l l Page Four stats/iii nail. , hltilizliiii‘ii , iii/CCN Cit ,_ 35 CANCNEA’EEE Eight AreHEZeiiter Men oi i Last Year’s Squad ‘ Coach Krafi't sounded the call for his 1928 team, and some 35 men re- sponded, including 8 letter men of last year’s squad. Some of the new men look very well, so that we have hopes of another good ball team this year. Among the veterans back are Cap— tain Rossetti, who will start in his old place as short stop; King Simp- son, our demon pitcher; Edstrand, Gent, Jennings, and Reichle, all ma» jor letter men. Johnny Newstrom and Menge, who have received minor letters, are back in uniform. Yount and Vanderveer, who were with the squad last year, are again out domg their stuff. According to Bill Krafi‘t, the same “battle hymn” used last year will again be in force with an emphasis on the chorus “Say it with base hits.” This slogan may have been in part responsible for the record left by the team of last year: games won, 10; tied, 1; lost, 3. Nothing; sensational has yet been done in the way of prac» tice as the team did not get outside until last week, but the usual prelim— inaries, such as throwing the ball around, hithow, etc., have been tried out. For the first week, work must be taken a little easily to pre- vent sore arms and shoulders. Otto Kuehn has been in charge of the team most of the week since Krafl‘t is offi- ciating at the National Basketball Tournament at the U. of C. The pitchers and catcher have been work— ing out for some time in the gym, so they are in pretty fine shape and are raring to go. The first game will be with Crane College on Ogden Field, April .10. Many of our old rivals are booked again this year, and, in addi- tion, Luther College of Dccorah, Iowa, which has won the champiom ship of Iowa for the past five years. All home games will be played at 3:00 p m. on Ogden Field. Come out and support the games with a few cheers. Track ileum Bows To (Crane Tech, 527%? On March 28 the Track team had a triangular meet with Crane Tech and Chicago Normal at the Chicago Nor— mal gym. Crane won the meet with a score of 57; Armour was second. with 37; and Chicago Normal third, with 26. The meet was held in a long :i' row gym which permitted the , running- of a 50 yard dash. The run- ning track was 18 laps to the mile; and rather narrow, so .i full quailcr ‘ mile but a thieo lapl race instead. In thr. ielay each man}; run two laps, Normal winning, "with, Crane next, and Armour third. ini the shot put, Paul must have been: thinking of what he saw at Illinois i for lie heaved the indoor shot for al new school record of 43 ft. 9% in. ,l v. hich is even better than the outdoorl retord. Sturm ran a nice race inl winninrr the 50 yaid dash from a iastl field. in the mile, Captain veiwcrh although not ieel me well, easily won the event. was not 1 un GO yd. high hurdles~—-Navarro ((3.), Kraa (A), Baneert (ON) Brefford (Cl. 'l‘imc, 7.3. 60 yd. low hurdles vvvvv Navarro ((7.), iNehh (C), Breflord (C), Mohcn {C.N.). ‘1‘ime.’7.l. 50 yd. dosh-~Sturm (AW) Webb (C), Turner, (CNJ, 'lrncy (A). Time, 55 Mile-w—vlleiwert (A. L: ‘ierce (C) Time: Thompson ((7.), Payne (1A.). . 