em for five performances. The tick- them don't think 50- It takes 313135 33138 Exchanges ..... D. R. Garen, 3 “11?. fare. .7" . “ etg are those that are left over from I suggest that we have, a home- to get the mafia-is} togethfr Whit}? ‘ ‘ '8 No 11 Do you know who I am. he said proudly, I am a the public sale. Since so few tickets coming game with the whole "chool $063 IMO the Engineer. L $318 8:9- Vol. 11. DECEMBER 6, 192 - Maclntosh.” remain unsold most of the supers are attonding‘ A purdde from the gc‘hool Itcrs were rushed, the articles would , . . , _ . . “I dont car’e It you re a new umbrella, I'll. have to never paid, Supering is, however, a to the Armory with’the band at the suffer. m . _WW” have my far” . ”F' ~ ~ pleasant occupation, and most of the head would show other schools that L' M‘me’a “a“ C' E" SEW“ “T319 11 . mu Anni W HUME: W URMUD .. m it ' ‘ ‘ Armour Engineer keeps the s‘fidcntu l 14' 51199135 are glad ’60 take “’13 lmowl- our school spirit is not entirely dor- infufinod about'envint ~ ,w_ l' ' l 0 BE “239““ “in“ m M- 35-" edge they gain of the opera in lieu mant. Edw 'd J” Stehn ’ :31. . 1 . is eennguari; go‘ OF FACT WAITING T Probably the most annoying noises in most cars would of pay. "d”; mg 0” ”ude d SChOOL ’3 “1'37 331‘ pomant point for a man desiring to 1 DISCOVERED BY INFERENbE be completely and permanently eliminated if the drivers Pleasant as it may be to hear all become an engineer. It also gives . ‘ . spouse to signals from somebody in #Woodrow Wllsm" were to clamp down upon the nut which is usually found opera from out in front, it is in some the wings or in the audience. Stars , on the front right hand seat. ~—Frcddie. respects much more interestin to .‘ ' ' room for «news thh is Of ‘9‘ type . . . “ ’“ *‘ . take part in one There is a. fasiin wait for then: cues at 12th entranCes WMCh cannot be used in the Armom: Th Strategic PQSEE'MDW 0% file ‘ ~ ' . ' - fl“ softly hummmg the arms they are Tech News. 9 _ Dumb: Gee, that’s 11 snappy plald tie. tlon in being 01" the stage dressed in about to sing. Their maids hover Ra! :3: Lake .32 E E . E th‘ri’ _ Engineer Dumber: Sure, but it chokes me. the queercst 0f costumes. For the near them with Wraps and boxes of » I ' ’ ' " & . “.22. _ , . t‘ b - f , . , . . better paper can be put our. If 15 ,. ‘ , t}; W5 a or Dumb: How come? Tight? lme only one orgets tiresome cal- make-up. 30mg few misguided su- issued marterl Thereis more "5*“ Recent discussion coming to light in .- e no. pfpth: Dumber: Yea, Scotch. —Tomthumb. culusproblcms, and the data gath— pets waste their time trying to be» and moq‘c limeyl‘mr a); Emigrfih 93.: regarding the present complemty and scllousness o _,, ,, m eyed m the phygics laboratory that come acquail'ited with the girls of the ‘ ‘ ‘ p ‘3 an ”E the magazine. ~ Thomas McCain, '32, E. Ed I think. that if they could put out a pups; unemployment problem gives the engineer umple justifi- cation for swelling with pride at the very Importunt po— sition he holds in the maze of present day economic con- Contributor Kenny remarks that because of his mar- refused With irritating stubborness ballet who condesceud to answer in vclous knowledge of mechanics and physics, he is able t9 yield the declred results. For the monosylables. Men from the props to say authoritatively that modern dancing is a lot of time being; one becomes a courtier in department 50ft and count small . ‘ . _ , ever m ill ‘h' h . ‘ e ‘5 dim“ “ ~ -, waist mom“, sumo 13mg: fmgotten court, or almost props into special boxes built for the gang; :2 i; {WEE-us}: “3,; First of all there is the Hoover plan to stobllue pTOS- a. it it servmg Idols of a civilization long them The wig man goes about with 3 ‘ . as 15 “‘1 0“ ’ L .~ w b t bl' hin a $300 000 000 reserve fund to crumbled ard buried in th d t - ' - Engm‘eer’ It would he mm “133% penty y csc l5 5; J. ’. f a ”caching Honesty, Etc. . . -' e 115 ~ his comb looking for stray locks to issuing it monthly be expended 101” PUth W01‘k m “mes ‘1; plht befule M. E41 want a file_ ‘ The stage ls much larger than one straighten. Supers are everywhere, A Amusfiue 4,9 p p E . 1% “ .. V. , . .,. , . F.