ARMGUR TECH NEWS Page litres his. hennady is ' cad Alter long illness Mr. J. P. Kennedy, who for the last fifteen years has been Instructor in charge of Armour’s Forge Shop, dicd August 29, at the age of fifty- six. He had been ill since November of last year, and during that time was back at the Institute only two days. Mr. Kennedy sought to regain his health this winter at the Sacred Heart Sanitarium in Milwaukee, but failed to meet with any improvement. He was buried Saturday, Sept. 1, at the Mt. Hope Cemetery. Pall— bearers were chosen from among his friends here at the Institue and were Messrs. Larsen, Peebles, Roesch, Mahler, Peterson, and Gatley. Mr. Kennedy is survived by his, wife and three children, a son and two daughters. News, Engineer, Alumni Assoc. Share New Ulfice The oflicial headquarters of the ARMOUR TECH NEWS will hence- forth be located in Chapin Hall, on the third floor at the second en- trance. There, in a flat leased for the purpose by the Institute, the NEWS will share office space with the Alumni Association and the Ar— mour Engineer. The former office of the Engineer, on the third floor at the first en— trance, is to be given over to the Department of Fire Protection Engi— neering for its headquartérs.‘ Pro- fessor J. B. Finnegan, head of that department, and Professor (3. P. Holmes, will make their offices there. The officewhich heretofore has been occupied by the Alumni Asso— ciation, that on the first floor, will be assigned to the library, which al— ,ready uses the rear section of the flat for the storage of its books. Those books which are only occasion- ally used for reference, as well as rare books no longer available for circulation, are to be stored in the sntiréfilat. Three More instructors Added to Tech Faculty (Continued from page 1) The two assistants of last year have both left Chicago. Miss Peggy Hefiernon was married on August 18 to Arthur W. Henry of the class of ’28 and is living in Dayton, Ohio. Miss Katherine Tiplady is now in charge of the library of Fort McKin- zie U. S. Veterans’ Hospital located at Sheridan, Wyoming. flies JOSEPH PATRICK KENNEDY lirhnn Fatally horned in Want Explosion (Continued from page 1, column 1) Brainard Avenue. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, Aug. 4, conducted by Dr. E. A. Thompson of the Congregational Church, of which he was a member. John Urban was born in Chicago, Sept. 18, 1905. In 1912 his family moved to La Grange; He attended the Lyons Township High Schoo there, and made a notable record in scholarship and other activities. He was art editor of the Tabulae, Lyons annual, and a member of their go‘lf team. At that time he took a cor— respondence course in cartooning, for which he showed much talent, and considered seriously making it his vo- cation, but decided instead to go to Armour to study chemical engineer— ing. His record at Armour is a brilliant one. Besides graduating with high- est honors in his department, he was president of his graduating class, art editor of the Engineer, contributor of many art plates to the 1926 and 1927 Cycles, president of the Armour Branch of the A. I. Ch. 13., and cap» tain of the Armour Tech golf team, which won the Western Intercolleg— iate Championship in. 1927. lln com sequence of his excellent work on the golf team, he was awarded a ma- jor lie ter. in the fall of 1926, he brought a distinct honor to the Ar— mour Institute when he achieved first place in the annual prize essay contest conducted by the American Chemical Society. After leaving Armour, he was sent to Buffalo in the employ of the Linde Air Products Co., a subsidiary firm to the Carbide and Carbon Co. He worked in the laboratories of that company for one month, after which he was transferred to Charleston to work in the efliciency department of the Carbide Company’s plant. Here he ran tests of different pieces of equipment, the tests running contin— uously in three eight-hour shifts, and frequently requiring several months for their completion. 0n the first day of January a seri- ous fire occurred, which partially de- stroyed the plant. Partly for their gallant efforts in extinguishing this fire, he and the two men who worked shifts with him were made assistant foremen. From that time on, he was responsible for the continued good operation of the plant during his shift. John Urban was a member of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fra— ternity, Phi Lambda Upsilon, honor- ary chemical fraternity, and Sphinx, honorary literary fraternity. integrates New Functioning Under Credit-Hour hysteria {Continued from page 1, column 3} ascertain whether or not be is as signing more wot}; than the program permits. This system may later be used to figure averages, thus giving the prop- er weight to the various subjects. Another object of the system is to enable officials of other colleges to compare the amount of work reigni- site for graduation at Armour Insti« tote with their own requirements. The problem of accrediting the work done by a student at another school is thus greatly simplified. Memory Exercise, Freshmen ARMOUR TECH FIGHT SflNG Fight team, fight hard for dear old Armour, We are the fighting Engineers; Raise up the Black and Yellow higher Safe for all the years. RAH! RAH! RAHE Fight team, fight hard for dear old Armour, Keep her honor pure; We’ll make her glory ever brighter. Fight on, and victory’s sure. 9,, Freshman Assembly 10:10 TUEEDA‘Y Sept. 18, 1928 All Freshmen and new students should be present. quest. 14?? West "Ffith Street neon Waroiol fluiltmnp Root The White Top Paroid Cap Sheet adds years of wear. it reflects the rays of the sun and seals in the waterproofing materials be— neath. Samples and, Specifications on re» gird as San, inc. Chicago, ill. reasonable prices. North End oi" @gclen Field is the if you carry your lunch, eat it there, at tables spe- cially provided for that purpose. if you do not carry your lumen, the cafeteria of- fers a Selection of choice foods, well cooked, and at Get into the habit of going to the Armour Tech Cafeteria for your noonwday meal? Student firehouse lthongh fiide allover {loaning getter @goien lacing