1.; igh juinp——l3iin;rert (0N) Mi— (1.. ‘3. Navarro (( ,, Biiiord Henri t 5 ft 9 in. ii: .ilI’ inilc-~«Robinsoi’i (C. N.) lim» ‘at the Chicago Riding Club. " has several ltcr, so Vern didn’t THE ARI‘YECUR NE "Will tilifiiii REC Uh ANN 1T9‘fifgdd coin anioys ii meal to Crhnna NACN On March 17, pcth in the University of Illinois the track team comv Relay Carnival at Urbana. Armour was entered in four events, but c0m~ peted in but three, the 2—mile relay: the mile relay, and the shot-put. Don Paul, our Sophomore husky, tried his stuff in the shot put, but the compe‘ 'tition was a bit keen, being around 46 feet and Don was doing nearer 40. The 2-mile relay was run in two heats, Armour placing fourth in their heat. Three teams broke the Car- nival record for this race. The men running in this race were lverson, Timmermans, Capt. Deiwert, and Payne. Coach Stagg timed Deiwert in his half at 2:03 which is better than the school record. Several of the team and their followers went down by auto. Fox and 'Yount, who paired with Deiwert and Iverson ran in the mile relay. In the eve— ning the team watched the Univer— sity and special events. Coming home, our men and the U. of Chicago team had a sleeper of their own, so the first part of the evening was spent in a towel fight. The sides were more or less mixed up. therefore neither school may claim a victory, although Paul and Payne claim it for their! side, basing their opinion on the num» ber of perfect shots made. The Relay Carnival is the largest indoor meet in the country. This year there were over seventy schools represented. Bob Hamlett, a. former letter man of A. I. T., ran with the U. of Illinois team, and also sent his greetings to the boys. Bob Ball and Doug Finlayson, former athletes of Armour, who are at present attend- ing school at the University, were al< so on hand to welcome our men. Doug: won a Fresh sweater for his work on the soccer team last fall. met-mans (A. ), lve‘rson (A), Good heart (C.N.). Time, 2:15 . 400 yds.—McGrew (0), Cohen (Q), Calkins ((3.), Fox (A.). Time, .55. 3 standing jumpszrifl'ord (C. l,‘ Skaer (A. ), Webb (C. ), Eichin (A.). Distance, 80 ft. 8 in. i l l Pole vault- iBanOQTQ (C.N.), Hol- den (C. ), Winl' lei (A), Eir‘Hin and.‘ lLdslrand (A.). Height, 10 ft. . Shot put—il’aul (A). Webb {or} Yount (A), Fribcrg ((3.). Distance} 43 it. 9% in. (new record). ‘ On March 30, V the (50 yd. ern Slurm ran in , dash of the Bankers’ Meet f He ran l third in the heat with Elder of Notrc 1 Dame and Gleason of Chicago Elder ’ times tied the world’sl record in the dash events this win- l'eel bad about‘ being eliniinnled BASEBALL ESCHEDULE l 928 April We Crane at Armour April 137771.. M. C. A. College ati Ainiour. Amil 18~Lulher College (Deco—l iah, la. ) at Aiinour April 20—7Armour at Chicago Nor» mal College. April 25 vvvvvv Lake Forest at Armour. l April 27VArmour at De Kalb. | May l——Opcn. l May 4 rrrrr Armour at Michigan State [College IL. Lansing, Mich. Ma} {iehAiioour at St. Mary’s, Or- ) chard Lake, Michigan. i May 8—».Armour at Lake Forest. i M lOWJDC Kalb at Armour. l Mn); 16 »»»»» Armour at Y. M. C. A. i (.ollrfie. l May ill—m 'orthirestern College of l Wzitertown, \A is. . at Armour. li’iziy 22~Open May 2km—Arniour at Luther coral), 1a.} l May lCollege, 'Watertown, Wis. Tlfi’ay EQ—rAlumni at Armour. {its}. ~~Armour at Northwestern ' l l l l Etta if WCNh Vl ith the return of four letter men from last years team the prospects for a successful season are very bright. It may be recalled at this time that our team has been beaten only once in three years competition. We hope that Coach Tibbals will again again crash through with one of his good teams. George Jennings, our severe south- paw captain, will again be head of the team. trying out a few 01' his canon‘oall drives. George is quite the. athlete, mixing up tennis and base— ball during the season, which is a rather tough mixture when one con- siders the schedules of the teams. The other veterans returning are