“ -. ‘_ ,. ...... slackness m industly. ’lhls schtmc‘wcsN mug.1 ans 1) E. E: Do you want a stce! one? imagineduaud an‘ interesting place, constantly m we way. They are with all the engineer-ina- features the annual Conferencc of Governors at ew 1 e. ‘ 'y M. E: Now, I only want to borrow it. wlth all its trappings; rope-‘3 by the shoocd from place to place when which go into it the 33103:}: O, or]; Gov. Brewster 01' Mame, who was actlng as spokesman a: i a. hundreds, CUI'tamS. Mid galleries, and their curiosity to see all they possibly it involves is too great to have: 1 £5 for the president‘elcct- _ l h A 'ican pmf_ Gill: Give me the formula. for water. dozens 9f 112”; banks, all strum; can makes them a nuisance to those sued every month. > Then there IS the recent resolutlon o to in? . Frosh: I-I-I-J-K—L-M~N-0. around in an orderly dlSOTdK-fi". The who have much work to do. The cm A. 15. Wierzbomlfi, 232‘ Q E: {g Federation of Labor condemning .Lhe udyent 13:0 1“ 35-223; What??? audience never realizes the intense tire atmosphere back stage seems to the Engineer were issued mommy, t of any machines which wxll tend to minimize e nee . Well, you said the formula was H to 0. activity that goes on buck stage. A be one of high tension. There is so would seem more like a bigger Emil human labor. . ‘ . 1) “Freddie. crew 0f stage hands I? kept busy much work to be {30119: and so little better magazine, and compare mum A third point of Interest comes from Roger Ba son, ,, ,t is movnig things about, either setting time in which to do it that everybody favorably with monthlies £53,196: by 'W who reminds us of another solution for the unemploy- Some of the occupants of the senior tables in the lunch the stage for the wait act 01‘ remov» concerned with the production of the other colleges. ” mcnt problem, that of the creation of new industries. Almost simultaneously with the statement by Babson comes a report from England that large scale production of artificial cotton, superior to the American natural mom seem to be psucdo»seniors, or known in the good mgthe properties of the last act. An opera is usually under an intense R. Shaun, .39, Ch. £1: No. The old days as mere frosh. Ah, seniors, how you have fallen. assrstunt conductor peeps through a strain. A“ the audience secs is the Enoineer $961315 t0 be having clam? * ,k * hole in the scenery and relays the‘ opera proceeding smoothly, fault- of :rouble getting the amount: of was This naturally loads to that immortal verse that runs: movements Of the orchestra conduc— 195513” without unnecessary delays. terlul it llfis iii-git in the requiraifii product, has been begun, and Ibidsqfair to offer a much Hush, little senior, :3” t0. ’th chorus singing Off stage. Considering that this is the result or" time. If at were issued 130,15th needed field of labor for Britain 5 unemployed. But Don’t be so bold. tlectrlcmns stand before :3. huge the combined efforts of a large uum- there would be just that much more while it may relieve conditions on the Island, the threat— ened disturbance of the demand for American cotton is causing the southern growers and the New England mill owners, together with their employees, serious concern. Here is food for fought, if the engineering student is You're just a freshman switchboard pulling switches in re- (Continued on page 4) trouble. Four years old. $ * bl! Prof. Freud (trying to make ‘himSelf heard): Order, . l pleas I hungry f“ something to ponder. Th? prcSldent proposes Junioir Ch. E. (just waking up): Make mine ham ’vn‘ gugi“‘@‘% that the periods of depressmn be 'wxpcd out by the 'un- eggs. . m ééyfl “5 .- dcrtaking of great engineering projects during the other» >2, m w my: £9 “y «0 wise slack periods. A mechanical engineer develops a All our boyhood dreams crashed to pieces when Pro— ’ >£ «I? W33 .5, % machine which does the work of fifty men, and labor ‘ , q ‘h . . . . . A,“ _, . mg . y, ’ c . . g 1 . fessm ntevens m hls talk on railroads mentioned that m« “fitk can ilfimc klcks. A year later that very machine cnab es expan- the prcsident of the line did not start out as the office I sion of the industry so that 100 men can bc'employed boy. STAKE and JACK50N~£MQEB where fifty werc.necded bctorc, and labor smiles gratc- ,, y * Broadway and Fifth—Gary Marion and Lukewfifl: Earl; l A 'hcmical en lnecr