nior Prom will take place. *5 MW” l v éuhscriptiou l W'liy: Riot Re ' fiesdllue l a thartcr lirirlay g Subscriber? A. l. '73., CHICAGO, APREL 9, 1928 No. 3 Vol. 1. NNNNNN NNNNNNN NNoNNoN NNNNN - Non .NJNNNNN NNNN Coon House, Junior Prom, Class Rush, Are Week’s Features $1. MANY NEW AWARDS Plans for Junior Week have been preparation for the past few oeks and are rapidly nearing com- lotion under the direction of Wil- nm II. Berry, who was recently ectod by the Junior Class to act _ as Marshal. The dates have been definitely decided upon as May 14 to lilay 19, the lattez day, Saturday, erry has chosen his assistant rsha’ls to help him conduct the heduled events in proper order. be five men who will serve in this pacity are Gedelman, Manz, Peter— son, Brown, and Williams, while Charles Lamb, the Junior Class Presi- dent, will be an honorary member "the committee. A tentative schedule has been drawn up, and in all likelihood very few alterations will be made upon All the details of the program, Wever, have not as yet been ironed out. The tentative plan calls for Open ' House Night, on the evening of the 14th, to inaugurate the week’s pro- cee‘dings. All the shops and labora— toric's will be in operation and open for inspection at that time, while friends of the Institute from all over the city come to see what the school 1.: doing. Tuesday evening will probably be set aside for the Junior banquet. Though no hall has as yet been chosen, the committee states that because of the large surplus in the class treasury, a very elaborate ban~ quot will be run at a Very nominal cost to the guests. The present Ju- nior class has the largest surplus in its treasury of any class ever yet at the Institute. The Home Concert and Fraternity Sing, sponsored by the musical clubs, will in all probability be held Wednesday evening, May 16th. The usual procedure of having the Glee Club, band. and orchestra, each give a series of numbers will again be followed. The program for Thursday is not yet decided upon, though to all in— dications the Varsity baseball team will stage an exhibition game, either with the alumni or with a visiting" team. Friday no classes will be held, while athletic meets of various na— ture will be scheduled for that day Friday evening, of course, the Ju— Walter (Continued on page 2, column 3) Second Issue of News is Scheduled For April 20 The next issue of the ARMOUR NEWS will be. published on April 20. Thereafter, the NEWS will appear at more or less regular intervals of two weeks. Though no definite dates of publication have been decided up— on, they will probably be as follows: April 20, May 4, May 14 (Monday of Junior Week), May 25. Many positions will be filled as soon as a candidate shows himself capable and willing to carry out the necessary duties which will be re— quired of him. There is, however, room for more men to work on the stuff. Freshmen and Sophomores are just as eligible as Juniors or Seniors. A staff meeting- will be held tomor~ row afternoon at 4:45 p. m. in the Physics Lecture room. RRRRWRRS l‘R “ll-RR deR‘RllR RRWR” The establishment of this student newspaper is just another significant illustration of the spirit of progress at Armour. my earnest Wish that its standards will be in keeping with that of our other publications, of which we are so proud. Whether 1 or not there are enough happenings of note to furnish material for l a weekly newspaper is the problem before us, and if the supply justifies the effort of publication, then all honor to the Board of Editors Who have the success of this venture at heart. To print a worthy and inteiesting news sheet commensurate with the standards to which we are accustomed is a responsible undertaking, and I Wish here to assure the members of the staff that they shall have the heartiest cooperation of the authorities of the Institute in this new but justifiable student enterprise I shall keep a copy of this' issue in the archives of the lnsti» tutc along with our prized first editions of Institute publications. My best wishes to “The Armour News.’ loyal support of the student body and be as good as the best. HOWARD M. RAYMOND, President of the Armour institute of Technology. It is May it have the loitiotious, Rlcdgcu ‘ lilorli .llrhluit ins oi Murry lirutcrualics