Stellar, Langan, and Lamb, all men of two years’ standing on the team. Lang‘an is singing his swan song this year with the graduation exercises, but the other men are Juniors, so Tech will still have a team to work on next year. Several men new to the Armour supporters have report- ed to Coach Tibbals. If enough in~ terest is shown there may be an In— terclass meet. The season’s opener is slated for April 25 this year. The team has been working" out at Hamilton Courts l Troynitz gwieig * egg» Whiz ”leg? went to March Philadelphia in which he participated was the 200» yard breast stroke. There were six- teen men entered in this event, Trog— nitz placing sixth. The time made by the winner of this event was 2:39 7-10, while that made by the Armour representative was 2:47. on the asphalt, because ours are not yet in shape, but they will be taken care of as soon as the weather per- mits. Cal Johnson, managing the team this year, announces the follow- ing schedule. April ZB—Lake Forest at Armour. April 28—Loyola at Loyola. May l—Armour at Wheaten. May 4~—Detroit City College at Armour. May 8»—Armour at Lake Forest. May SL—Marquette at Armour. May 12~Louisville at Armour. May 15~-~Lo_vola at Armour. May Iii—Wheaten at Armour. May 21—Michigan State at East Lansing. May 22~Hillsdale College at Hills dale, Michigan. May Zia—Marquette at Milwaukee. flares fiat 2i . @N E E??? filfifgg ’E‘E [3%,wa 1 “Roller TrogZit: a sophomore . member of the Chemical Department, « Thursday, E 29th, where he was cntered‘. , in the National Intercollegiate Swim~ , ming Championship meet. The event: . on their scti 'ities. Among the team“ Swimmers Freddie to .Eiilfi Average The svimdng team, coached is]? E. W. MeGillvr-ay and mesa” god in: L. Britten, will finish their sea soon after Easter with a rate with “Y” Cofime. The mi have splashed their way tea {me ream ' ord, and will he in possession of a 500 average when the certain I ’ met were isotre Dame. Crane Junior College, Chicago Normal, and “‘5'” College. The men who have starred or this year’s team are: Trog‘nitz, in the breaststroke; Captain Brown, in fancy diving; and Dimmer, in ,. freestyle. The team is composed - the following: 40 yd. free style—"Brown and Moe Lain. 100 yd. free style-Dittmer and Marhoefeir. 220 yd. free stylFMarhoefer. 100 and 206) yd. breast stroke“. T‘og’nitz and Strauch. Back simkymlmer and Estates. Utility man-Edclnerney. ’ Relay team—Brown. Marhoefem McLain, Zfifimer. Mathematics PLANE GEC‘M "TRY REVIEW“ AL‘GEERA SOLID GEOMETHY PLANE TREGONOMETRY COLLEGE ALGEBRA APPLICATEONS CF TRlGONC-JETRY ANAl.iYTlCAL GEUMETRY DIFFERE i’i‘liAL AND SOUND. AND LEGHT LABORATORY E’HYSICS lNTEGRAL CALCULUS Physics ELECMR‘EC i .l \ MAGNE TlShl. ANMCCN iNWMNMTE CF @ECNNQhCCN 33rd and Federal Streets CHECACC, ihhiNflifi CGUREES Gt: iNSTRUCTlGN Chemistry GENERAL CHEMISTRY QUALITATXVE CHEMlSTRY SPEC lAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS {June 11 m July 20) ASSAYING Shop lili’orii 'l‘llRNlNG, CARPENTRY. AND PATTERN MAKlNG FORGING AND PEPE FlTTlNG FOUNDRY PRACTICE? MACHINE TOOL WORK Meal musics ENLIEVEi'mC i‘éECHANICS MECH.‘ 38$ 0). MALERLXLS AAD GRL§9H1LS Drawing and Elesign iiscnnmcan lERAWING ELEMENTARY anemic-E 133.5.me misr‘sierivn (monster RENE liléiTlCS Cl? A. ~ Games is MACH lifii‘i AhCHiT "‘ RAE. llf.‘ AWE . REM RENE AN? 1” CSEC :\ Engineering :- "iold ends 5ul y no YSEES other departments. ratifica- (Summsr Camp) a: treat Lake, \‘e’iscousin begins éiaea H, :998 and 32-315 course is required of all Civii Engineering student‘s Jamil m covers: to students at: awash)“; hm _