discovers a recess whereby . Lilly. c g p Orrlngton and Church—Evansmn better cotton can be made item a weed, and a n'ew indus- try springs into being. The railroad, the automobile, the radio, and now the airplane, have all heaved with 'trc~ mendcus force against the tide of civilization to change Forget-Mc-Noc the course Of human progress. _ Not tokens of love from a shy maiden’s heart, In all these evolutionary, sometimes revolutionary, advances, the work of. the engineer has been foremost. For “YhiCh all youth does pine, Agbfifi“ AEE m wjgflafi: ng fiftmfi: a3: fifiifgfi afiiifi But messages bearing, “Lest we forget” The Deans’ Ofl‘ice reports that a number of wealthy families are anxious to engage senior chemicals to test their liquor. Sec Mu Kelly. s u n ‘1 He has in his power, more so than men of any other pm— Are these “valentines” of mine. a fession, forces which may disturb the economic balance ”RES. W&§M® REE of present day complex and very sensitive human rclz» ,, * ,, tions. He should be very well aware of his pccullar ad— I told hL‘l‘ there was a {001‘ in cvcry family and she vantage. asked me if I was an only child. ——C.R H m‘wfl * Vii gmpoyiwnce @f Dicir'on How is 'l‘roguitz getting along? >——--———- When I saw him last he didn’t have a coat on his back. Armour is not a trade school; it is an engineering col- Poor chap, where did you see him? \ lege of the first order, and as such, poor diction and cor- Swimming in the tank. . ‘ ' . , . s ‘ > " a _ 1 . , , rcct pionuncwtmn‘urc as essentlul to the students tdu . r v r. . . m £3ng $76533 gag: Wbflfi yfigfl fivfiffig hEyfi . cation as mathematics. The application of geometry and It is rumored that Professor Lclgh claims that lf all ' calculus is more necessary while in college than is good the golfer in the world were placed and to end they English, but when the graduate enters the business World would encircle the earth and there would be six liars left The new @votlconts hfive everytlzingl €432“ the relative importance of the two is reversed. Can you over. local university styling ~ - line isbrics lilac: imagine the division engineer of a railroad saying to his “l * r _ . '3 superiors, “This here is a idea I got of why it don’t Profit Late again. Have you ever done anything on fleeces” gua¥a¥tfia§i fig:- VJSfiE 2 - C§E~$Vlwltsii work"? Phrases involving errors similar to the ones in time? twe‘E—‘Cfigx and vlfifiiufifi, Elia?) 3H- €338 Vfilfie ‘W‘E the above sentence may be heard wherever the student Don Williams: SllTG—v—vl bought: a Ford. possibly could cram into them. ficncstly, is given an opportunity to recite. In a senior class l'fl' "‘ l " Wu). don’t believe fillerc’c all single tiring “39km cently, it became necessary for the professor to call the Speaking of signs, what does the one in our local ll~ clipped up can ‘3“) masks @559 {Gays cuistmild- attention of the students to their errors in an attempt to brary mean? » ' . ,. m r A ’ , ,1 . reduce them. A condition becomes serious when consld— ONLY LOW TALK PERMHTTED HERE mg' Them unduly 5.6ng flag story am fling oration is given by those who have no apparent interest —-C.R.H. price. in such “details.” * l‘ ’i’ The matter of proper pronunciation is a factor that During the Thanksgiving Recon must be given special attention. Words such as “appnrv Sou; Yes, Dad, I mu 2: big gun now at Armour. ntus," “economics.” “detail,” etc, which form a portion Dad: Well, then why don’t I hear some better re; of every engineer’s vocabulary are often taken as mat» ports? i tcr-of—l’act‘, and the correct or preferred pronunciation s‘ r "' 1». never investigated. It is highly probable that in effective Rather than remind you there are so many clays till speech, poor pronunciation does more to condemn the Christmas. or that you should break off with the girl Sgflfilusg. . speaker than good pronunciation would justify. This friend, lot. propound u puzzling question that has buf— “mm . merely indicates that although good pronunciation will [led us. Why s it that freight. that goes by ship is called not put 41. person in c. class by himself, it will keep him a cargo, and that which goes by car is called :1 shipment. out of an undesirable one. w—FI“. Why? will. F m wmim imsiwmhmmtmm ’