Many of the fraternities, both the social and the honorary, have been busy of late in pledging and initial» ing new men into their ranks. Ro— ports have come from many of the houses and a list is here given of the names of several of the men, though the following is by no means a com» plete list. Further information will probably be available next issue. PLEDGES Rota: 9,339? c. . W. C. Brch W. B. Deering Harvey Goranson H. W. Mullins R. H. Stevenson Triangle Fred Rasmussen Gene Westenberg William Bliss Sigma. Kappa Delta: Richard Eddy Ralph Timmerman Harold Troy Tau Beta Pi (Honorary Engineeiing) L. F Bernhard C. H. Christianson John Homincs . M. Horn H. Jucrgensen R. Lutz J. Stabovitz C. Theede Kappa N11 (Honorary Electrical) H. Dozois S. Ewing H. Juergensen C. Meyer A. Peterson mos i’fi » ssszsins l .by Salamander (Honorary Fire Protect.) I Haivey E. Goranson John Hommes lNITlATIONS Phi Pi Phi Sullivan Robin 'Winkler Rho Deltas Rho l. M. Berger (Continued in next column) Midnficmcster “Valentines” Ready for Distribution Flunk notices will be given out Wednesday, April 11, from the Dean’s office. Students must make request for them there if they have thef‘slightest suspicion that they are entitled to one of the illareputcd “valentines,” The office very con» siderntely withheld them until after the Easter holidays as it was thought such a policy would prevent much profanity. JUNHORS TO RUN RDlLER 'll'ES’ll' Today the Junior Electricals will don their overalls and proceed to find the overall efficiency of the new Las- ker boiler installed at the Institute. Every pound of cool that is fed] into the boiler must be weighed, as well as the water and ash. Gauges, ther~ mometers, scale readings, draft indi~ cators, and the flue gas analysis all contribute to the share of fun. From the cleaning of the ash pit to the taking of readings near the top of the boiler, where the temperature hovers in the vicinity of 150 degrees Fahreinheit, the job will be handled st will be run lve hours, thus giving- all a chance to indulge in the balmy atmosphere of the boiler room. M. B05 shes L. Fidelman II. Kaynor M. Moskovitz Chi Emilio“ (Honorary Ci vii) H. Nisse C. H. Christiansen G. Montgomery R. Stellar fiCi-liIBCl... CALENDAR Monday, April 9~-First of “Armour News" a 13 p e a 1‘ s Sphinx Smoker at Sigma Kappa Delta House, 7:30 p. 111. Tuesday, April It) — Baseball: Crane at Armour. “Armour News” Staff" meeting in Physics Lecture Room at 4:45 p. 111 Thursday, April lZM—Engineering Societies meet at 11:30 a. 111. Friday, April 13-—Baseball: Y. M. C. A. College at Armour. Rho Delta Rho Informal at the Belmont. Deadline on Subscriptions. Tuesday, April "We match of Rifle Club at Regimen» tal Armory. Wednesday, April ifi—Baseball: Luther College at Armour. Thursday, April ia—-—Senior and Junior E .E. and M. E. lnspeo tion Trip to Milwaukee. Smoker, Armour Branch, A. l. E. E, at Milwaukee. Friday, April 20-—Second Issue of the ”Armour News" given out. Beta Psi House Dance. Wednesday, April RfiwBosebull: Lake Forest at Armour. W. S. E. Smoker at the Delta Tau Delta House. Friday, April 2?-—Houorary l1 ra~ tornity Dance at the Alleiton issue “Armour News" Club. l l l l ‘ We are too apt to be pessimistic re» ‘garding a new undertaking. idea, may you continue lo think, plan, ‘ tic over the enterprise. ,hopes for the ARMOUR NE“ S," lie ‘Hnntley feared that it would expert ‘ skeptical many very encouraging statements ,mcr is a wholeheartsd supporter of ‘ the project. i called an optimist," he remarked. “if ll can be so classed, I am thankful. Rucully lllcrnllcro Enthusiastic Rust illness) Publication The establishment of this news- paper at Armour seems to have met with satisfaction and approval on the part of the faculty, if the opinions of a few of. their leaders can be taken as representative of the whole group. Ever since rumors regarding the new publication were voiced around, vari- ous comments, for the most part very favorable, have been overheard from the faculty. The Faculty Club Rooms have who-“en the nccnc for a lau- go no: of the discussion which the movement excited among the professors. When specifically interviewed, were received from them. Dean Pal— “Some days ago I was Let all give encouragement to backers of the new venture. To you to Whom we are indebted for the inception of the dream, and. have {11.01 in your dreams, for out of dreams grow great things. May the ultimate fruition be succ s that will be measured by the be'iefits it coul'ers.‘ Dean Penn was equaiiv enthusias~ l have great was quoted as saying, “and 11m pain. ‘Liculariy in favor of the type of mainl agomcnt which is to be used. Any— one in the school who is interested is eligible to :1 position on the staff. This afi‘ords 11 splendid opportunity for underclassmen to gain public» tion experience." The Mech. Lab. profesors did notl quite agree with each other as to the ‘ feasibility of the undertaking. Prof. once financial difficulty, and was also about the availability of (Continued on page 3, column 4) Armour Eronch of W. 5. E. Announces Spring Smoke: The 111111qu Spring Smoker or“ the Armour Branch of the Western So— ciety of Engineers will be held on the evening of April 25th, at the Delta Tau Delta house. An assess— , l merit of twenty-five cents Will bsl . made upon the members to Gov e1 thel ‘ EXpE‘RS‘CS 0f 3 with :1 few surprise numbers has been the usual smokes andl refreshments. A special pr0::raixi l Narranged by the committee in charge; of the details. , newspaper since Willi? RilRlll lliil‘lil’lil [ill ARRRRJR TREE-i MARRR l’l‘R RR Rll'l‘ “News” to Become a V11 eekiy ll‘lent Semester PROF. HENDRICKS ABVESER This issue of the ARMOUR NEWS represents the climax: of a long oer. ies of plans and attempts to found a newspaper at the Armour Institute of Technology. The present sheet is the first of five which are to be pre- sented to the student body this so— mester as an experiment to demon- strate, both to the executive council and faculty, and to the students of the Institute, that a newspaper is not only a desirable, but also a possible feature of the student life at this college. The first definite action taken on this project was at the beginning of this semester, when a committee ap— pointed by Sphinx and composed of Walter J. Zenner, Frederick l). Payne, and Elmer B. Kapke, solicited rough bids from various printers in the city for the purpose of enabling them to draw up :1 tentative financial schedule upon which to operate the new publication. With the bids once in. hand, calculation was made to de- termine the number of issues that could be published» and the subscrip- tion rate.which would have to be charged in order to make the paper financially independent right from the very start. It was then decided that five issues at a subscription cost 1 of 351: could he made“ to 1:33;" ' Petition to Executive Council Once assured of the financial pos- sibility of the undertaking, Sphinx petitioned the Executive Council of the Armour Institute for permission to establish the new publication. In this. petition it guaranteed to under— write the first issue, or in other words, be responsible for any finan» cial loss which may be incurred in the venture. The Council, which is composed of the President, the Deans, nd the heads of the departments, decided, after much discussion both pro and con, to give the petition a favorable answer, and allow the students to proceed in giving he matter a tryx out. The result oi that try~out is this present sheet. The proposal, when made to the students, met with a. great deal of enthusiasm, and in a short while the subscriptions began pouring in. Many volunteers were also obtained for work on the editorial and business de- partments of the new publication. A meeting: of such volunteers was held and tentative assignments made- to reporters of news items which tiiev were to “cover" and Write up. Al‘- though considerable difiiculty was ex~ (Continued on page 3. column 5} Dr. Raymond Tolees First Tow) Nero's Subscriptions. Dr. Howard M. Raymond. )res» idem of the Armour Ins auto, was the first to subscribe to the ARMOUR NEWS. At the iiime when he ‘;8\€* the committee of Sphinx the odioial permission of the E). crutiie Council to proceed with the launching of, the no“ publication he placed 5?. 50 into the hands of Elmer B. Ks 1e. and 1cquested that he be permizxd to lime the first two Copies (12:15 come 01* the press. Froi‘eSsor Walter l\ {lief 1g: fostered Elem: the ideal c‘ his to to hr- nionr was was... ago. mill ri‘x‘rnn the third cop}.